At some point after the recession of 2008 ended, I realized I should of been categorizing the Qs, or at least the As by unemployment benefit eligibility issues affecting a person’s right to collect unemployment as well as how to win an unemployment hearing .. so I began with some basic categories and added close to two thousand more Q&As.
Unemployment Eligibility Questions and Answers
Voluntary Quitting Questions about quitting | Work MisconductQuestion about being fired | Suitable WorkQuestions about Suitable work Questions about UI and Working for a Temp Staffing Agency |
Able and AvailableQuestions About Unemployment benefits and School, or training | Monetary QualifyingQuestions about monetarily qualifying | Unemployment AppealsQuestions about unemployment appeals |
Questions by State
General Unemployment Questions About Receiving Benefits
Here’s Some Unemployment Questions That May Have Just the Answer You’re Looking For.
Can I file for unemployment after being on FMLA for pregnancy and then having to resign?
I WAS an over the road truck driver & I have been unemployed since 12/28/11. I went on FMLA for pregnancy and came home to have my son. Since leave was …
Which state should pay me unemployment benefits?
I live in Maryland, work in Washington, DC and paid by a company in Virginia. I recently got laid off and I need to know which state is responsible for …
Appeals Tribunal Date next week
I went on an APPROVED personal leave of absence in August. I am now a victim of circumstance. I went on leave to care for my kids and find a new caregiver …
KY- Employer says I vouluntarliy quit, I did not! Now an appeal…
Hi Chris, I wanted to see if you could offer any information for my unemployment appeal hearing coming up soon. I took the job earlier this year …
Denied Unemployment for the state of AL – Misconduct
I just received notice that my unemployment has been denied for “misconduct” (section 25-4-78(3)a) I had been employed with the company for 2 1/2 years …
FL – Unemployment compensation after getting arrested
When originally filing for unemployment benefits, I found this question nearly impossible to get an answer to: Can I collect unemployment benefits if I …
Working on-call and getting ui benefits
I wanted to know what can I do without messing up my ui benefits. I provide non profit fundraising ideas to clients now for about 3 wks. But I got offered another position …
Laid off before receiving termination letter? Can I collect in california?
I had a very minor accident in which i failed to set my parking brake and vehicle rolled twelve feet before bumping a fence with no damage to either, …
New owners. Not hired back. Do I put old owners name?
I worked at a restaurant in Washington. It was owned by a big company. New company bought the restaurant. I was not hired back at new company. When …
Was on Disability then Unemployment but put on Re-hire list for County
I worked as a Secretary II at a County job for 3 years before I went out on disability for my hips) I had always gotten along with my boss and I never …
Where should you file for unemployment if you are a telecommuter?
I worked for a company, as a W-2 consultant, from June 2011 until the end of December 2011 when the assignment ended for the client I was working on. …
I quit my job to start my own business.
My name is Alvin and I’ve been working at the same company in Louisiana for nearly ten years.I decided to start my own business,so I gave a two week notice …
Employer appealing decision of eligibility
Hello, I was brought into the office during the middle of my work shift one night and reprimanded. My boss, at the time stated that I was being written …
Put in a job position I was not capable of
I have been working as a Delivery Representative for a major propane company in California for the past 3 years. I began to experience back pain that eventually …
Found a new job but won’t start for another month
I’ve been collecting unemployment benefits for a little over a month and a half after the business I was working for closed. I just recently got accepted …
Federal Emergency Benefits if Denied regular UI
I was fired from my job in September in Colorado without warning on very sketchy reasons. I was initially awarded benefits because the employer did not …
What are my chances?
California i was working part time at a home health agency that required me to have my own car. i was also had another part-time job. i was told by the …
web store and unemployment
i have been unemployed for over 2 years after being employed full time for 13 years and going on forth extension in califonia, so here is my question, …
What does “IS” mean on check status?
Hi I live in Nevada and was wondering what “IS” mean on check status online? It went from DQ to IS ? I believe it means issued or issues ? …

Ok here’s my question ? My first determination said I was denied because of attendance, but I only worked their 3 months, they got rid of me before that …
Will I get unemployment back pay in Kansas since my employer didn’t show for the hearing?
I was fired in June, denied unemployment. I filed for an appeal and just had my trial today. My employer did not show up for the telephone hearing. I have …
Worked 1 week, then let go . . Unemployment benefits terminated?
I have been receiving unemployment since April of 2011. I was offered a position in November that I accepted, worked one week, and then was terminated …
I was fired for Misconduct on a job that I was being trained on . . .
I worked for a chemical company from March-Jun. Having never worked in a chemical company before I had to be trained on every aspect of this job. I was …
Preschool changed it’s hours!
My 1 yr old sons preschool changed it’s hrs from 6am – 12am to 6am – 7pm. My employer would not allow me to change my availability with the company and …
Please Help my claim is still in HD which means pending
I had my unemployment telephone interview on 11/15/11 with an Adjudicator , and she didn’t say I’ll receive benefits either way, she just said you’ll receieve …
Does Your State’s Unemployment Department Do Their Job Well?
Do You Think Your State’s Unemployment Department Does A Good Job? Are they working to the best of their ability? I’m asking for honest opinions …
Was a Profanity Statement my “You are fired”?
I had to go to our freight room to look for something for another one our stores. There was a co-worker there looking for some merchandise for his archery …
Unemployment backpay !
Will I get backpay for my 7 week penalty? My question is quite simple … I’ve been searching all over the internet & I have not come up with a answer …
Will I be able to collect unemployment for attendance in NC (attendance policy was changed)?
My situation takes a lot of dips and dives, so bear with me. I just got fired from a call center job that paid hourly. I was terminated due to attendance. …
Should I appeal the Commission’s decision to my state court?
Background: I was bullied, intimidated, constantly criticized by my supervisor off and on for 7 months at my small office (< 6 employees) resulting in …
I want to know if I will get or be denied Kentucky unemployment benefits
I want to know if I will get or be denied Kentucky unemployment benefits I am from Kentucky. About two and a half weeks ago I slipped in my home …
promoted only to be demoted
I was promoted only to be demoted. In July I accepted a position as a Team Lead for the company I worked for. It was a part time position in the …
Fired for poor work performance after filing a complaint of harassment with HR
I was fired after working for a company for 10 years. I’ve always gotten great reviews until shortly before I was fired. After the job I did for 8 years …
Terminated for Unsatisfactory Performance – CA
I am on a final warning for unsatisfactory work performance. In speaking with my boss I am going to be terminated this month for it and there is really …
Can I collect unemployment if fired for attendance to to medical reasons?
I have been at my job for about 11 months. I have been having medical issues that make it hard to go to work especially in the morning. I did not qualify …
Unemployment benefits after wrongful termination suit….
So, my mentor Chris. I have another scenario to pick your brain with. First, let me reiterate some of our history together although you may remember me …
Employer Appealing My Unemployement Benefits in Colorado, was laid off from my full time job
In May of 2010 my company laid me off of my job, stating they were restructuring my department. They also encouraged us to apply for different positions …
I won my initial UI claim as well as the lower level appeal.Now my former employer has appealed to the board.Will this go in my favor once again?
My name is Nicole I live in Maryland and I asked a question September 2,2011 around 5:15 am.Sorry but while rushing I out in the wrong email address it …
I won my initial UI claim as well as the lower level appeal.Now my former employer has appealed to the board.Will this go in my favor once again?
I won my initial unemployment claim as well as the lower level Maryland unemployment appeal hearing. Now my former employer has appealed to the board. …
Denial period for private school in MI
I’d like your opinion on the school denial period issue. I changed career paths late last year and took a job as a teaching assistant in a private school. …
I need HELP!!!
Ok so I am in florida and i just got on unemployment but i havent recieved any payments yet. when i would check the status of my claim it said no payments …
In WI can you receive unemployment if you open an LLC?
I currently receive unemployment from Wisconsin and have not been able to find a job. I’m thinking of starting an LLC with my husband who is also out of …
Illinois-Terminated on final warning of tardiness due to storm…
I was terminated on 7.15.11 due to tardiness. At the time I was 7.5 months pregnant and had been previously warned due to other child care issues. However …
Harrased/ pending to be terminated while pregnant ??
Long story short. I am employed by a large worlwide AAA company in Florida, whose main products are payroll services and other employers benefits. …
Freelance jobs
I worked from Dec. 2009 until August 2010 for a company that I made enough money to qualify for unemployment. It was a TV show and the season ended. …
Do I have to accept 1 hour a day employment when I used to work full time? Is this Suitable Work?
I was employed full time (@ 7 am – 3 pm / 5 days a week). My position was furloughed, and I applied for unemployment compensation. I just received a …
Recieving partial unemployement and leaving a part-time job
While I was out on unpaid “baby bonding” I got information that my company was going out of business. In a panic I accepted a part time job. I filed the …
California UI after SDI is exhausted
I am at 50 weeks of SDI benefits used following rotator cuff surgery. I will be seeing my doctor in two weeks and feel I am ready to go back to work. …
Fired in California due to lunch break violations
My ex-employer had a policy of getting points for working more than 5 hours without taking a 30 minute lunch break. The company had a limit of 8 points …
Hostility with coworker
I was recently fired from my job of four years by the new owners of my place of employment in New Mexico. The immediate cause was an email I had written …
Fired for putting in advanced notice of quitting.
I work in Nevada, and have had my current job for ~18 months. I’ve been offered an apprenticeship in a trade school, but I won’t start for at least another …
Fired for Poor Performance
I live in Ga and was wondering if I could collect unemployment if I was fired for poor job performance. The company said that I did not fulfill my job …
My mother was fired for aggravating her boss,
Hey Thanks in advance for any advice you have on this situation. It involves my mother who worked for an irrigation company as their secretary for 6years. …
how to report part time temp work?
Hello, I have been claiming FL UE for 10 months, I can’t believe this economy. I still have some benefits available. I have accepted a part time …
Will I be able to collect Illinois Unemployment Benefits if I refuse an offer of work?
Will I be able to collect Illinois Unemployment Benefits if I refuse an offer of work? The mortgage broker where I’ve worked for the past 8 yrs is …
Terminated on medical leave, employer saying I quit
I live in New Jersey. I was with my employer for 5 years. I had no history of any wrong doing, was employee of the month and also sent to Florida many …
Very unusual situation with overpaid benefits
The industry I have worked in for the last 30 years collapsed and I found myself at 58 collecting unemployment for the first time in my life in 2009. …
Quit for Good Cause- Verbal Harrassment
I live in New Jersey and working in a hospital working for the FInance Dept. I was there for 2.5 yrs and worked my self up to the senior lead of my department. …
Filed Continued Claim form late, now I have a telephone interview
Filed Continued Claim form late, now I have a telephone interview I just received a notice that I have a telephone interview that I filed my continued …
Terminated for Misconduct
I was out of work for 3 days the reason being my son who is 14 was injured at his soccer game where a cleat bruised the side of the face swelled and bruised …
Receiving UI in NJ, took job for 1 day but it wasn’t a good fit for either of us.
I’m in Tier 1. When I originally filed my claim in May 2010 we were told NOT to mail in the card stating we were reemployed until we had been in the job …
Really weird situation regarding two temp staffing agencies
Hello, I work in Pennsylvania for a company that hires all of their employees through a staffing agency. I have been on what they like to call an “indefinite” …
Part time work and unemployment
Can I still collect unemployment benefits from New York State and get a part time job in New Jersey where I live???? That would depend on your part-time …
Denied UC because of unusual circumstances
Denied UC because of unusual circumstances Hi, I have been denied UC based on a questionaire that was mailed out to me December 21st, 2010 and was …
My former employer lied and started getting very upset during the telephone hearing
Anthony (Michigan) Hello, I thought I would share my experience with …
In nj if you lose your appeal can you still try and claim benifits at a later time
I was terminated for misconduct in November. The reason was excessive Internet usage and texting. I had been written up for it in October. Internet usage …
Fired/Excused/Let Go
I worked for my employer for 8 months total. I was hired to do secretarial work and to transcribe reports. After I was hired, I came to find out the job …
Did I have a chance of winning my unemployment hearing if i was falsely accused of neglect
Did I have a chance of winning my unemployment hearing if i was falsely accused of neglect? The staff wrote false statements blaming me for neglect. …
Being forced to resign after asking for accommodations.
I have worked for a company xyz for 14 months in a salary position. They have a very relaxed structure people are able to flex time as needed for shopping, …
Graduated, then received unemployment, now I have to pay it back?
Hi. I attended and worked at a university, graduated, and found a seasonal job. Upon completion of this job, I applied for unemployment benefits, and between …
My boss was fired then he told me I was next and I was for misconduct
The company I worked for hired ew managemnt and the new management wanted me fired. The laid off all the old manages and then when they fired my manager …
How do I defend myself against employers claim of misconduct.
How do I defend myself against employers claim of misconduct. I am a truck driver fired because somebody called in and said I was weaving in and out …
DS v. Goliath…How good can triumph over evil
Hello All, I am writing this because I won my unemployment appeal after quitting my job. It’s not impossible and you can do it too. It just takes some …
Unusual circumstances
My wife was offered a new job, 36 hours before she was suppose to start her job, the company rescinded their offer, stating, b/c she didn’t check ONE box …
Do I have to accept part time employment
I am collecting unemployment benefits and looking for full time work every week, My local worksource office is directing me to apply for a part time job …
call back to work FOR LESS MONEY & NO BENIFITS
I worked for a company for fifteen years.Over the years with raises i made 18.00 & benifits. The company laid me off. Icollected for over a year. the …
Is This A Hostile work environment?
I’ve worked for Wal-Mart for almost 2 years, quickly moving up in my department. I worked in the bakery and started as a bread packager and ended with …
Denied in PA after FMLA leave and dr. not authorizing return to full duty
My husband had a back injury for which he was placed on FMLA with a dr. excuse. He gave the 1st excuse to his employer in May. He later spoke to his …
If you are denied benefits for “Willfull Misconduct” is it hard to fight?
A family friend who has worked for a company for over 20 years (taking care of the elderly and disabled)in New Jersey with minimal absences, she covers …
Employers proof of misconduct.
I was fired from my job three months ago. I was told it was due to misconduct. My employer is accusing me of purposefully deleting voicemails in order …
Extensions….I know this is not your favorites area….lol
I have received almost 6 months of benefits now. I am due to receive one more check under my initial claim. I am wondering if people are still getting …
can i ask for a copy of the response filed with unemployment by my employer?
Can i get a copy of what my employer sent to unemployment? I was collecting unemployment until my claim ran almost a year and a half later NJ is …
When a outside agency causes a hardship that leaves a indivdual destitute to the point that it causes the individual to be unable to get to work.
Outside agencies effect on low wage individuals. I assume this is a suggestion for a discussion? Care to narrow it to a specific governmental …
I was sexually harassed and quit my job. Can I recieve unemployment?
I started working for a 3rd party marketing firm. I was the only female in an office of 7 people. My job requires traveling for about a week at a time …
Harrasment and HR not doing anything
About 2 months ago I “voluntarily” quit my job. I had worked there for almost two years, but could not handle it any longer due to unprofessionalism and …
Can I re-file after being denied 1 year ago?
Hi Chris, I was fired last September after being out on an un-paid medical leave. When my doctor told me returning to work would only make my medical …
Can I quit my job due to discrimination
Can I collect unemployment if I quit due to discrimination. I have worked for this company in Illinois for 2 years. When I started I notice that I was …
Can I file a combined wage claim with the Unemployment Compensation Dept of NJ (I am a resident of NJ) for wages I earned working in NYS and PA ( PA for the Federal Govt–Census Bureau)?
Can I file a combined wage claim with the Unemployment Compensation Dept of NJ (I am a resident of NJ) for wages I earned from working in NYS and PA ( …
gross misconduct
My husband was fired from his manufacturing job after 18 years of employment. He’d been working on equipment with dry ice and had some in a plastic …
I’m so confused, and need to just..vent.
