Questions about monetarily qualifying for unemployment insurance benefits are usually confined to the beginning of the unemploymen t process on every new unemployment claim filed. The monetary determination establishes a claim’s ..
- Benefit Year Beginning (BYB)
- Benefit Year End (BYE)
- Base Period (BP) and Covered Wages
- Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA)
- Any Other Income You May Receive as Being Subject to a Deducted from your WBA
- Employers To Be Charged For Benefits if You Collect
Uh-oh .. or as they say, therein lies the rub.
An initial monetary determination can and should be appealed if you think it is incorrect to short, or if you ask me, pay more in weekly unemployment benefit, than your earned high quarter qualifying wages allow for.
But, the monetary, is not the determination that finds you eligible to receive unemployment benefits. Eligibility determinations to allow, or deny benefits, come next, after a cursory (based on the available information) investigation into the cause for unemployment, aka your non-monetary separation issue.
However, Benefit Accuracy Measurements (BAM) indicate that monetary determination errors are commonly made by state UI agencies. Some might say alarmingly often, depending on the state and the year, of course. So appeal monetary qualifying determinations, when you think it’s necessary.
Note: If your monetary concern is an overpayment determination for benefits paid years ago, I’d appeal it to save my appeal rights .. and then try to figure out what might of went wrong and gather evidence while I waited for the hearing notice. Also, overpayment amounts can be inflated and subject to potentially being reduced if they include benefits paid before a non-monetary eligibility issue with your claim arose.
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If i get laid off at age 72 can I draw unemployment?
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Can I appeal a lesser monetary amount than expected on personal monetary suffering?
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New Work is as an independent contractor being anInvestment advisor Not rated yet
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two different states Not rated yet
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18 Month Deadline Not rated yet
I was laid off from my job about 15 months ago and I did not file for unemployment until July of this year but the unemployment office is now saying that …
The Edd made a mistake and I got paid extra 30 days! Not rated yet
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In CA I am on my last extension for unemployment. I started drawing social security (I am 63) to pay the rent. Can I still draw unemployment? Not rated yet
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Help me understand what good cause is and how you prove it. Not rated yet
Good Cause for quitting. Lack of good cause for being fired. I write this term a lot. It’s included in a lot of searches for unemployment answers. …
IsTthere Partial Unemployment Benefits in Florida? Not rated yet
How does the partial unemployment work in Florida? Hi, Yes, of course a person can collect Florida partial unemployment as long as they are partially …
Can I appeal the law determining how unemployment amounts are reached? Not rated yet
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I’m not receiving as much in unemployment benefits as I thought I was entitled to. How can I appeal? Not rated yet
I’m from NJ. I worked for the ***** Casino for 26 years as a cocktail waitress. When closure was imminent, Unemployment held seminars and helped us thru …
laid off from full time job still have part time can you collect unemployment in florida? Not rated yet
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I need a statement for the unemployment benefits I have received in Ohio for the last two months Not rated yet
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Freelance designer and no work since Sept. 08. Can she apply for unemployment? Not rated yet
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Am I Monetarily ineligible for unemployment in New Jersey? Not rated yet
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Unemployment Benefits when the company closes for a week at a time? Not rated yet
Can you collect benefits in florida when the company plans to voluntarily shut down for one week each quarter? Hi Ron, I’ll tell you what I think …
What state should we file for unemployment in? Not rated yet
What state should we file for unemployment in? My husband just retired from the military. We are currently in Maryland but will be moving in with …
I live in Texas and i have been off a company pay roll (AT&T) for 8 year .Could i possily be eligible? . Not rated yet
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When to report vacation pay to the unemployment department? Not rated yet
I was fired on a Monday, finally got hold of a claim specialist two weeks later gave her all my information needed. She then asked me if I received vacation …
How do I transfer my unemployment claim to another state. Not rated yet
Yes I was wondering would I still be eligible for my benefits if I moved to a different state, saying from South Carolina to Florida. I want to transfer …
working in 2 states Not rated yet
I worked for one company in the state of Florida and Tennessee since 10-04 to 02-09 and was permanently laid off. What do I need to do to collect unemployment? …
Can I get Ohio partial unemployment when hours are reduced. Not rated yet
I’ve been working at a hotel for over a year. At the time I was hired, they were desperate to fill cook positions and I took the job because of the hourly …
Can I draw unemployment if I go out on a leave to have a baby? – Alabama Not rated yet
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Can ex-military servicemembers get unemployment more than one time? Not rated yet
After getting off Active Duty Military Service, I got unemployment benefits for six months. My reserve unit was activated in 2007, and my active duty orders …