So..a year or so ago, I lost what we considered in this area an okay paying job due to my unsatisfactory job performance. This meaning my inability to …
Live in Indiana – any chance?
I live in Indiana and after 13 years my position was eliminated due to downsizing. My former employer told me I would receive unemployment so I applied. …
I was collecting unemployment benefits
I was collecting unemployment benefits. I still had many weeks left of benefits. I was hired by a new employer. Suddenly, fired at no fault of my own in …
Part-time work and California Unemployment
I know that you have covered this on your site but I can’t seem to narrow this down enough. In the California handbook it states that when you work part-time …
What does “pending issue” mean?
I applied several weeks ago in Texas, as I’ve been unemployed since April, my employer had me convinced that I could collect Short Term Disability – well …
Can I collect WA State Unemployment if I quit to relocate with my husband?
We currently live in Washington State and my husband has just been accepted for a job in Nevada. I havent been able to find a job. Do I qualify for unemployment …
An Example Of Cutting Off Your Own Nose To Spite Your Own Face.
Although, I never find it difficult to label something an irony, the unemployment benefits system in this country and those reporting on the economy are …
Is this truly ‘misconduct’?…..
Dear Chris, I was recently terminated for ‘falsification of timecard’, although the employer didn’t know exactly how i punched in to work. They just …
is a failed drug test after a workplace accident injury, misconduct ?
a 2800 pound reel of plastic rolled over my foot crushing it. there was soft tissue damage torn ligaments and breaks. i failed the drug test for workmans …
When can I file a Combined Wage Claim?
I reside in NJ, and I worked in NYC. I’ve had a claim with NY since Oct 2008 and because of the various extensions and emergency benefits, I continued …
How can I tell if I have been accepted to unemployment so I can stop worrying
As I am waiting for my acceptance or denial letter….. Is there any way I can tell if I will be accepted or not? I received my visa card without applying …
Laid off because of school
I live in California, I am currently working but my employer just notified me that they will be “letting me go” because my school schedule for next semester …
Conflict of interest at Unemployment Hearing
Hi, I am now in the process of appealing my determination with unemployment, I had written a previous question on this site about quitting due to medical …
Why am I being denied benefits from a different state, when I was laid off most recent job?
I was denied benefits May 2009 because I left my job (worked full time for 3 1/2 years), according to the employer “to move out of area”. When in fact …
How can I win an appeal when I was fired and my claim was denied because employer said I quit?
The owner of my former employer has mostly family and “good buddies” from years gone by as employees (approximately 17). The owner lured me away from …
Surplus situation from company, no job offer due to attendance, am I laid off or fired?
My company is in a surplus situation. They are offering jobs in a lateral position however due to an attendance issue from last year I do not qualify for …
Family members at the job
Hello, I worked at a restaraunt with no limits on hiring family members. I am an employee and also the relief manager. The exe.mgr. allows her granddaughters …
I am currently receiving Unemployment but was told I had to take a job if offered to me – I worked one week I am not telemarketer material
Hi I have been on unemployment since roughly June 2010 after three years of employment with a Dentist. I am in the state of Ohio I have been following …
Notice of Determination for unemployment benefits
I am also confused on what I just received in the mail… Section 1 the Notice of Determination states that the claimant was discharged for failing to …
Does a CDL Training Program Exist for people on unemployment?
Scenario: I have a friend that is on unemployment in New York and she wants to get her cdl license. She heard about a program that unemployment would …
I got a new job, but won’t start until next month. Do I still collect unemployment?
I am a school teacher who was let go from my last job and have been receiving unemployment. I was hired for a new teaching job and will start on August …
Oregon Unemployment for Good Cause to Follow Spouse to New Location
I was recently married 1 year ago in May to a man in Oregon. I have a good job in the Tri-Cities, WA and we have been trying to relocate my husband to …
Can i recieve unemployment benefits if i have a second job working less than 20 hrs per week?
I just got terminated from my job due to not being able to meet the expectations of the boss or the executive director I worked closely with. I feel like …
How do I talk to a live unemployment agent on the phone in New Jersey?
I have been trying to apply for un-employment insurance for 2 weeks now. Spending many hours on the phone only to hear all lines are busy and then I am …
can my employer fire me for filing unemployment?
I’m off all summer and my employer said we can not file for unemployment or we will be fired. is there any laws on this in the state of ohio? Hi, …
Do I have a good cause in case employment agency denies benefits?
Hi Chris, I have been working a contract position through an employment agency that is to last 6 months. I have been warned by the employment agency for …
What would be “good evidence” to fight for unemployment if I was fired due to willful misconduct?
I worked for my employer for 8 months. I did anything, everything and more for them and loved what I did. I one day suggested that I’d like to eventually …
Can I collect unemployment if fired for not going back to school?
Hi, I have a question. I was given an ultimatum- either I resign or I will get fired because I am not willing to start all over with a new Bachelor (I …
Injured at the Hospital I worked at while IN THE HOSPITAL.
HI, I lived in Fla and worked at a hospital for 3 years. I was hospitalized for abdominal pains and because I was a hospital employee I had to use the …
Under investigation because switched from one part time job to another.
I live in Arkansas and I was laid off July 2009. The only employment I have been able to find is part time work. I was driving 25 miles both ways to …
Quit due to illegal act performed on the job
I live in Maryland first off. I was laid off from a company and was recieving benefits when a job was offered and I accepted. On the first day of my …
Will quitting a part-time job after I filed a claim stop me from receiving unemployment
I have been receiving unemployment benefits since January from the State of Nevada after being laid off from my full-time job. For the past three …
Will I win unemployment in MA if I quit due to arrising medical issues/hostile working enviroment?
Hi Chris, I would first like to start out by thanking you for such an informative website, a lot of the stuff I read put my mind slightly at ease. I’m …
Federal extension for unemployment – Update 6/29/2010
Hello all you still unemployed people out there. As of June 2, 2010 our senators have been playing political games. They are the ones holding up a …
Unemployed and moving from California to Michigan
I am currently living in California collecting unemployment. I am not able to maintain a residency because of lack of funds so I may have to move back …
What is the process for receiving unemployment benefits?
My husband was terminated in January for violating a petty company policy. After many months of waiting he finally received an appeal date. 4 weeks after …
Too Far to Work?
I live in Youngstown, Ohio. In 2008, I worked for a company through November and was laid off when the local office was closed. I received unemployment …
My Employer cut benefits to part-time workers and is taking 3 weeks vacation during which the surgery center I work at will be closed.
After 9 yrs. employment at surgery center in Florida, my employer has cut all part-time benefits including PTO and Holiday pay effective July 1, 2010. …
Can I collect unemployment after working abroad for a foreign company and being laid off?
I worked abroad for a foreign company and was made redundant. I live in NYS. Can I collect unemployment? When I applied online, there is only the option …
Restarting unemployment claim, how long?
I live in Ohio and I lost my job when the business owner fell behind on rent payments and was evicted. Since I lost my job through no fault of my own, …
temporary lay off in Ohio with a definite return to work date.
I live in Ohio and am on a 8 week summer lay-off. I have a definite return to work date and when I applied the lady on the phone never mentioned I would …
Was I discharged for “Cause”
I worked for a South Carolina employer and on On Feb 24, 2010 I received a final written warning for attendance in which all of the days in this write-up …
Can I still get my unemployment checks if I’m a Realtor and just closed a transaction and got paid?
Hello there, I have searched the internet everywhere but can’t find the answer to my question. I’d really appreciate your help. I have been on unemployment …
Had unemployment hearing for misconduct and won, but now denied for refusing work.
I was layed off from my job and my previous employer appealed my unemployment claim. I won the hearing and was “not denied unemployment for misconduct” …
Have to quit job because I was denied a transfer due to a written warning?
I recently was approved for an out of state transfer from California to Atlanta GA. I have been working in GA for five months now but need to move back …
Federal extension for unemployment – Update 6/19/2010
Another week has gone by and still the senate has not passed another Federal Unemployment Extension according to this blog post at …
I was denied unemployment and didnt realize there was a 20 day limit to file and appeal. i filed 2 days late.. do you think i still have a chance at recieving …
NYS availability to work question
My part-time position (12 hrs/week) at a small company has been eliminated, and I will continue to work for the company as a consultant, but only 2 hrs/week. …
left one job after a year for better paying job
Now after a month and a half they gave me a two week notice and said i dont meet there expectations can i collect. Hi Mike, Most likely if what …
taking care of an unemancipated minor
i had to quit my job to take care of my 16 yr old daughter,she was cutting school and going down a potentially dangerous path,i thought i could collect …
Unemployment Extension
Another update on the senate vote on unemployment extension .. the problem .. the senate doesn’t feel your urgency. You must take action now. I must …
Denied unemployment after being threatened at work?
Hi I am from new jersey and I was threatened by a coworker at work and outside of work. After this happened at work I went to my supervisor and notified …
unemployment in north carolina if you are unable to work due to medical reasons
I have been on FMLA for the past 10 weeks. It seems the injury I sustained will not be going away anytime soon. This injury was not due to work, it involved …
Federal extension for unemployment – Update 6/8/2010
Here it is June of 2010 and yet again .. for the third time I’m writing again about how our “senators” are dragging their feet and apparently under-estimating …
Is it legal to tell me I’m fired through my mother?
my supervisor told my mother that i was fired. IS that legal? Hi, What could possibly be illegal about it? It isn’t what I’d call the “proper …
Re-determination Hearing and Questions
Hello, I was a 911 Dispatcher for 15 years and after allowing a renter to share my house with me I had a problem one evening with her wanting to bring …
How long does it take for the adjustment office to process paper work?
Hello, I received my response from the Board of Review on Monday 5/17/10 and they favored on my side. When I went to the unemployment office on 5/19 they …
qualify for unemployment
I am a school employee and they elimintated my job. I work 7.25 hours a day and am a 12 month employee. Do I have to take a 4 or 6 hour job or can I get …
Will my military retirement pay offset unemployment compensation?
Will my military retirement pay offset unemployment compensation? I can’t tell you without knowing when you retired, when you worked and when …
Not Sure what is going on?
My boss was very abusive to me and I was forced out of my job. I was told by boss that I did not have the skills to do the job so he extended my six month …
is unemployment eligable income for determining rent?
my apartment complex goes by 30% of my income. i was working for 3 yrs then i left in novemeber due to my mom getting breast cancer. now i collect benefits, …
How long does the appeals process take in SC?
I was denied Unemployment Benefits as of May 11th, I will be filing an appeal on May 17th. How long from this date could a hearing be scheduled? Also can …
Am I eligible to get my benefits in NJ if I am laid off from the second job I’ve had after being denied benefits?
Hi Chris, we have corresponded several times in the past about my situation in NJ. I will give you a quick re-cap of where I was, and where I am at …
Poor sales performance in WI
I have worked as a sales associate for the past 3 years. The company has guidelines which state that an employee will be terminated if sales quota’s are …
Company sold, but the new company is hiring us through a temp agency for 90 days. What happens if I do not become a permanent employee of the new company?
The company I work for has been sold. The new owner hired a temp agency to interview and hire us for 90 days. What happens if the temp agency decides …
Appeal decision taking 12 weeks in Alabama
Ok i will try to make a long story short. I have been a manager at a company for 10 years. Two years ago an employee and myself were dating and had an …
quit job, but employer had unfair work practices
I quit my job as a department manager at a supermarket chain. I accepted this transfer to a new store because it was a department that was in in disarray. …
Can I move out of state and collect unemployment?
I get asked this question a lot, so I thought I would show you what I check when someone asks me if they can continue to collect unemployment if they move …
CA: I was collecting unemployment, got a temporary job and the contract end date is approaching. Can my temp employer bar me from UI benefits?
I live in California and was laid off from a job that I worked at for 2 years and 2 months. I collected unemployment benefits until I accepted a freelance …
Can i quit since I am being harrssed?
I have been harrssed at work over the last 3 months, one time was verbal the other two times about my sexuality were left in my work area. I have …
Can I quit if I have been told I will be laid off in two months?
I started a new job 4 months ago. I then go a call to interview for a better job that I had applied to prior to accepting this new job. Since I hadn’t …
Workers comp leave question .. If you are injured on a job contact a lawyer.
i was instructed by my physician to take time of work because of bulging disks in my neck. the accident occured at work and is covered by workers comp. …
Pregnancy discrimination and unemployment
I’ve been working as a General Manager for a big name company for over 2.5 years. Up to the date of when I announced my pregnancy I had a flawless …
Re-Qualified in NJ
Hi Chris, You have answered questions for me in the past, and now i have a new one because i can’t wait for NJ anymore. I was fired from my job and …
second phone interview or an unemployment hearing
after being approved for bennefits and start getting my unemployment checks My previous employer now protesting after 6 months what should i do on …
Base salary is being replaced with 100% commission due to bad economy
I wanted to inquire if I am going to be eligible for unemployment if my employer just notified me by email that they are moving me to 100 commission on …
CA – Getting Unemployment Still Working Part Time Reduced Hours Availibility ?
Hello, I was laid off in july 2009 from my previous employer due to them outsourcing my department to another company (I was a personal trainer with them). …
will I win an appeal?
My employer moved my position from AZ to CA and I initially said I would make the move for the promotion. (I then started paying into CA taxes) Unfortunately, …
Fired over not meeting sales quota
My company is trying to fire me over not meeting their sales quota. They gave me till the 26th of this month.. tomorrow.. to hit this goal and there’s …
Is it legal to collect unemployment from two states when you are employed?
I have a coworker that is working 30+ hours a week, which in our industry is considered full time. She talks all the time about collecting unemployment …
Can I collect UI in NY if my F/T hours are cut to P/T hours, I refuse the offer and I quit?
I have tried to preserve my full time job by complying to requests made my boss in a recent employment evaluation over a specific time period. I submitted …
Is being pregnant my “fault”
I will try to make this as short and sweet as possible. I am currently employed and pregnant. I will not be covered under FMLA because I will deliver …
Employer claims voluntary quit I claim wrongful termination- how do I handle the appeal as been denied benefits?
Hi, I am currently living in the state of Nebraska and had been working for a particular employer for over 6 years. All of my reviews have always …
Can I be fired after given a warning without a new violation?
I was terminated for lying on a employment verification application (my landlord). My boss was upset/disappointed. She decided to give me a fair warning …
Can mental illness that impaired judgment be factored into eligibility in California?
My husband suffered a manic episode in conjunction with two heart attacks a little over a year ago. (Doctors could not confirm whether the vascular problems …
IL Unemployment Working 2 Jobs getting laid off from 1.
I was working for employer a full time and employer b part time. I was layed off from employer a and collecting unemployment while working part time for …
My wife has had her hours reduced from 30 to 8 a week. Should she quit?
My wife works at a very large retail chain as a sales associate. She was working over 30 hours a week forabout 16 months. Within the last 4 weeks she has …
had to relocate to take care of elderly parents can i collect unemployment
I had to quit my job and move to fl from pa to take care of my elderly parents can I collect unemployment I can’t answer you because you didn’t tell …
Can I turn down a temporary position from the same company that laid me off without losing unemployment benefits?
Do I have to accept a temporary position with the same company that laid me off 2 months ago. I received a call today from the HR dept, I would have to …
I’m wondering if I have been short changed…
Hello, I applied for unemployment on the internet and disclosed that I was making 400 dollars a month working part time, one day a week, 100 dollars …
Can I collect unemployment while traveling abroad.
I was wondering if I can collect unemployment while traveling abroad. I will be sending at least 3 resumes per week to employers online. If you file …
Michigan partial unemployment
2 questions, i live in Michigan work for a school district(bus driver) they threatened to privatize unless we took consessions we took a 4 dollar pay …
My ex-employer cited misconduct as the reason for my discharge and I was denied benefits. Once I appeal, how will he have to prove my “misconduct”?
I was never warned verbally or in writing as to any misconduct and as far as I am concerned there was no misconduct on my part. However, my claim was denied …
Finally my husband has been called back to work after a year!
So when does he stop claiming unemployment insurance? Does he wait until he has received his first paycheck or does he stop on the day he is hired back? …
Can I receive unemployment if I have lost all means of transportation?
Both of my vehicles were hit and run at my residence about a month and a half ago. I recently got one back repaired, and it got stolen less than a week …
Compelling enough reason to get unemployment?
Here is my question: I used to work 5 miles from where I live, and then the group got moved to another facility, which is now 40 miles from where I …
Can I collect unemployment and/or severence if I quit my job?
I have employed in a Retail clothing store as a manger for 5 years. I went on on disability in November due to job related stress. Last year my grandmother …
Federal Unemployment Extension – Do Not Sit Idly By, Gently Nudge Your Senators – February 7, 2010
If you’ve read any of the questions I’ve answered about Unemployment extensions .. you might have noticed I’m as confused as the next person. But I …
pa unemployment with retirement?
my company that i have worked fulltime for the last 40 years went bankrupt and the union UFCW has pension for us…we can receive the pension with 30 years …
Been put “on call” not sure what to do
Over the last 10 months my employer of 2 years has been continually changing my hours in an attempt to save money for the company. From June 09 thru …
Should I quit or be fired to win unemployment in Indiana
Hello, I have filed a grievance for harassment RE: intimidation and also feel as if i have been discriminated against. I am the only male in a four …
Notice of Overpayment Due I need to repay?
Received notice of overpayment, Stating: “benefits were paid before it was known that you qualified for a regular claim in another state. your extended …
is it possible to turn down an employment offer if the employer will not let you take 7 days for a personal family vacation before being with the company less than 6 months.
see my note above If you are asking if that is good cause to refuse a job … no, it is not.
unemployment benefits in nevada
I chose not to have taxes taken out of my weekly amount, I have only been on it for 8 months, Will i have to pay taxes on this Yes, unemployment benefits …
Unemployment benefits when job details are changed
My question is whether you can obtain unemployment benefits in the state of Florida when your job is changed from regular employment (benefits, taxes taken …
Denied unemployment benefits in California for quitting in anticipation of discharge.
Hello i have recently been denied benefits because i voluntarily quit my job. i left this job because i was told at the time of hiring that there was …
Fired from my job but offered a severance. Can I accept the severance package and still file for benefits?
I have a two part question about california unemployment benefits and my right to claim. I was fired from my job of two years last week for not meeting …
Job causing health problems, I need to quit.
I’ve been working for over two years in a circuit board factory, and am starting to get breathing problems and chest tightness from the lead fumes. I saw …
Been with the company 2 1/2 years and was fired for saying something i thought was a joke. I think i should mention the person that fired me really disliked …
Fired for not keeping a layoff secret (I think). Can I get unemployment?
I got fired and feel I deserve unemployment. I have never been written up or been accused of violating any specific policy (the office was small; there …
How does employer change mind after denying UC benefits?
I have filed an appeal in the state of PA because my UC benefits were denied by my former employer. The company has since discovered that everything I …
What constitutes an employer?
I have been filling out claim forms for a while and, if I had worked part time that week, have always listed my last employer as the company or person …
Restarting a claim
I was laid off for 4months (April-July 09) and received unempolyment benefits, I then took a new job the 1st of August, and ended my UI benefits. I have …
CA-I was fired for poor performance but this stemming from a personal falling out that I have documented pretty well..
I was fired recently from a company that I worked for for almost 3 and a half years as a customer service agent. I started as a office assistant and was …
If I was fired due to missing too many days on the points system can i collect unemployment?
If I had a doctors note for missing days from work due to an elective surgery or being sick with flu can I still receive unemployment? Maybe J, …
Is there an appeals case? any comments about the latest unemployment extension?
*laided-off from job in california 12/05/08 file claim *work as contractor for 2 months in colorado 2/09-3/09, contract was cancelled *refile …
Illinois: Would part time job prevent me from getting maximum unemployment benefit
Hello, I live in Illinois. I have a full time job (about 80K) and also a part time (30 hrs per/week – about 30K, no benefits) job. If I’ll be fired …
Can I collect unemployment benefits if I quit a job due to hostile enviorment
Unemployment Benefits if I start my own business
I am a CA resident and worked for a company 20 years. I will be laid off next month. I am eligible to claim unemployment insurance but I am unsure what …
Can the reason my claim was denied be changed?
During my initial phone interview with the DOL I was told that my employer said I voluntarily quit. Which I did not. Then I got a phone call from the …
How many hours do you have to work weekly before you can draw unemployment in Michigan ?
Is there a certain amount of hours you have to work before you can get unemployment if there is how much Hi, The conditions to be monetarily …
Quitting a subsequent job in ma after being laid off from seasonal work.
I was working from April 09 until Oct 09 for a golf course in Massachusetts. It was a seasonal position that would end when it snows. I did go to another …
Can I get unemployment if I was fired for being negative?
I worked at a company for 2 years as a temporary employee. I was called Saturday 12/23/09 @ 6:45 in the evening by the temp agencies representative to …
Can I collect if I am fired for attendance?
Where I work they have a system of how many days you can take off before getting warnings. I am up to a final warning right now. I have been sick for the …
Can I collect unemployment if my new job doesn’t work out?
I was with my previous employer more than 2 years. I was layed off because they were downsizing. Since then, I have been on unemployment (for about 6 months). …
Can I receive an unemployment extension if I had been fired?
I originally received unemployment after being fired, but now that I filed for the extension this lady told me that I had been denied because I was fired, …
Eligible for unemployment if I can’t work b/c State pro-license is late?
So I took a job in CA. They told me I could work for 60 days on my TN Occupational Therapy license – those 60 days are now up and I can’t show up for work …

Fired for starting a campaign to unionize.
Hello, Great website! First some background: I worked over 2 1/2 years with a MAJOR retail chain in their warehouse section. I believe I was terminated …
how will my part-time, advance-commission based life insurance sales job effect my unemployment compensation?
I have been laid off from my full-time job and plan to collect unemployment compensation until work starts up again (it is a seasonal layoff, I work in …
Trying to get fired in Fl
I am a salaried supervisor for 4 years with the company in question. I desperately want to get termed and collect unemployment. The problem is I am too …
I finished a temporary assignment that lasted a little over two (2) months, can I collect unemployment in California? Thank you.
Temporary legal assignment Agency has no other jobs available Duties were complete Not fired, laid-off Good working relationship with agency, but no …
Appealing denial of voluntary quit in California
I recently applied for unemployment and was denied. I had put voluntary quit, because I wasn’t sure what to put. I worked for a company for 10 years. Always …
Can I sell on Ebay and and still collect unemployment?
Can I sell on Ebay and and still collect unemployment? I’ve been out of work in NY since Jan. ’08, took a PT job for 5 mo. and was laid off …
Who has the burden of proof?
Who has the burden of proof if my claim was denied under(1256)? A security guard claimed I threatened him, which never happened. My word against his …
What is the procedure for getting the extension of benefits?
I just noticed that my UI benefits end this week after receiving since June. I haven’t received any information in regards to the extension of benefits. …
Should I sign a written warning – documenting your employment.
My company looks to write people up because they fight all claims my question is what do I do if written up sign or don’t sign Hi, Whether you …
new york – Can I quit if I have been passed over for promotions and they won’t give me a raise and collect unemployment?
I want to quit my job because it’s going no where I was passed over for 2 promotions or lateral movement for another position. I was told the …
Quit job becuase of harassment and unhealthy work environment but was Denied Unemployment in Florida waiting for appeal date
Hi worked for 2 years for employer started at entry level position was promoted without compensation to office manager and was told they wanted to see …
CA – Is vacation time considered hours worked?
Hello, I’m currently receiving partial unemployment, where I’m required to report all hours worked within a two week period. Do the vacation hours I’ve …
Unemployment Benefits Extension and Contract Work
Hi, I have few questions I would like to ask. I live and work in California. I was let go by my company in June 2009 (after more than 6 years). I received …
Number of hours worked has been cut back.
First of all, I work in Wisconsin and live in Minnesota. I am still currently employed as a Real Estate Receptionist/Salesperson, but due to the economy, …
Can I quit the entertainment industry in CA and collect unemployment?
I have what some might consider a “cool” job. I’m a production assistant on a network television show in Los Angeles. It’s not nearly as glamorous as it …
in florida we have not recived are tier 3 letters yet??
today is dec, 3rd 2009. and we still have not got are letter’s from AWI. Are we going to get them in time for Christmas? why is it taking so long? we need …
I am in New jersey, and I just quit my job because when I came back from my maternity leave my job changed and things were not the same, can I collect?.
When I came back from my maternity leave they moved me from one office to another, and I was reporting to a new boss all the way in Boston. I was not doing …
Offered a job but the hours were less than 20 hours a week , will my benefits be denied?
I live in Nevada and was offered a job on the pretense that I would be getting 4-5 shifts per week. The day I start I find out it would be 2 shifts and …
Unemployment told me I had no benefits left on my claim which was not true
I live in New Jersey and took a job after I was told I was not entitled to anymore benefits, which was a mistake on unemployment,they misprinted the year …
Why didn’t i get my unemployment check?
I called into the unemployment to file my claim on Wednesday. Like always. and come Friday there was no check deposited into my checking like usual. Why? …
In Wisconsin, If I was asked by my employer to submit a voluntary resignation instead of being fired will I be able to collect unemployment benefits?
In Wisconsin, If I was asked by my employer to submit a voluntary resignation instead of being fired will I be able to collect unemployment benefits? …
Question about unemployment benifits in multiple states.
Ok so here is the story. I have worked in Northern nevada as a dealer for the past 4 years in South Lake Tahoe. I live on the California side but worked …
I got laid off in Illinois but I live in Indiana.
I worked in Illinois for about a year and got laid off. I didn’t file for it yet and it’s been almost a year can I still file for unemployment and also …
Can I receive unemployment in New Mexico if my employer is not in compliance with the Family Medical Leave Act?
After my maternity leave, my physician wrote me a note stating to work in a less stressful work environment due to my health. I submitted this letter to …
New York – I’ve found a job, but want to know if I can
Hello. I am currently receiving unemployment benefits and I have a question as to when to end my claim. If I was to receive a full time position can …
Can I get unemployment back if I quit a job it took while collecting unemployment and it’s not working out?
I was unemployed and collected unemployment (in Virginia) for a few weeks when i got laid off from my job. I then took a job making straight commission …
Can you receive unemployement for being administratively discharged from the military after 4 months of service?
I have been in the Air Force for 4 months, I had a health related issue and was administratively discharged. Am i still eligible for unemployment benefits …
Kentucky – Credit for weeks claimed not check mailed?
I recently filed for unemployment. I requested my check yesterday and the website says I can inquire on my check after 24 hours. So, I call this morning …
If I accepted a voluntary seperation package from my company, can I get unemployment benefits?
The company I worked at in SC recently offered an undisclosed number of voluntary separation packages to it’s employees. I took the package, and now I …
PA and maybe MA
Hello, I am currently employed in PA however I will be laid off within the next few weeks. I began working here on August 3, 2009 and I will be employed …
What is an Unemployment Unresolved Issue?
It has been 5 weeks I filed this week and there was a message saying it was accepted and to please remember that this is a waiting week ? does this mean …
Contract work
I live in California and I’d like to know when I’m hired thru an agency for only a 6 months of contract work and after my contract is done, can I apply …
Misclassified worker in Pa
There is alot of information that i wish to convey so one can get a better understanding of my particular case, however it is limited on a forum. Let …

Denied bennies….need to earn 2100 in Bona fide work
I am very curious in the state of california what constitutes bona fide work exactly? 2 years ago i was fired but was then immediately hired by a neighbor, …
Can I quit and be able to collect unemployment in NJ
I work for a small business (marina) for 4 years. I have never been in trouble and I work every weekend and holiday. I work for a husband and wife team. …
Fired for inflation of individual production numbers supposedly
I reside in the state of NY. Anyways after working for a company for 4 and half years…I got fired out of the blue. No warnings…no retraining no nothing. …
Can I quit and receive unemployment if my boss constantly delays pay…?
I’m going insane at this job! Earlier this year the boss decided to change mine (and other employees)’s direct deposit, considering she can no longer afford …
How can I prove that I was unable to do the job not avoiding calls?
I was fired in Michigan for what my ex employer called call avoidance. I worked at a call center for 4 years and was trained in 5 different departments …
I was fired for violating company policy, can I still win an appeal?
I got a new boss in November of last year. This was her first management position. From the time she started, she didn’t like me. In July, she gave …
I live in CA. If I quit a job and then find new work shortly after but the new job is an acting gig that only lasts for a few days can I then file for unemployment?
I am an actress and I am working for a retail/ residential property as my “survival job.” I’ve been working steadily for this company for a year a half. …
I was denied unemployment because I was 30 dollars short of being able to collect in NY state what can I do?
I was denied unemployment because I was 30 dollars short of being able to collect in NY state what can I do? I’ve already applied for a hearing what can …
Can I collect unemployment if my job lets me go after having a baby?”
Can I collect unemployment if my job lets me go after having a baby?” I am 6 months pregnant and just started a job. I will not work there long enough …
California-How long does an employer have to remedy a medical issue before quiting?
My brother was on medical leave due to an anxiety disorder that is aggravated by his job. His FMLA is done and the doctor has released him almost 3 weeks …
Claim denied for reason I don’t understand
Ohio – claim denied due to “deductions over benefit amount.” What does this mean? Hi Aaron, Do you have a part-time job?
Can you refile for unemployment after being denied
I quite my job to many reason back in Feb 09. At the time i thought i had a job lined up it didn’t happen. I left my job on what many would call bad term. …
My son in law was told to either accept a significant reduction in pay or resign his job
My son in law had been employed as a restaraunt manager for several years in the state of Missouri. He has a three year old daughter and a nine month …
Can you quit a job that is infested with bed bugs and be able to collect unemployment until a new job is found?
Can you quit a job that is infested with bed bugs and be able to collect unemployment until a new job is found? I work in a assisted living facility …
California here… My hours have gone from 40 down to about 15-25
I still have not been laid off because my job position is rather unique, and they’ll need my help when things pick up. I only work when they need me. …
Manual Overpayment Ohio Other
I was sent a message titled Manual Overpayment Ohio Other. I think I know what it’s about but just to be sure I wanted to ask. I was over paid earlier …
Fired, applied for UC, and awaiting further questionnaire for a determination to be made
I am in PA and I have worked for a little over a year at a small company. I had, over the course of that year, medical issues which caused me to miss work. …
If a temp job doesn’t work out can I go back and start collecting unemployment again?
I lost my job after 20 years and I am so lost, confused and afraid……I currently receive unemployment and have about another 6 months of benefits ……I …
Contract Assignments?
Hello, This is unfortunately a bit of past history, but I am still confused over something. Sadly, my job of over 20 years was lost to downsizing. In …
Unemployment Appeal Process about my case – Ohio
Excellent site by the way, you are doing an invaluable service for those in their time of need. Anyway, I am 41, have worked since I was 14 (on a farm …
Quit due to retaliation after complaining about a workplace bully.
I went to my supervisor then to HR about some of the issues I was having with the job I had been at for over 6 years. I was having some problems with …
Employer is fighting claim even though I resigned for medical reasons
Hello, I went on FMLA for 90 days and resigned for medical reasons shortly thereafter on the advice of both doctors. I am able to work, but not in the …
It is too late to file for unemployment?
You told me that I should file for unemployment cause my hours were reduce from when I went on FMLA for maternity leave. I recently found out that my old …
Collecting unemployment while appealing decision.
I was fired from my job on july 16 2009 and have been collecting unemployment since. On sept. 21 i had to go to a referee hearing against my employer. …
NYS unemplyment- What do I do if I missed claiming my benefits one week and have they passed another unemployment extension yet?
I currently have unemployment benefits and I claim my benefits every Sunday. I thought I claimed them 2 Sundays ago but apparently I did not. Am I able …
Can I re-file for unemployment insurance after being denied? Is there a waiting period before I can do that?
I had been denied unemployment insurance in New York about a month ago and wanted to know if I can re-file a claim. I had to quit my last job because …
Is it possible to file an appeal with the court and get retroactive moneys owed to me?
After giving birth to my son and completing my 12 week maternity leave I was laid off from my job of 7 years due to the economy. At that time I pulled …
Can I filed for unemployment is my hours were cut?
After I had my daughter I went from working full time to part time( working 2 days a week). I was told that my position was filled while I was on maternity …
layed off in florida and just moved to kentucky to be with husband
My husband lost his job in florida 5 months ago and moved to Kentucky to sleep on a sofa in a granite shop to work (homeless). I stayed at my job in Florida, …
what does FRD in box 8 of form bc-3c (r-10-99) stand for?
On my benefit determination form, box 8 has FRD and a date listed within it. What does the FRD stand for? And what is that date for? Hi David, …
Put on performance improvment plan
I’ve been put on a 60 day performance improvement plan for not applying job knowledge, inaccuracy and work accountability. I responded to the plan stating …
Hi my name is Gina Kay. My question is. I was working a closing shift at Ralphs. I work in the service deli. Which is a separate union than the rest of …
Quitting job in Michigan because of forced transfer which is an excessive distance to school.
I work at a store in Michigan. The store I was working at was about a 30 minute drive from my house. I was told on Friday that I was being transferred …
Job Performance,Customer Service Rep, Work at Home, Indiana, Co. based in VA
I worked at home in Indiana, for a company based in VA. I’d been on the job exactly 9 months to the day. In the beginning we have a grace period, where …
Will I be eligible for unemployment in CA if i get fired for not reaching sales quota?
Will I be eligible for unemployment in CA if i get fired for not reaching sales quota? I have worked for a major bank for 10 months and currently …
Can I receive u/e benefits if fired in Florida for violating the company drug policy after making a complaint of sexual harassment?
I was fired in FL the same day my boss was fired for an “investigation” I brought to them and was warned by co workers not to “mess” with him. They …
I have been fired for missing 2 days of work w/o calling in, can I get unemployment in NY
My brother had a 3 ton plate fall on him at work, it was all over the news and my family called me when I just got to work to go to the hospital because …
Can you receive unemployment if you are furloughed in California?
Hi: Can furloughed employees receive benifits in calif? Thanks Aaron Hi Aaron, I think the answer would be dependent on the length of the furlough. …
I am actively looking for a job but I cannot find anything to apply to
I have been desperately looking for a job but cannot even find jobs to apply to. I have a masters degree and my field is in the social service …
I QUIT and walked off my job for good cause. When I received the Letter of Determination from EDD stating that I QUIT and therefore disqualified …
Can I collect partial unemployment in Calif if my pay is reduced but my hours remain the same?
We are hearing rumors at work that the company is considering a 20% across the board paycut. Our hours will remain the same (40 per week). Is this legal? …
Can I get Unemployment Benefits if I was fired for being sick after FMLA was exhausted?
I was fired in July. The reason given to me was “failure to return following exhaustion of FMLA leave.” I have chronic migraines that are a disability. …
Does EDD routinely verify your work-search record?
I haven’t kept good track of my work search, so won’t be able to provide my unemployment office with much tangible proof. How does EDD typically verify …
Worked 3 years for a company which closed February 13, 2009. The next day, a new company “temporarily” hired everyone from the old company on, in an effort …
How long does it take for the appeal hearing to be scheduled? Im in Florida
I was fired on August 10, 2009 being unmanageable! I found that my company was publishing fraudulent information on their web site -= which people …
Will I lose my unemployment benefits if i accepted a 3-wk temp job in Texas
I am currently collecting unemployment and was wondering if I would lose my benefits if I accepted a 3 week temporary job with a company I used to work …
What’s the best way to approach my second unemployment appeal?
I live & work in California. I was fired from my job March 2nd, 2009 for being late to work on Feb. 28th. I was given no chance to explain the reasons …
Am I eligible anywhere? AZ, MI, and CA
Hello, I worked in CA from 1991-2003. I left due to the company being sold, and I moved to MI. I did not file a claim from CA and worked in MI from …
Failing a random drug and alcohol test in Wisconsin.
I have been driving trucks, buses, vans, etc (of all sizes)for the last 20 years. I was with my last company for 9 years. Last month I was given …
Wisconsin-can i collect unemployment if i only worked part time?
I have not been fired yet, and have already asked about two other questions. But this one is the one that i really need to know, some people have …
Unemployment Hearing
Hello I have previously posted a question on here before about my denial of benifits. I had my unemployment hearing yesterday and when the judge called …
Can I open a web based store, selling goods, while still collecting unemployment
Hello, My employer is planning on using my web based store as evidence at my unemployment hearing. I am currently appealing to collect unemployment …
Due Process Foul?
I received my letter of determination and it mentioned nothing of a VQ as the reason of denial for benefits. No further information was included on how …
When will I get payment?
I am a laid off teacher in FLorida. I filed for unemployment on June 6 and have been claiming on line every two weeks. No payment has come. I’ve written …
Am I entitled to unemployment benefits if I was fired for positive results from a random drug test?
am i entitled to unemployment benefits if fired for results from a random drug test? Hi, Would you mind telling me what state were talking about. …
Fired for performance – after asking for and not receiving training.
i was working at a small insurance company as i was terminated w/o warning, i had no idea i was going to lose my job. i had been working there for …
Can I get partial unemployment if I take a part-time job? I live in California.
I worked a full-time job when I was laid off. On my unemployment form it says that I am to look for a full-time job. I found a part-time job. Does this …
Denied change of schedule
I quit my job because I had asked for a change in schedule and my employer would not allow it. I received unemployment benefits from the state and now …
If I quit a job in Florida, do I have just cause to collect?
I started working as a chiropractic assistant just over 9 months ago. The doctor (and owner) was working with only a front desk girl and hired me as a …
Should I sign paperwork denoting I am now “part-time” and how would this affect me?
I’ve already called EDD and they are to send me a form in ten days to fill out. Basically, I used to be a full-time worker (hired full-time), but now, …
Are unemployment benefits considered “earnings” to Social Security?
I’ve been collecting unemployment in California since Jan 1, 09. I’ll reach full retirement age in October and am about to apply for Social Security. …
Claim Filed
I filed an unemployment claim on 6/15/09 They said I should get something in the mail by 6/29/09 I did not hear anything I called they said it was going …
Quitting my job due to spouse receiving job in another state
Would I be able to collect unemployment benefits due to the result of my husband getting a job in New Jersey? We currently live in Pennsylvania. If so …
i was fired for not returning back from FMLA-IN
A month before I was to return back from FMLA, I called my boss because I was having major sitter issues. My baby had a major case of colic and cried …
Can I apply for North Carolina benefits even though I don’t live there any more?
I lived in NC from Dec. 2006 till August 2008. I worked for the same company while I worked there. It’s Corporate office is located in PA. I just lost …
Laid off from part time work, only employed 12 weeks – Florida- Can I claim benefits
I worked PT for a company from 4-2005 to 8-2008 and quit due to scheduling conflicts with school. I was finally able to secure another part time job (about …
If i quit due to medical condition… illnois
I suffer from severe migraines mostly due to stress at work…my question is can i receive unemployment if i quit due to a medical condition? Hi …
Florida-If I accept an “on-call” job, will I lose my unemployment benefits.
I am currently receiving unemployment benefits from an office closure in which I worked for 15 years. I have been receiving benefits since February. …
FL City Public Library Letting Go 6 Part-Time Employees
Hello, I work part-time at the Wildwood (FL) Public Library (about 2 1/2 yrs now). My 5 P/T co-workers and I will be “Separated” from the City of …
Florida Unemployment – Seasonal Employment
We hire seasonal staff for a total of 11 days, will they qualify for unemployment after this seasonal work has ended? Hi Kathryn, Generally, …
Can I quit my Job and collect Unemployment if my employer decreased my hours and changed my job responsibilities? (California)
My name is Rusty and I was recently hired at a car dealership as a service adviser. I’ve been there three months during which time I have not yet seen …
As of July 1st will be unemployed and want to file In Broward Cty. However am moving to Hillsborough Cty on July 11th. Will filing here, now, in Broward …
I was told I was being laid off, but my employer told ohio unemployment that I had quit. How can I appeal the UI determination to disallow UI benefits?
Hi – I would really appreciate your thoughts on my situation: I was told by my supervisor that due to a lack of work, my position was no longer needed. …
UNIQUE SITUATION-FLORIDA – (Unemployment for Part Time Workers)
Hello there. I started with a company in Feb 2004 working FT in HR. Worked for a couple of years and then had a baby,went on maternity leave and FMLA …
What does “employer is not chargeable since employment was not in the base period” mean? (FL)
My former employer denied my claim for unemployment. The determination came back stating that According to Section 443 of Florida Statutes, benefits are …
nj- can you collect a lump sum in an emergency
I’m about to be evicted need money can I get money from my remaining unemployment Hi Trina, No. Unemployment benefits are given on a continuing …
Can I collect unemployment in illinois for the store i manage not being clean enough?
we have a 100 plus point cleaning list that must be completed and maintained, the list requires cleaning but not enough staff or hours to do and the company …
PENNSYLVANIA – (Where’s his unemployment benefits???)
My name is WILLIAM L ARROW, address of and I have not received unemployment benefits for the weeks of June 14 and June 28, 2009. How do I go about filing …

Louisiana—can I get benefits for more then a year?
Hi..thank u for your help….I’m from Louisiana and have been drawing benefits for one year, next week will be my last week and yet I still can’t find …
Unemployment Benefit was denied Massachusetts
Unemployment Benefit was denied because: Employee disagreed with employers work policies Reason for disagreeing with employers work policies: …
Can anyone tell me how to get a hold of the State of Florida?????
I asked a question before but have a new one. They stopped my money coming for making $150 in a 2 week period and had got a license for cleaning. They …
Misled at interview about long commute and carpool situation, has had impact on health – reason to quit? IL
I’ve been working at my job for about 7 months. The job was advertised on the web as being in the City of Chicago, when in fact it is about 30 miles outside …
I am the president of my corporation in florida and recently have not been able to draw a paycheck for the last 8 weeks due to the economy, do I qualify for unemployement?
I have paid my self on payroll for the last 8 years I am still working at my business but am unable to pay myself because my gross sales are way less …
IL Can I collect unemployment if I have been fired for using a cell phone?
One of my companies rules is that I can’t have a camera phone. I have seen someone who has been fired for having a camera phone. Are they able to collect …
Nevada – Can I receive unemployment while attending school at night?
May I receive unemployment while being a half-time student at night to earn my degree? Hi Anonymous, Attending school in Nevada is not disqualifying …
can I collect unemployment and social security payments at the same time?
I live in florida, I’m 63 years old and collecting social security payments. My work as a dance teacher has been cut short, on 6/07/09, by my employer …
Did employer word termination letter so I can’t collect unemployment? PA (Reading between the lines an employer communications).
I’ve been out on short-term disability since end of Feb. I should be able to work again around 8/3. I know I can’t apply for unemployment until I’m well …
the referee has just determined me to be eligible for benifits after I had appealed the initial ruling, how fast will they send the money, and since it …
Is it better to quit or be fired if you know its coming?
Im in a position to where I’ve basically exhausted my company’s point allotment and with a half of point left the company has already hired on a new employee …
Am I able to collect unemployment from an employer in Florida who has terminated me and then hired me back part time?
I was terminated from a company in Florida. The company has offered to rehire me on a temporary basis where I would be called in to work when the work …
What happens after initial claim balance runs out?
What happens after initial claim balance runs out? I live in a resort area in California. Laid off from a part time job after 8 years effective the …
How does working part-time while collecting florida unemployment affect your benefits?
A worker will lose their job as the office she works in is closing down. if she can pick up part time work how does that effect her unemployment compensation. …
tennessee – Unemployment Benefits and Military retirement pensions.
I am a retired military person (I served over 20 years.) I receive approximately $2000.00 in Veterans disability and military retirement pay. I currently …
i want to quit my job and collect employment because of how my boss makes me feel.
i miss a couple of days of work because my daughter fell and hit her head her doctor told me to keep my eye open to see if there is any changes, but the …
I live In california can i move to another state (georgia) and continue unemployment?
My wife and i live in Los Angeles and have been having a hard time lately…. We were both laid off from our jobs, and a week before that we found out …
California Partial unemployment benefits when hours are reduced from 40 to 36?
Are you able to get unemployment if your hours are reduced to 36 from 40. And if you collect and get laid off in the future will that count against you …
Can I draw unemployment if I’m fired for not learning the job quick enough? CA.
I have started a permament part time job in a busy eight doctor office at the front desk registration. I have only been there 2 weeks and just a half …
If I quit in the state of MI for another job and it does not work out can I still collect unemployment benefits?
I am 31 and have worked since I was 15. I never had to collect unemployment until just a few months ago when my job had a mass layoff due to the current …
Can you collect unemployment while in jail ?
Can a person draw unemployment while in Jail. And is it legal for the checks to go to the father to be cashed. No Kenny, because while you are …
School Appealing my unemployment claim
I’m a Special Education Aide. We are hired Per Diem. We are scheduled 30 hours a week but during school holidays we are not paid. The aides do not pay …
New York voluntary quit anxiety
I started working for a medical company, I never did anything like that before. I had to read and enter procedures and diagnosis’. I have had a lot of …
What effect does Working Partime have on your unemployment benefits in Florida? (The source linked to provides information for all 50 states.)
I was just interested in knowing if I work a part time job will it take my weeky benifits away?? If not what are the limit to hours I can work before …
Need to prove I had good cause to quit so I can collect unemployment.
I have been working with this company for a few years. I love what I do, but someone there has made it increasingly hard for me to feel safe and comfortable …
Will my Navy Pension offset Florida unemployment benefits
Very close to leaving the job due to employers closing a location and having me drive to another. Saw today (I think) that Florida offsets UC benefits …
I HAVE TO FILE AN APPEAL AND I NEED TO FIND THE APPEAL FORM Hi Angela, You can file unemployment appeals online in Ohio. Ohio is one of those …
Can I get unemployment benefits if I quit my job. Kentucky
I have three kids and a Mother that has had brain surgery so I take care of her. I have FMLA at work for my mother and for my self because I get Migrain …
CAN I COLLECT MISSOURI UNEMPLOYMENT WHEN RECEIVING SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME (My answer provides the resource for anyone asking this question in any state)
Can I get unemployment for “breach of ethics” At a survey company in Texas?
I had been working at the same job since i was sixteen until my current age of 23. The job entails me calling people and ask to do quick 5 minute surveys. …
Can I collect unemployment when out on FMLA. Florida
I moved to Florida from Arizona in August 2008 and have been working for the same employer since that time. I was informed that I need to have surgery …
Can I collect unemployment if I quit my job(NC) and move to Delaware and take care of my mother?
My mother has had a couple strokes and is unable to drive and her memory isn’t what it once was. My father passed away in Aug last year. I don’t want to …

I was fired for a charting error. What are my chances to collect unemployment in Michigan?
Hi, My name is Ryan I am 34….I have been working at a hospital in Detroit for 11 years and was terminated due to a charting error…..the time I charted …
I will be unemployed as of June 1st, I am a resident of Florida working for a not-for-profit in New York.
For the last 2 years my hours were cut, now my position is being cut….I was employed by a NY State company, I worked out of my FL location. I did not …
Can I quit? Is this considered “good cause” in Indiana?
Hello Chris! Great site! I noticed that you recently addressed a similar case (as mine) for someone in Indiana and you told him to be careful due to …
Do I need to fill out a new Florida claim after my credits are gone?
I was laid off as a server in a restaurant in May of 2008. I collected unemployment benefits until Oct.when I found another job. I was laid off 4/19/09 …
Leaving My Job in NV due to Changing Work Conditions
Hi, I have currently worked in Nevada as a Construction Project Manager for almost a year. Before that I was employed in NJ for the same position …
can I continue getting benefits if I go back to school in texas?
I have been unemployed 3 monthes now. I want to attend a community college (if eligible for grants). I dont want to lose unemployment benefits as it is …
State of Michigan
I heard that my employer does not pay into Unemployment. Our CEO just met with us and was talking about the possibility of layoffs within our organization. …
when will I receive my unemployment check?
I sent in my pay information a week ago and have not received my check yet. How long should it take to get paid? Hi Deborah, When you receive your …
Quitting a job for a good cause. What proof do I need?
Hello, I reside in the State of Florida and in fact relocated to this State for a job last year. My work situation is such that I work all the time for …
I was employed with a company from 2006 to 2008, in which in August of 2008 I was notified the company was closing October 1 2008. Once this announcement …
Can you collect unemployement while collecting Severance?
I’m in CA and my work went out of business. My work is paying us for 2 additional months (we get a check every 2 weeks). Several of my co-workers are …
Can I delay filing for unemployment in CA to change my base period?
I was just laid off of a job that I have been at for 4 months (December 08 – April 09). Prior to that, I was on Worker’s Comp for approximately 2 years …
can my daughter collect unemployment benefits after only being employed for 6 months at a company?
my daughter had been working at wendy’s fast food corp for 6 months as of this week…she has had problems/personality conflicts with a particular manager…probably …
How do I get an appeals hearing? I have been trying for almost 5 months.
I was laid off 04/24/2008,I am a Carpenter(11 yrs)I applied and received compensation,I also received a 13 week extention,then there was a 20 week extention(at …
question regarding working on a freelance basis while on unemployment in NY
Hi! I hope you can help. I’m on unemployment in NY. I have taken on a few freelance projects and am so confused about how to account for this income on …
If my employer gives me options to be demoted or laid off can I collect in California?
I work for an Indian Casino in California. My employer gave me the option to have my position and wage reduced or be laid off. I want to know if I can …
Do I qualify for unemployment if I resigned for good cause?
Thank you for creating your very helpful website. I recently resigned from my job where I had been for almost four years. All of my previous reviews …
Partial unemployment vs. Short time compensation or Work Sharing – Florida
I am working in an engineering company for three years, and they cut my hours from 40 to 32 a weeks, due the workload in the office. It has been 32 hr/wk …
Indiana – Can severance payment affect your unemployment benefits?
My plant in Indiana closed their doors March 24th. We did receive a severance package but that can’t disrupt our unemployment benefits can it ? I was …
Unemployment when injured on the job in WV
First off I want to thank you for your site, I was very grateful to come across it. You do well being thorough in your advice and I am thankful for your …
Can you collect unemployment in Indiana if you are demoted from your current position to a considerably lower paying job?
I am currently a salaried worker with no official title. If they demote me to make me hourly again and say it is about a $300 a week cut, but expect …
Does Illinois Recognize Constructive Discharge due to Extreme Change In Working Conditions?
I ended up quitting my job of almost two years. Less than two weeks after I was hired for customer service which was to entail: answering phones, entering …
fired for marking no when asked if was felon.
i was hired in march 2008 and in november 2008 was offerd a positon as shift supervisor. About a month after doing the job they gave me background check …
Florida, denied unemployment because i quit a temporary agency
I was with a temp agency and decided that as work was not as forthcoming due to the economy, that I would accept a part time position with a law firm 20hrs …
Kansas is an at will state to hire and fire but there was a conflict within the first week. Within three days of being hired I had false accusations against …
Where can i get help understanding a board of review decision?
I have been collecting unemployment and my employer has been trying to fight it, but losing. Today I got a letter from the board of review and I just don’t …
What are my chances of losing my appeal in Kentucky
I quit my job after we had a bad ice storm all power was off for 9 days, power lines and trees down, no telephone service not even cell phone. Could not …
Fired for attendance in Michigan.
I was recently fired for an attendance policy, that does not exist. There is no employee manual or attendance policy. The employer will allow Employee …
How can I be well prepared before being fired/quit? (CA)
I have been working for my company since May 2007 and recently, micromanagement is being used in our office. My supervisor is creating standards that …
Summers off – Do I Have Reasonable Assurance? Not rated yet
I work for the school board and have most of the summer off. We do not get paid through the summer as I am support staff and not a teacher. Can I collect …
Being Claimed as a Dependent By Mom – But I’m an Adult Paying Taxes on Unemployment Benefits Not rated yet
Hi I’m Kendra, I’m 24, from California and this is my situation regarding my tax return. I was fired in December of 2011 – applied for unemployment …
can i still collect unempoyment while working as a deckhand in alaska Not rated yet
i have been on unemployment coming up on 26 weeks and have a job waiting in Valdez AK but we wont be paid till the end of the season I am going May 4 2013 …
denied unemployment for simple misconduct Not rated yet
My son was fired 2/19/2013 from his job at a drug rehab. A former client reached out to him via inbox on FACEBOOK. This person was never his client, had …
quitting job in illinois to move to indiana, due to moving with elderly parent. Not rated yet
I work part time in Illinois, but have to move to Indiana with elderly parent. Collecting SSI currently, but need supplement job to cover expenses. …
Job closed and no longer available for me after a car accident in which I almost die Not rated yet
I was involved in a car accident that left me on bed rest for at least 5 months following physical therapy. Company closed job about two months after …
Cashing in Accrued Vacation Time Owed Before Benefits Can Be Paid? Not rated yet
I have an employee that is on lay off. He says that UE has told him he has to cash in his accrued vacation time that was accreud over the last year to …
Downsized after 14 years, got severance, worked two weeks for new company, got fired. Not rated yet
Hi, I worked for a company in Tennessee for 14 years and when I originally applied for UI I was disqualified for 14 weeks due to a severance agreement …
different address for overpayment after overpayment sent Not rated yet
What does one do if an overpayment was sent to an address on the website, and then a notice was sent later on with a different address for the overpayment …
Hawaii Pleading for advice Not rated yet
I was a highly paid Construction worker in a Supervisory, I badly damaged my spine which is degenerative, my case is still open. I went thru Vocational …
Flu Season Is Upon Us – Don’t Forget Your Doctor’s Note Not rated yet
It’s a bad flu season this year and if you think like I do this means you and your kids are not just at risk for picking up the bug, but as a parent that …
I wasn’t able to show up for my appeal date Not rated yet
I was fired on 8-13-12. I was eligible to receive EDD Benefits till now. My employer appealed and I wasn’t able to be there. He lied about the reasons …
Company bought out and temp agencys automatically switched Not rated yet
So worked for large company through a temp agency for about 6 months total . The company was bought out and durning the process the new company chose to …
MY bad luck unemployment Not rated yet
My unemployment was coming and I got two checks and then they said I’ve been receiving checks since last Jan. I go to straighten this out and the person …
Can I use my benefits to pay to enroll in school Not rated yet
Hello, I have received benefits for three months, due to a company shut down. I enrolled in a online school for one hundred and forty bucks, the course …
If fired and denied unemployment due to revoked drivers license, are there circumstances that will get you an appeal and even win it? Not rated yet
My driver’s licence was revoked and I was fired for this reason. Before I write a novel of my circumstances, is there anyway to appeal for this reason? …
Unemployment Back Pay After Untimely Appeal? Not rated yet
If my appeal was filed 14 months later would I recieve back pay for all that time?If I have proof my employer was keeping bad records is there a good chance …
Economy forces our business closure Not rated yet
Can you collect unemployment from your own company if you are forced to close it down? Hi Roxanne, What type of business entity? If a …
Take a Moment and Donate to The Red Cross Not rated yet
It only takes a moment to make a donation to the Red Cross.
Im having trouble understanding my benefits Not rated yet
Hello, I filled for benefits and after i received my packet in the mail i see that on line 12 there is 0.00 in each of the quarters. I worked those months. …
What does it mean whe it says, Not eligible for 5 weeks? Not rated yet
I received a letter for the CA UI after my phone interview which stated “You are not eligible to receive benefits under CA UI Code Sec 1257a beginning …
Not being paid wages Not rated yet
I was not paid on an agreed time. It was supposed to be on Friday’s, and was not received at all. I was told that I could have a cash advancement, but …
Quit my job due to moral objection and to follow spouse out of state Not rated yet
I quit my job as a counselor at an abortion clinic recently for a number of reasons. My spouse suffers from bladder cancer and went through surgeries, …
Company purchased, have to re-apply, can I refuse the offer of work? Not rated yet
I have worked for this company for 10 years. We were just notified on Monday, 10/15 that the company was purchased. The new company met with us and told …
Collect PA Unemployment but moved to CT? Not rated yet
I’ve been on unemployment for a year, then my husband joined the navy and moved me to Connecticut, I’m still collecting unemployment and it has my address …
Do you qualify for unemployment benefits if you were working continually in a foreign country for an international organization for the last seven years? Not rated yet
Answer For: Do you qualify for unemployment benefits if you were working continually in a foreign country for an international organization for the last …
My unemployment benefits are based off 2006 Not rated yet
Hi I have been a union iron worker in Illinois for over four years. In the winter I, along with most other fellow iron workers, are laid off in the winter …
Bad Weekend + Plane to Catch = FIRED in WI Not rated yet
For a few years I worked closely with a subcontractor on my construction projects. When their office manager decided to move away she asked if I wanted …
How to add weeks of work to receive unemployment benefits? Not rated yet
I’m writing this for my grandson who is in the process of receiving unemployment after a layoff. He was working for a construction company and was layed …
Paychecks bounced so I was fired!! Not rated yet
I worked for a daycare for almost 4 months. I have had 2 paychecks bounce and every other one had a sticky note attached asking me to hold my paycheck …
Have worked and living in pa, but being told I have to claim unemployment in nj? Not rated yet
I have been getting the run around from both pa and nj unemployment for the past 2 weeks about which state to file in. I live in pa, worked in pa for past …
I am in Florida and I was receiving Unemployment benefits, but got a job and and had a situation where I had to quit and I had another job I had accepted. …
UE Appeal due to Inability to Work Not rated yet
I have an appeal coming up and not sure how to defend myself. I was receiving UE benefits with no issues. I was diagnosed with a health issue and need …
Fired for lack of punctuality – options? Not rated yet
I live in the Tampa Bay area and have been with my company for 8 ½ years (May would be the 9th anniversary). I have been struggling for the last year …
Wrongfully fired for being under the influence of alcohol Not rated yet
I was accused of drinking a 4 loco enery drink while on duty as a security officer. My supervisor and another officer both of whom I have had prior altercations …
Virginia Unemployment: Reasons for “Good Cause” of Voluntarily Leaving a Job Not rated yet
I quit my job in Virginia this past July because I was getting married in August and my (now) husband is a graduate student in Massachusetts. After we …
Unemployment and 1099s Plus W-2 For NY STATE Not rated yet
I worked from Dec. 2009 until August 2010 for a company that I made enough money to qualify for unemployment on payroll with a W-2. It was a TV show and …
Can I get unemployment if I am unableto preform my current position due to stress but I can preform another position within the company but they don’t have one open for me? Not rated yet
I am currently employed with a company and I have been working a lot of hours. I am also under a lot of stress between so much being required of me at …
renting a room in my house while on unemployment Not rated yet
In order to help me keep my house and pay other bills, I’ve considered renting a room or two in my house. But, will any rent i collect be deducted from …
Forced retirement and unemployment rights in Virginia Not rated yet
I fear that I will be forced to take retirement. I am 65 but receive only a small pension from an employer of 30 years ago and have not signed up for social …
Out of state unemployment question Not rated yet
Hello my name is April and I moved from Indiana to Tennessee on October 2010 for a job. The new company that I worked for went out of business and I was …
Employer laid me off and then told unemployment I quit. Not rated yet
I was working for a pipeline company called henkel and mccoy. I had been there for several weeks. I was a welder on the job. Foreman comes up to me …
Fired for saying I was going to do something that is a violation of policy Not rated yet
The cell phone company I work for has hope line where we keep phones donated to help various causes. My brother in law needed a phone temporarily til …
Quit with good cause in Colorado? Not rated yet
I am a 22 year old college student in Colorado. I began working at a retail sales company in June 2008. In June 2010 I was given an additional job beyond …
What happens when regular entitlement benefits run out in Tennessee. Not rated yet
Question…I started receiving unemployment in September (drawing from Tennessee) of this year and given a regular entitlement for 14 weeks (at the maximum …
Family Argument Not rated yet
Bob took a temporary training manager position at a major retailer. He had worked in sales there for about a year and this position offered better pay …
Fired for attendance in WI, Conflict between HR’s policy and direct supervisor’s expectations Not rated yet
Inside telesales, b2b. I live in wisconsin and I am wondering if I have a good case for receiving unemployment, here is my situation: I was hired as a …
Qualifying if I was laid off but still have money coming in from a rental property Not rated yet
I am preparing to get laid off soon but have a rental property I collect income from. Would I still qualify for unemployment? Hi Scott, As …
Company moving 37 miles away can I collect unemployment? Not rated yet
I have been with this company for more then 7 years and in the last 4 years I have not received a raise. On top of that my company currently got purchased …
Disqualified from benefits due to acquiring then quitting a part-time job while receiving benefits Not rated yet
I was approved for UI benefits after being released from a full-time job I held for five years. While receiving benefits, I acquired a part-time job working …
Can I collect unemployment benefits after being let go from a long term “contractor” position? Not rated yet
This is a unique situation, I’m sure. I was recently let go from a position I held in TN for 4 years, however, the position was held on an “independent …
Investigation to Validate Gross Earnings While Receiving Benefits Not rated yet
My full time position was eliminated at the end of August and I was approved for unemployment. In the middle of October a former professor recommended …
Fired for Attendance, Appealed, Now Denied for Misconduct Not rated yet
I was fired for tardiness. The majority of times I clocked in late were less than 5 min. It takes 5 min just to wait while you log onto a computer to clock …
Unemployed for One Year and… Not rated yet
… I have been receiving unemployment payments. I believe that I am on my second extension. So other than being without a job, I’m doing okay. My question …
Quit Due to continuous threats and harassment.. Do I Have an unemployment claim? Not rated yet
I live in Wisconsin and worked at a nursing home. I got injured in July and obtained a rotator cuff tear that I’m getting surgery in a week. There is no …
Collecting UI from CA, may move to N. Carolina Not rated yet
Hi Chris, I read the answer to the question from the lady moving from CA to Nevada to get married and her concern about collecting in another state. …
Qualified to collect in one of two states but now the extended benefits runs out in the state I chose but it wouldnt in the other. Can I file in the other state for the difference? Not rated yet
My extended benefits will be running out soon in Maryland. However, I had the chance to chose Massachusetts also when I first filed. I believe my extended …
Termed in NJ while on medical absence UI appeal shows misconduct?? Not rated yet
Upon finishing my entry i must start by apologizing in advance for the length but please read! This site has already made me feel more prepared for …
Wait to be terminated/fired or quit? Not rated yet
I have worked in Texas for almost 34 years for a large corporation based in Illinois. I have had many district supervisors. None of them actually helped …
Full-time salaried employment changed to commission only Not rated yet
I have been employed by a privately held employer since March 8 in a salaried position (no commission). One month ago, on Sept. 2, a payday, I went to …
Bed rest during entire pregnancy & didn’t earn enough for unemployment extension? Not rated yet
I don’t understand how I don’t qualify for the California Emergency Unemployment Compensation extension. I was a full time employee for almost 14 years. …
Chances of winning an appeal in AZ? Not rated yet
Boyfriend is appealing unemployment due to the fact that he was denied because he “left without good cause”. Basically, he worked for a roofing company …
I am being penalized unfairly from UC in WV Not rated yet
I have been collecting UC. I look for work & report for interviews as required. I received a letter saying to report to the UC office because I didn’t …
Fulltime EE turned Self-Employed – Can I receive unemployment as a self employed person? Not rated yet
Fulltime EE turned Self-Employed – Can I receive unemployment as a self employed person? I was let go due to lack of work (in Georgia) and received …
Draft Decision Rejected in Illinois Not rated yet
My case is this; Granted initial benefits Denied at referee hearing Appealed to Board of Review Terminated for being unable to complete a non mandatory …
I broke my arm and i filed for unemployment, all im getting is the run around Not rated yet
I broke my arm, I filed for unemployment, all I’m getting is the run around I’ve been at my job for 4 years {kfc} and on Aug. 26 i broke my arm …
Dishonest Temp Agency Not rated yet
Hello! I live in California and for the past year or so, I have worked for a temp agency (I’ll omit the name). I was placed at a job for 8 months, …
Freelance Work While Collecting Unemployment Not rated yet
Freelance Work While Collecting Unemployment I have just started receiving unemployment benefits in CA and my old employer has asked me to do some …
How far does PA/NJ reciprocal agreement go? Not rated yet
My husband works for a company with an address in NJ, but the physical office where he reports to work is in PA. We are residents of PA. He pays the …
I’m trying to STOP collecting Unemployment because I found freelance work so I’ve stopped claiming UI. Will Unemployment contact my new employer to verify i’m back at work Not rated yet
I was collecting unemployment for a few weeks, then found a freelance job. I’ve stopped claiming because I will get paid more at the freelance than collecting …
Quitting one job for another and then being let go due to no fault of my own. Not rated yet
Quitting one job for another and then being let go due to no fault of my own. On 8/5/11 I left my previous employer to begin working at a new …
Bad bad boss in SC Not rated yet
Bad bad boss in SC Hello, I want to first say thank you for having your blog. I had my Unemployment Appeal today, and I believe I won it due in …
I collected unemployment from 2 states while unemployed Not rated yet
I collected benefits from 2 states while unemployed. I had to file with one state first and when benefits ran out i had to file with the other state and …
Assaulted by my ex-boss, still denied benefits in NY?? Not rated yet
I worked for my former boss for 2 years. During the middle of tax season he was going through personal issues and was highly stressed. He had given me …
can i collect unemployment if the company changes ownership without notification Not rated yet
can i collect unemployment if the company changes ownership without notification I walked in to work yesterday to realize my boss sold the restaurant …
US Contractor in Afghanistan – Can I pre-file for unemployment in Colorado? Not rated yet
US Contractor in Afghanistan – Can I pre-file for unemployment in Colorado? Greetings, I am currently a contractor for a US based company, …
Unemployment Benefits for Independent Contractors? Not rated yet
Unemployment Benefits for Independent Contractors? I opened a claim in feb 2011 and was approved after appeal. I stopped filing in march after accepting …
Fired under Severed Misconduct in NJ Not rated yet
I was hurt at work and then had to take a urine test which I thought would not be a big deal but then I was fired under Severe Misconduct cause doctor …
Does unemployment benefits in Indiana stop as soon as you start a job or after you get your first check Not rated yet
Does unemployment benefits in Indiana stop as soon as you start a job or after you get your first check Hi David, When it stops .. is pretty …
Collecting VA benefits and unemployment Not rated yet
If I am collecting Agent Orange benefits from the Veterans Administration, does that effect the amount of unemployment I would receive? Hi, Agent …
Can I collect unemployment benefits in NJ if I resign my job to take care of my father…. Not rated yet
My father has been diagnosed with a rare disease that has left him paralyzed from the waist down. The doctors are unable to say if he will ever recover …
Retired From Military 5 Years, Working for USPS Now -Will I Be Eligible for UC? Not rated yet
Retired From Military 5 Years, Working for USPS Now -Will I Be Eligible for UC? As the title says, 5 years retired (receiving pension), working …
I resigned to avoid termination for not performing job duties at employers satisfaction… Not rated yet
I was offered a so called package from my employer if I resigned. They stated I wasn’t performing to their standards. The package consisted of vacation …
What determines entitlement to partial unemployment in New Jersey Not rated yet
What determines entitlement to partial unemployment in New Jersey? I am employed full-time, working a 37-1/2 hour week. My employer wants to cut …
Who is the charegable employer when hiring an unemployed person for a part-time temporary position Not rated yet
What if an employer in Illinois hires a person who is currently receiving unemployment benefits, and the position is part-time temporary, and the position …
modified Not rated yet
What does it mean when the previous decision will be modified? Well it certainly doesn’t mean it will be reversed. Modified usually means the …
System Analyst Not rated yet
I have been working in my job for 9 years. The first year I started out as a part time Environmentalist only on weekends as a second job, while working …
Threatened to be terminated and have not called out all year Not rated yet
Threatened to be terminated and have not called out all year My employer knew I was planning on going home for Christmas and I was assured last year …
Fired because the boss was turning the company over to his son Missouri Not rated yet
Hi all, First off I was let go by my boss sending me a text message stating that he was stepping down as President and turning the company over to his …
got fired from a part time job had an interview on phone with unemployment waiting for determination Not rated yet
Got fired from a part time job had an interview on phone with unemployment waiting for determination. I worked part time for about 4 weeks while collecting …
Ex-employer told Illinois unemployment I refused an offer of work Not rated yet
I was fired in May of 2011, for misconduct (negative attitude). I took part in telephone hearing, and was denied benefits, due to the above. I appealed …
Can you collect unemployment after leaving one job to start another? Not rated yet
Can you collect unemployment after leaving one job to start another? I left one job on a Friday thinking I was starting a new job the following Monday …
I recently worked for the state of Maryland for 5 years. Over the course of the 5 years, my anxiety and stress levels began to elevate. I was constantly …
conspiracy at mcdonalds in columbia,mo Not rated yet
I have worked for Mcdonalds for a year a half. I have never seen a company cover up so much stuff so that they don’t get into trouble and because I …
short term disability in Kentucky Not rated yet
I am on short term disability and will only receive 60% of pay, can I draw the rest of pay thru kentucky’s unemployment benefits Really? .. …
Are Unemployment Benefits Subject to Minimum Wage Laws in NC Not rated yet
Are Unemployment Benefits Subject to Minimum Wage Laws in NC If I collect unemployment am I supposed to be getting minimum wage in NC? Hi …
Unique unemployment situation you name it as you see fit Not rated yet
I was out on medical leave from my company. My leave ended on 5-21-11. I was instructed by my HR Representative, a month’s prior to return that I would …
fired for preventing unexpected diabetic coma on 3 concecutive days, by breaking company rules Not rated yet
I have been working for this company for 10 years without any write up. I have been a diabetic (type 2) for around 2 years now. I am also overweight, but …
company filed ch.7 and closed down and they didn’t pay their unemployment taxes. Not rated yet
company filed ch.7 and closed down and they didn’t pay their unemployment taxes. I work in the state of Georgia..The company I am working for is bankrupt.. …
National Guard Need Not Apply? Not rated yet
I am a member of the Alabama National Guard. My unit was mobilized and deployed to Afghanistan for one year. Upon return, I have been unable to find …
No Call No Show…But I called…Three times! Not rated yet
I am preparing for a “no call no show” hearing. I have my phone logs but would like to know what other evidence would help. When I received my file copy …
Will a Temporary Job Stop Me From Collecting Unemployment Extension When It’s Over? Not rated yet
Will a Temporary Job Stop Me From Collecting Unemployment Extension When It’s Over? Hi – I am writing you because I am concerned about my husband’s …
Quit after not having work for a full month in NJ and now Company disputes that i quit voluntarily without good reason Not rated yet
I started working with SOS Security in NJ in 05/06/10 as a security officer: on my interview i answered the application sheet desiring Full Time work… …
On employment but found a job and have to quit for my kids Not rated yet
I am currently collecting unemployment in Washington,dc I was offered a job and took it I only been there a week but I have 2 special needs children who …
Michigan Unemployment Benefits ALERT! Not rated yet
Michigan is trying to be the first state to decrease the duration of REGULAR unemployment benefits from 26 to 20 weeks. If you care you need to let …
Filling in for vacation Not rated yet
Hi, I am currently collecting benefits from NYS. I live in NJ. I work part-time, one day a week, when needed. If I were to fill in for someone …
How to rectify Unemployment Blunder Not rated yet
My friend lives in Florida and was receiving unemployment. In spite of being qualified for the extensions —which she filed for —and receiving the go …
Whistleblowers disadvantaged by new “severe misconduct” addition to NJ statutes Not rated yet
Six hours after objecting to an employee’s violation of a state regulation in an e-mail to management (I was a compliance officer for a private company)I …
I have a dual citizenship. Can I move to the country where I was born to look for work and still collect unemployment? Not rated yet
I was born in South America and also have citizenship in the U.S. I have been unemployed in California for a little over a year and fear that I still wont …
Can I be put on leave when i was injured off the job and was released to come back to work with limited duties Not rated yet
Can I be put on leave when i was injured off the job and was released to come back to work with limited duties and worked for a whole month before i …
Different Reason for being Fired by My employer. One reason on separation notice and another on the appeal form. Not rated yet
Different Reason for being Fired by My employer. One reason on separation notice and another on the appeal form. My ex-employer is appealing my …
Drawing unemployment from Missouri while living and working part-time in Illinois Not rated yet
I’m drawing unemployment from Missouri, but now living and working part-time in Illinois I relocated to Illinois to care for my 81 year old blind …
Can you be denied for the wrong tone in your voice? Not rated yet
Fired for my tone on a phone call w/ a prospective student aka “lack of professionalism”. So I worked for a for profit school 2 years. A few weeks back …
ky misconduct firing Not rated yet
I worked at financial inst and was fired for “floating” checks… I know it was wrong,but times were tough, (did it for about 4months, amounting to about …
Fired for Misconduct claimed unemployment 9 months employer appealed an won. Not rated yet
I, 9 months ago was on workers compensation doing light duty job. At the end of my shift I went into the supervisors office and lifted a single sheet …
Employer gives me the choice to resign or be terminated? What to do?? Not rated yet
I have worked for this company for 3 months. From the start the manager would say to me “do you really think this is the right fit for you?”. I was …
How do I prove that my employer is lying about what was said during our “investigatory meeting” before I was terminated? Not rated yet
How to Prove employer is lying about what happened when I was terminated? I don’t know helpless. How does an employee prove their employer is …
I work on commision only i left my position can i recieve unemployment benefits Not rated yet
I had been working for a furniture company for 5 years and i’ve been the top producer for the last 3 years. I sold 5000 worth of furniture and window treatments. …
Laid off by struggling company and may be asked to come back Not rated yet
From NC I was laid off a few months ago by a retail store that is struggling badly to stay open. I was there for five years and watched the steady decline, …
Licenses and credential in jeopardy Not rated yet
My licenses and credential are in jeopardy because I was repeatedly being made partied to incidents of dishonesty, unethical practices and professional …
If your job said in the termination letter they based their decision on termination because of my poor judgement.. Is this misconduct?? Can I still get benefits? Not rated yet
Is poor judgment work related misconduct? Jenny, Poor judgment can be work related misconduct, but clearly .. before anyone would be able …
boss reduced my hours and it seems he is forcing me to quit. Not rated yet
Boss reduced my hours and it seems he is forcing me to quit. Can I quit and collect unemployment. Hi, I suppose you could take a chance …
quit in maine Not rated yet
i walked off my job because the company was failing, the work place was hostile and my bosses were real **expletive deleted** I was a member of an installation …
Filed for disability and didnt tell unemployment Not rated yet
I recieved a kidney transplant and released to go back to work and there was not any for me so i went on unemployment then i filed for disability because …
fired or laid off Not rated yet
Have worked for over 3 years. Employer said “sign the document or get out”. The document was a non compete form. State???
Can i still receive my partial PA unemployment benefits if I quit my part-time job? Not rated yet
Can i still receive my partial PA unemployment benefits if I quit my part-time job? Yes this is a question alright, but it hardly provides …
Former Employer won’t send W2 Not rated yet
What do I do if my former employer has not sent my W2 so I can file my taxes from the previous year? How much time does he have to send it to me? He currently …
unemployment when you receive a small penision Not rated yet
SC denied claim, appeal denied- quit due to husband’s job relocating his job Not rated yet
I have been denied benefits after quitting a job in South Carolina to follow a spouse who was transferred to Delawares. I had to quit my job in SC …
Can I get unemployment if fired from a job for failure to attend a work meeting and if i never filed any W2 forms or any paperwork period with my employer? Not rated yet
Can I get unemployment if fired from a job for failure to attend a work meeting and if i never filed any W2 forms or any paperwork period with my employer? …
Misunderstood for quitting Not rated yet
A week before christmas I went to my boss office to ask what my future looked like with the company and to see if there was talk of ending my contract. …
Fired for one at fault company vehicle accident Not rated yet
I was fired for one at fault company vehicle accident I was involved in an at fault vehicle accident I worked for the company for 2 years. Their …
Fired for conduct not in the best interest of my Employer Not rated yet
I am in the state of Iowa and was recently fired because a customer whom i did not speak with was told by a supplier that i was rude on the phone. I do …
Unemployment after attending School (New Jersey) Not rated yet
Hello, My husband has been chronically unemployed since December 2008 when DHL terminated 90% of their US Workforce. He worked there for 14 years! During …
Missouri – fired for violation of company policy Not rated yet
Missouri – fired for violation of company policy and appealing using the laches defense Saturday 11/06/10 I was served a summons to appear in court …
I was not allowed to work to the date I gave to resign Not rated yet
Not allowing an employee to work to the date of resignation If an employee gives a company two weeks notice, but the company then decides to let the …
Breaking Policy Not rated yet
I worked at the county jail. I started dating a guy and by the time i found out he was a convicted felon i was in love (sigh) so i did look at the policy …
I received vacation pay which was earned and accured Not rated yet
I was told that I could not receive my benefits until my vacation payout was completed in weeks, even though I received one check. In other words I am …
Denied Unemployment for Employer’s Inability to certify FMLA Not rated yet
A friend was fired recently from her job after submitting an FMLA. The employer claimed they could not certify her FMLA and fired her within a few hours …
tax refund while drawing unemployement Not rated yet
if a person is terminated from their job within 6 months of the new year and is currently drawing unemployment can he still get federal tax refund when …
The head coach resigned and I’ve been offered the job Can i quit and still draw unemployment Not rated yet
I was hired three months ago as a assistant softball coach at a division 2 college. This past week the head coach resigned. The school offered me the head …
can an employer lay off an employee for collecting partial unemployment benefits Not rated yet
Employer threatens to lay off employee for collecting unemployment benefits. Can they do this? Hi, They shouldn’t, but I know they do. Stupid …
Was sick could’nt physically work… Not rated yet
I was sick with my auto immune disease and got raynaud’s phenomonom which made my hands and feet numb pins and needles feeling and it went through my whole …
Best state for Reservist/College Student to file in? Not rated yet
Hello, I’m planning on going to school for my graduate degree and am really close to finishing off my Bachelor’s. I am also planning on going into …
Do I work my reduced hours first, then try to claim partial UI ? Not rated yet
My new G.M. reduced my hours to 16.5hrs. I had been working between 26.5-28 hours weekly for the past 1 1/2yrs+. Everyone else at this particular store …
I was informed by my Supervisor in Security as a Guard our hours will be changing 11/30/10. Effecting my current Monday hrs. 6:00AM to 2PM going to …
Unemployment benefits from a full time job, while having a part time job Not rated yet
Hi, I was laid of from my full time job of 3 years, while working the 3 years at my full time job I have a part time job as well waiting tables. I …
Had to quit one job, took another for two days and couldnt do the work. Not rated yet
Hello, I was employed for 2 and a half years at an auto collision shop. The work was commission labor. So when the work got slow and they had nothing …
Can I get unemployment for attendance issues? READ Not rated yet
I was recently fired for attendance. I was absent 14 times in under a year and their policy allows 7 in one year. After a year it clears and my year anniversary …
Office Location moving…new location not on public transporation route. Is this good cause to quit a job? Not rated yet
I would like to know if I would qualify for unemployment in NC if my current office location is moving and the new location is not on public transportation …
Fraud overpayment Not rated yet
I was working full-time in a department that became laid off and was able to be transferred to another department that was supposed to be full-time. Shortly …
Getting unemployment again after missing the mandatory unemployment meeting Not rated yet
Hi, I recently lost my job after a knee injury. I filed for unemployment then had a “quarter-life crisis” packed up my saved money and headed on a …
Quit job to move overseas, then returned. Not rated yet
I quit my job to move overseas. I gained an invaluable experience while overseas, but I returned after 7 months. After 4 months of unsuccessful job hunting, …
what are my chances Not rated yet
Hi, I worked as a sales rep for a company and I was fired for not showing up to an appointment that I wrote down on my schedule. I cold called this …
Not safe at work Not rated yet
I was held at gunpoint at my place of employment. i am scared to go back to work, there are no panic buttons, can i quit my job because of this? I have …
Re-filing for benefits from being laid off but told my funds have run out Not rated yet
I live in PA. I am on a laid off status. I was told that my benefits run out the first week of december. Do I refile? Am I S.O.L.? Finding a job in …
Can i be denied UI benefits if i lost my job due to being on legally prescribed medicine? Not rated yet
Denied Unemployment Benefits, because i was using prescribed medication. What can i do to get my benefits??? What kind of prescribed medication? …
second time on unemployment Not rated yet
I was a 99er but then got a fulltime job. My new job is downsizing and as the newest employee i’m the one going. Can I collect again? Hi, …
CA Unemployment Benefits when the employer fails to fulfill his end of the bargain Not rated yet
Hi, I have been working for 4 months now at my very first job as a W-2 salaried employee. My contract states I earn $40,000/yr as a graphic designer …
NYS unemplyment denied, quit one part time to take another job at school Not rated yet
I had been working at a part time position since Jan 09 (about an hour from my home), and continued to work when I returned to school in Sept 10 as a full …
Can I collect unemployment for being forced to quit? Not rated yet
If my employer is getting rid of my department telling all of the individuals in my department that we either need to take a pay cut and take a lower job …
Experience is not what I was told it would be. Can I quit and collect unemployment? Not rated yet
Hello. I am an accountant in NYC and started at my Company a year and a half ago. When I originally interviewed, I was told the Company would go public …
Mom fired Not rated yet
Hello. My mother is 62 and has worked as a claims taker and customer service rep for the unemployment office for approximately 16 years. She was recently …
can I collect unemployment from 2 states? Not rated yet
I worked in two states and got laid off from both jobs, can i collect unemployment from both states Well, in a manner of speaking, but one state …
Interstate Benefits Not rated yet
Moved from Hawaii to Cali. BEFORE leaving I submitted as required three jobs a week that included mainland businesses I double checked with my local office …
To discriminate or not to discriminate Not rated yet
I was fired for my job because they said that my time sheet did not match with that of the gps system that they have in all the company vehicles. they …
I was laid off in July 2009, in April 2010 found a job paying much less but close to my new home (I moved from NYC to Upstate NY). Now I just found out …
Do I qualify for unemployment in Washington State if I voluntarily quit my job to accept job offer in another country? Not rated yet
Further, due to economic downturn, the company in Italy was unable to pay me the salary outlined in the original offer. I had already quit my job, moved …
Can I collect unemployment if I quit my next to last job and was laid off from the current one? Not rated yet
I have a question relating to a possible (hopeful)unemployment claim. I quit a job located in the state of Nevada(I have lived here for 31 years), partly …
Which state do I file in? Not rated yet
I’m a Florida resident who has worked in Arizona for the last year and a half. I moved back to Arizona over a month ago and am amazed at the difficulty …
Terminated for becoming inelligible to drive company vehicles Not rated yet
Becoming ineligible to drive company vehicle because their insurance company determined a recent speeding violation made my driving record too bad and …
Unemployment for School District employees Not rated yet
I was a Classified employee (ISS Instructor) for a school district in Missouri for 4 years. Due to the budget cuts in Missouri schools this year, I lost …
let go for drs appointments Not rated yet
I have been in remission from cancer for years. However most recently i have been having complications. I had to be in the emergency room several times …
fired for stealing money Not rated yet
Is it fraud to get unemployment when fired for stealing over $500.00? I don’t know .. did you steal the money and then lie to the unemployment department …
Can the employer be fount guilty of lying under oathe on the second appeal since a decision has been made? Not rated yet
lying under oathe! and actually telling the judge to put it on record that it isnt so. I was fired by the ceo in New York My boss says no I fired you. …
Satelite Office Closing/Job Relocation Not rated yet
Hi. The satelite office where I work in NJ is permanently closing and I have been offered to relocate to PA office. I am an hourly employee, moving and …
UC for being fired for not working OT Not rated yet
I am wondering if i get fired for not being able to work overtime can i draw unemployment benefits. I am salary exempt employee and i cannot work weekends. …
unemployment with work restrictions Not rated yet
Can you collect unemployment if you were fired because you needed eye surgery and you would miss 8 weeks of work? Hi, Yes, I suppose you can be …
Worked 8 yrs in Maryland and 2 weeks in Alabama now I owe back my EUC???? Not rated yet
On September 4 2009 I was laid off from my work at home job. Here is the story. From 2001 until Aug 23 2009 I lived and worked in Maryland. During a week …
i quit my job because i was going to be fired can i still sign up Not rated yet
i was going to be fired so i quit can i sign up still in north Carolina Hi Anonymous, Sign up? If you mean .. can you file for unemployment …
Can I collect Unemployment benefits if LTD ends and my employer has terminated me because I’ve been out due to illness Not rated yet
I’ve been out on short term and long term disability it has been a year and my employer has terminated me. My LTD will run out in Nov. they had me sign …
let go afterr losing professional license Not rated yet
can i get unemployment in Illinois if I was let go after losing a professional license. Was that professional license required for the job? You …
denied for taking classes Not rated yet
I got denied for unemployment because during my employment at a school, i enrolled in a class. I went to class and then went to my regular job (at the …
Do I have to keep a part-time job I took while being on Unemployment.? Not rated yet
I am currently on Unemployment in NJ and have been working a part-time job for 8 months. The job is way under my pay scale and abilities. Would I be allowed …
Will I be eligible for unemployment when my store closes and I lose my part time job? Not rated yet
I am almost 70 years old and have worked for the past 2 years at . Rumors have it that our store will be closed. I am part-time, working an average of …
Chances of recieving unemployment for car troubles?? (ILLINOIS) Not rated yet
I have a somewhat tricky situation. I have NOT been terminated from my position yet but I am preparing for the worse. My transmission went out on my …
Am I eligible to receive unemployment benefits if I also receive retirement benefits? Not rated yet
I live in Missouri and have collected monthly retirement benefits from the Public School Retirement System since 2002. With 3 children in college, I accepted …
is quitting a job because of verbal abuse a good cause? Not rated yet
i just wanted to know if i quit my job because of verbal abuse, is that good cause? my manager didn’t do anything about another employee verbally abusing …
Can you quit a permanent job for a temporary full time job and still collect unemployment when laid off? Not rated yet
Hi! We live in Florida. My husband quit his job at a local restaurant where he has worked for 5 years in June of 2010 to take a contracting job assisting …
Overpayment Not rated yet
I think it’a a joke they screen everyone to the point they’re looking for a way to deny benefits. When they can’t deny they allow payments to continue …
can you collect for being let go after 3 weeks for not giving the apearance of not being happy working there? Not rated yet
can you collect for being let go after 3 weeks for giving the appearance of not being happy working there? Yes, I believe I could collect for being …
can you collect if you quit due to spouse relocation? Not rated yet
My husband was laid off in January and we have been apart for 8 months so we could both have a job. Now He has a job in our home state, but we are 5 hours …
Will I still get unemployment when the company told them something different then what the manger told me? Not rated yet
Here is my lovely story. I was offered a full-time customer service job that is really hard to get in the company. I was working at a retail store part …
fired while on fmla Not rated yet
I was terminated after going on short term disability.I still had 2 weeks of fmla left.I wasn’t told my std wasn’t approved for almost 3 weeks.I had even …
Childcare licensing in state of Arkansas….Fired, can I get unemployment? Not rated yet
Hi, I live in Arkansas. I recently took a preschool job and filled out all the necessary paperwork, including an application and a criminal background …
Unemployment Appeals Not rated yet
Hello! In Pennsylvania what exactly does a Referee’s Withdrawal Order mean? I was granted unemployment benefits. The employer filed an appeal, the days …
Will I lose my umemployment if I refuse to go back to the job where I was laid off? Not rated yet
Will I lose my unemployment benefits if I refuse to go back to the job where I was laid off? 4 people were hired after me, 2 are good friends with some …
Can I collect unemployment if i was terminated due to attendance. Not rated yet
At my job there is an attendance points system. So if you miss 59 hours of work you are terminated. We are allowed 32 hours of kincare to tend to an immediate …
My job moved me to another state and now I feel I may get layed off. Which state do I collect from? Not rated yet
Since ausgust of last year I have been working for a company in PA. As of March this year I started working for their sister company which is based in …
Entitled to unemployment in CA? Not rated yet
Long story short… I claimed hostile work environment at my job. I hired an attorney that went to bat with the company’s attorney. In the end, the company …
Being fired for calling in bc of a car wreck? Not rated yet
Okay, here it goes. I’ve been employed for almost 3 years at the same place. I have never called in, except once, and I have never ever been late. Because …
Monatary Termination??? Not rated yet
I recently filed for unemployment and I received papers that said Monatary Termination on them. I don’t understand if I was accepted for unemployment …
do not want to refile for benefits Not rated yet
our unemployment ended, am now disabled ..since the extension was passed, do i call and tell unemployment i do not qualify or do nothing… If you …
spouse of an owner Not rated yet
can the spouse of an owner who is not a stock holder but is was employed by the corp collect unemployment comp in pennsylvania? See the 2010 “Coverage” …
Claiming money earned. Not rated yet
I gor laid off from my fulltime position but i still have a part time job that i get 1099 from. When asked on the webcert if I made any money this week …
volentary Move Not rated yet
Hi Chris, Hope you can assit me. I took a job in an office on July 13 till August 7th. I had been on several interview during my unemployment of six …
Company fired me but put it down that I resigned can I still get benefits? Not rated yet
It was a work from home job and after some months they decided to let me go because their system did not respond well with my internet service provider …
independant contractor wages Not rated yet
Can you have earnings as an independant contractor while on unemployment in PA? I found a once a month job as a guitar player in a band and reported it …
Well, I go to a hearing tomorrow morning at 10AM and felt confident til I found your website. Now, I’m crapping a brick!! My hours were cut to 20 per week. …
Possible independent contractor job and unemployment if job doesn’t work out Not rated yet
I am currently receiving California unemployment at the maximum amount. I am expecting to receive an offer to work at a company where I would essentially …
Paying back benefits Not rated yet
I have been collecting unemployment benefits since 11/09. In early June I took a 1099 job and thought that since the company doesn’t pay taxes I could …
Fired for being unhappy? Not rated yet
This past week I was fired from a job I had for nearly 5 years. First I was told I wasn’t happy there anymore. They asked me if I was happy. I said that …
Would I lose my partial UC benefits due to a DUI? Not rated yet
I recently got a charge for a DUI over the weekend. I am still able to make it to work and am not required to drive. I am currently getting partial UC …
I have to prove that im not the moving party Not rated yet
I put in for unemployment then i got the determination letter. the notice of hearing says issues: 1256 did the claimant voluntarily leave his or her most …
Confused Not rated yet
How do i reinstate my UI benefits after I was receiving them since march, 2010, was hired at a local fast food/convenience store and quit? Not rated yet
I was working in NYS (While working in NY I relocated to Pennsylvania and was commuting to work)and became unemployed and was able to recieve benefits …
Am I a freelancer or employee? Reopening an unemployment claim in IL. Not rated yet
I’ve been receiving unemployment compensation in IL since I was laid off from a full time position in December 2009. While receiving this compensation, …
Resignation vs. Layoff – Am I eligible? Not rated yet
I resigned but my employer offered me an alternative, temporary solution that we both agreed upon. At the end of that period, if they decide to let me …
If one gets fired but put in a grievance can they still get unemployment? Not rated yet
If one gets fired but puts in a grievance can they still get unemployment? A grievance to who? The employer or are you talking about an unemployment …
Do I have to repay Unemployment a portion of retro SSDI check? Not rated yet
I have been receiving unemployment benefits for one year in the state of AZ after being laid off in July 2009. I now have been approved for SSDI benefits …
Terminated in NC – what should I put on claim form? Not rated yet
Hello, Chris, I’ve been reading your site and am impressed. I was fired last week. During the termination interview, I was told that the reason …
I work a full time job at a school. I also work other jobs that I do after school and on weekends. I will be losing the full-time school job, but will …
I quit my job due to retaliation will I be eligble for benefits Not rated yet
I quit my job due to retaliation will i be eligible for benefits Hi Marlene, Did you happen to read anything I’ve written .. at all? I do …
employment through a Staffing Agency Not rated yet
I exhausted my 99 weeks on unemployment in April. I took a job through a staffing agency and after four weeks was told the job was over. Can I file a …
Fired for attendance, when attendance policy unclear? Not rated yet
Hi, thanks for your help. I’m preparing for an appeal in North Carolina. I was told I was fired for tardiness/absences. I worked at my job for …
Job posting after work injury Not rated yet
First I would like to say that this is the best website for unemployment issues and I have researched for hours on end. My employer is a small business. …
How long is the wait, to collect unemployment Not rated yet
My husband last day of work was June 1st.. He was not fired, but relocated.. He filed June 12th.. and has since then kept filing.. No response from the …
did I fall through the cracks when I moved to another state? Not rated yet
I was getting unemployment extended benefits from new mexico but relocated to nevada. I have been denied benefits and told from NM that I cannot receive …
Quit job due to work related stress, anxiety, panic attacks in N,C, Not rated yet
Highly stressful job that I have been doing for a year and a half. I feel my initial work load has increased, and the companies financial difficulties …
FMLA Not rated yet
Can I collect umeployment benefits in Nevada while on FMLA leave from my job while I take care of spouse? Hi Teresa, No, because you are not …
How long can you be unemployed before requesting benefits- 1yr 5yrs 7yrs Not rated yet
Can you be unemployed a long time before requesting benefits Ex: 1yr 5yr 7yrs Hi, I assume that you are talking about NY only? The answer is …
I was on unemployment and my last payment was deposited on May 23rd, so my last eligible week was May 19th. My initial claim started in Dec of 08. When …
How should I format a letter that explains why I quit my job? Not rated yet
I live in Georgia and I was on unemployment.I applied and got hired for housekeeper job in hospital and went through training. On training I felt that …
Oregon Unemployment for Good Cause to Follow Spouse to New Location Not rated yet
I was recently married 1 year ago in May to a man in Oregon. I have a good job in the Tri-Cities, WA and we have been trying to relocate my husband to …
How long are Florida Benefits and unemployment extensions? Not rated yet
My Florida Unemployment Compensation benefit year began on 9/13/2009. I ran out of unemployment in March and they refilled it. I have just run out of money …
Can I get partial unemployment? or would it be best to quit? Not rated yet
I have been at my job for almost 5 years now. I have gone through alot of nonsense with my job including my boss bouncing 4 paychecks which one resulted …
The next senate vote on an Unemployment Extension – Updated 7-18-2010 Not rated yet
Please join with your advocates at to urge the senate to extend benefits with the next vote on 7-20-2010. They are my favorite …
new mexico unemployment Not rated yet
i lived and worked in new mexico from 99-2000 . i worked for a full year, i have lived in ohio for 10 years now and have exhausted all my unemployment …
Can I continue to collect unemployment if I have retired after being laid off from work? Not rated yet
I was laid off and signed up for unemployment since then I have retired can i still continue to collect unemployment. Hi Larry, Well, I would …
Quit due to childcare Not rated yet
When I started a new job my husband was able to watch our 4 young children, he then got a job after 2.5 yrs of being unemployed. After 3 months I lost …
Please help no clue what to do! Should I just quit or seek alternatives to quitting. Not rated yet
Hi my name is Brandon, i’m currently employed but having a lot of difficulties with my pay! i work in a commission based department set with a draw that …
ny unemployment extension Not rated yet
I recently stopped getting my benefits in NY as my 73 weeks are up. If the new legislation is passed, will I be getting 99 weeks in total? My 1st (Original …
Can I receive unemployment benefits after turning down a job offer due to working conditions? Not rated yet
I have been on unemployment since February, 2010 in Nevada. I was just offered a position with 25% reduced salary, which I’m willing to do. However, …
After receiving unemployment benefits for 3 months, I was informed that my former employer was going to appeal my case unless I find a job soon. Is that possible? I live in California Not rated yet
After receiving unemployment benefits for 3 months, I was informed that my former employer is going to appeal my case unless I find a job soon. Is …
Can I get fired from a hospital for accidentally sending patient information to an incorrect fax number? Not rated yet
I work in a records office at a hospital. Six months ago I accidentally transposed the phone number (533 to 532) on our fax machine to send out a medical …
will i receive back payment of missed unemployment checks when congress finally passes extention Not rated yet
Will I receive missed unemployment checks when congress finally passes extention? Hi Brian, The way I understand it .. that will only happen …
Must I file unemployment? FL Not rated yet
I was laid off from a family business (willingly). My lease has a clause that states that if I become unemployed, I may give 30 days notice to vacate. …
Riffed and collecting Not rated yet
I was laid off due to a “rif” (Reduction In Force). My question is should there be any issues with collecting. I received a telephone interview appointment …
how long does it take for an unemployment claim to be approved. Not rated yet
how long does it take for a claim to be approved. It used to be that at most unemployment claims would be determined in 4-6 weeks and that would …
Unemployment – Hawaii Not rated yet
I’m a mechanic that gets paid by the hour and over a year ago, due to economic distress, the company I work for made the employees sign waivers agreeing …
HOW LONG MUST A PERSON WORK AT A COMPANY IN KY. TO COLLECT UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS Charles, That is not what determines monetary eligibility in …
I moved from FL to TX while recieving umemployment. Took a job in TX for 8 weeks and quit. Can I still fall back on my Fl umemplopyment? Not rated yet
I was receiving unemployment in Fl. I was offered a job in Texas. I took the job moved and it did not work out. I was there for 8 weeks in which I did …
Can I operate a small part time business from my home and still collect pa unemployment? Not rated yet
Can I operate a small part time business from my home and still collect pa unemployment? Hi, Collecting unemployment while running a small part-time …
Can I collect unemployment benefits? 1st job-quit, 2nd job-layoff. Not rated yet
Hello, I was wondering if I were to quit my job with my previous employer(not giving the 2 weeks notice) and start working for a new employer which …
can i recieve unemployment benifits if i have been self employed for over five years? Not rated yet
i have been self employed for over five years, but i file taxes every year, can i draw some kind of unemployment or aid in Alabama? Not likely. …
seasonal job and requalifying Not rated yet
I have been on unemployment for several months and just went off to work a seasonal job in the summer…when the summer ends and I go back to being unemployed, …
Laid off from the same company twice In New Jersey Not rated yet
Hello, June 2009 I was laid off from my job of 9 years. I collected unemployment up until April13 2010. I also collected most of my 1st extension. …
Can I qualify for unemployment if I was placed on bed rest for increased htn during pregnancy? Not rated yet
I was placed on bed rest for increased hyoertension during pregnancy, am I elgible for unemployement? Hi, Only if you live in a state that …
Can I collect unemployment if my manager is breaking the company policy on reminders? Not rated yet
I currently work for this xyz department store. They have this score system in wich you win or lose points depending on how many credit cards you opened, …
benefit denied appeals Not rated yet
I have a hearing scheduled very soon. I just wanted to know how to get the referee to understand that I was fired for providing a peer reference for a …
What if you accept a job and then decide to turn it down? Not rated yet
What if you accept a job and then decide to turn it down while currently on unemployment? If you haven’t filled out your I-9 or W-4, can the particular …
Can I collect benifits if I was disable and my position was filled? Not rated yet
I stopped working a few months ago. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and was on temporary didability and my position was filled. Can I fill for unemployment …
Unemployment ? Not rated yet
i know the extended benefits bill has run out. i have 1.5 weeks left of my regular unemployment and would move to tier 1 in michigan. can i at least file …
How long until I get my back benefits? Not rated yet
I am in TX, and had been unemployed for 4 months when I got a part time job to help extend my unemployment benefits. Turns out the employer was very crooked. …
Husband fires me can I collect unemployment Not rated yet
I have been working 11 months full time,If I quit and work for my husbands company and he fires me after a month or so, am I eligible to collect unemployment..this …
breach of contract and fraud Not rated yet
I have a job currently in the mortgage business. I assist 2 loan officers. I was lied to by the 2 loan officers at the time they offered me the job. They …
Hiring company no longer has work where we live and forces employees to travel to where they want them. Not rated yet
2 years ago my husband was hired and worked in our local area, Dallas Tx, on a full time basis. In the past 4 months they have had him and the others who …
how long does it take to get benefits once appeal has been won? Not rated yet
I won my appeals hearing on June 22nd, and still haven’t received any benefits…how long does Florida take to pay out benefits, after a decision has been …
won appeal in texas how long before i recieve my benefits Not rated yet
I have won my appeal , my employer has till the 9th of july to appeal this decision if my employer dont appeal how long after that will I recieve my benefits. …
Unemployment Extension – July 4, 2010 Not rated yet
I woke up early this morning, grabbed the paper off the porch, made a pot of coffee and then sat down to read the paper. The headline read: Jobless …
I quit my job in NJ to take my mother overseas to seek medical care Not rated yet
I quit my job of 5 years because my mother fell ill and I accompanied her to UK for a second opinion and treatment if needed. I was there with her for …
Retired Military and Unemployment Benefits Not rated yet
As a resident of New Mexico and as of 31 May I am officially retired. I will not receive my first retirement check until 01 July, am I eligible to receive …
Can I still collect? Not rated yet
I’m an actor in NY, and often take side work to fill in the downtime. I recently took a job with a gym as a personal trainer, but had to quit when the …
Unemployment comp payback Not rated yet
Hello. I’m hoping you can help. I’ve looked different sites up online and even into some of the services boasting that they will eliminate or decrease …
What if a teachers receives unemployment after they were laid off in June and then rehired in august, would they be expected to pay it back Not rated yet
What if a teachers receives unemployment after they were laid off in June and then rehired in august, would they be expected to pay it back. If you …
Employer appealed unemployment decision, I was on FMLA Not rated yet
I worked for a company for over 2 yrs. I have an early on-set bipolar child who is suicidal. I had to take FMLA to deal with her illness. I did miss …
denied benefits Not rated yet
i was asked to fill out a form for the scotty system. they asked what shift i would prefer. i put 1st then found out that my unemployment was denied because …
PA unemployment Not rated yet
I have been hired by a previous employer based in PA as a non benefited contractor. They previously had an offic in TX which I worked out of. Now that …
Unhappy but employed in oregon. Not rated yet
I live in Oregon.I have been employed with this employer for nine years. My husbandhas been unemployed and just took a job with a home base that is located …
Overseas Job Loss Not rated yet
I quit my job 1.5 years ago. I left because the company was having trouble paying, and the raise they offered me after one year did not cover inflation. …

Unique Situation (OHIO) Not rated yet
CHRIS!! Thank you for all of your amazing work, research and dedication on such a frustrating and confusing topic. I was terminated from my very lucrative …
California or Maine? Not rated yet
My Husband recently died and I was laid off several days later. I have to move to Maine to live with my kids. I have worked in Ca 30 years. Do I collect …
was overpaid unemployment eleven years ago, Do I still have to pay it back? Not rated yet
I was overpaid unemployment in 1999. They just contacted me eleven years later, am I still obligated to have to pay it back? Kellie, I do not …
i forgot to clock out and someone did it for me and i was fired can i get unemployment Not rated yet
i was a very very good worker as my manager said and i had even clocked him out when he forgot, but when i had someone to do it for me the director saw …
Why can’t my son continue benefits after first 26 weeks? For Michael in Florida Not rated yet
My son worked for his company for 4 years before being laid off in January 2010. He is about to finish his first 26 weeks of Unemployment and was told …
Laid off but still getting paid Not rated yet
I am a teacher laid off with last day of work of 06/03/10. I am still going to get a paycheck at end of June and July. Can I get unemployment? If …
Need to find another job that doesn’t require me to be on my feet all day. If I quit to seek more suited employment can I receive UI? Not rated yet
I have problems with my foot that requires surgery to correct. Have not been financially able to do this. The job I currently have requires me to be …
Do I have good cause – Possible Pregnancy Discrimination? Not rated yet
I have been working for the same company for 2 yrs now. I have been currently working 20-35 hrs a week. A few weeks ago I informed my employeer I was pregnant. …
IL- Can a substitute teacher quit and get paid unemployment if they cut their pay? Not rated yet
I have been a substitute teacher for 13 years. The school district put out a notification that years served and days served in the previous year would …
why would there be a stop on my claim Not rated yet
why would there be a stop on my claim Well, Anonymous #? I can think of a number of reasons, but if you don’t know yourself what might have stopped …
If I am receiving unemployment what is the limit on the amount I would be able to receive in addition to my weekly unemploymnet check ? Not rated yet
If I am receiving unemployment what is the limit on the amount I would be able to receive in addition to my weekly unemployment check ? Hi, Care …
Will I qualify for another 26 weeks when my benefir year is over in PA? Not rated yet
I qualified for 26 weeks of regular unemployment in PA. I was not qualified for federal EB because I earned most of my income in one quarter..20k out …
Am I eligible to collect if I change jobs knowing the new job will end ? Not rated yet
will I be eligible if I quit a job as a preschool teacher to take a job as a fifth grade elementry teacher substitute(what my degree is in) even though …
college and unemployment Not rated yet
Can I still collect unemployment benefits and go back to college if I receive financial aid in CT Try reading the information I wrote about Unemployment …
Is there a chance that I can be considered for UI benefits? Not rated yet
I worked with an oral surgeon for the past year now until yesterday when I had to quit.(New Jersey) He screams and yells at us in front of patients as …
if i get another job and then get fired from it, can i still claim unemployment benefits from my previous job? Not rated yet
If I get another job and 2 weeks later I get fired, can I still claim unemployment from my previous job? Answer: Only if it is found that you …
Unemployment-Wisconsin Not rated yet
If I work in a school system(I am not a teacher, support staff)and I didnt loose my job or not fired can I file for unemployment until I go back in September? …
I’m collecting unemployment and have enrolled in school, but have now been offered a job. Not rated yet
I have a question for you. I’ve been laid off since March 15th. I decided to go to school since there aren’t many opportunities in my field. I am currently …
Is there money for unemployment in new york? Not rated yet
Hi, I have just been told that there is no money for unemployment in new york. I drive a school bus & there is no summer work for a lot of us. We need …
Georgia rules for no fault termination and severence Not rated yet
Can I recieve benefits after being terminated no fault and given a severence package which has already run its course. The state is Georgia. I filed interstate …
I have been collecting unemployment for about 6 weeks now. I have decided to go back to school in the fall to get my AA in nursing. Will I still be able …
Had surgery while on unemployment, do I qualify for benefits. Not rated yet
I had surgery while collecting unemployment. Do I still qualify to collect? Were you able and available to go to work? If not, then no. Being able …
Unemployment and having a baby Not rated yet
I was wondering if it would be possible to collect unemployment if I was automatically fired due to not being able to return to work beyond 12 weeks because …
Should I ask to be fired or voluntary quit? (California) Not rated yet
I’ve been reading all the info on this site but I couldn’t find any similar case to mine. I’ve been working full time at this job for two years. Recently …
part time hours taken away for the past 3 weeks in Florida Not rated yet
i have worked part time for the past 3 years approx 10-12 hours per week. my employer has not given me any hours for the past 3 weeks and will more than …
I was denied benefits for “Refusing Work” when no actual work was offered. I won my phone hearing, but still being Denied. Not rated yet
I am from Missouri and I worked for a private security company for approximately 1.5 years. I was told not to come in to work three weeks in a row, because …
I was asked to RESIGN from my job in CA and i wrote a Resignation letter thanking my employers!!! Not rated yet
I was asked to resign on May 6th 2010 from my job. I had worked there for two and half years and I had been feeling pressured and given write ups the last …
pension and unemployment benefits Not rated yet
can i receive a monthly pension that i paid into and receive unemployment also. You should be able to find the information your looking for at the …
ARE TEACHERS AIDS ALLOWED TO FIE FOR UNEMPLOYMENT IN IL. Yes, you are allowed to file, but you must know the majority of school employees in this …
do you need to notify unemployment isfyou get married when collection Not rated yet
Are you required to notify ui if married when collecting ui and move out of the state where it is being collected from Hi Paula, Yes, of …
Can you work 13 hrs a week ad still collect unemployment in the state of massachusetts Not rated yet
Can you work 13 hrs a week ad still collect unemployment in the state of massachusetts? Yes and it’s usually called Partial Unemployment Benefits …
LLC went under Not rated yet
I Have owned my LLC for three years but had to shut it down last month is there anyway I can collect unemployment? Generally, the “self-employed” …
can i claim unempolyment after only one week of less than 25 hours Not rated yet
can i claim unemployment after only one week of hours less than 25? Hi A, Monetary eligibility is determined by the wages in your base period …
I was an owner and employee of a business that I sold. Can I get benefits Not rated yet
I was an owner and employee of a business that I sold. Can I collect benefits in New York? Hi Jack, You’ll have to decide for yourself. …
does being laid off less than two weeks prior to major surgery exempt you from job searches for the period of time you are unable to drive? Not rated yet
Since my employer knew I was having major surgery less than two weeks after the day they laid me off, is there an exemption from NC regarding job searches …
If i get a Full Time Job but it pays less then unemp? Not rated yet
Hi, I was offered a job that pays about 9 bucks a hour as a intern.. and unemp is giving me 1000 bucks every 2 weeks… if i take the job is there a …
if i put in my 2 weeks notice and get asked to leave can i get umemployment Not rated yet
if i put in my 2 weeks notice and get asked to leave can i get unemployment? Hi Bekia, The answer is usually yes .. but there is usually a big …
partial employment question about unemployment benefits Not rated yet
Okay,I was drawing partial employment for partime work ,but the workforce made the mistake of not giving me a certain form to fill out ,my extended benifits …
Should I quit if instead of being transferred to the location I want I’m transferred to a store that won’t fit into my personal need to move to a different location? Not rated yet
I currently live in N. Nevada in retail as a manager. My store is in the process of closing. About a month before my store closed I asked my district manager …
Can you work part time and collect UIB? Hi Maria, What a fascinating question and one I’m certain I’ve never answered before. Why don’t you …
Can I collect if I quit , when Armored car company puts me in danger. Not rated yet
I work at an armored car company for 15 years. Recently,and for a while because they have not hired people they need, they have me drive an armored truck. …
Side Business Not rated yet
can i collect unemployment benefits during temp. layoff from my primary employer if I have a seperate side business? Hi, Did you have the side …
Can my husband quit his job and recieve unemployment? Not rated yet
My husband has worked at his job for five years,he wants to quit his job because i(his wife) and our children relocated due to my job and schooling.He …
How do I file my appeal I use to drive for bus company help me? Not rated yet
Hi I drove for Greyhound bus Lines and have been employed there for 2 years. During my 2 years Ive had 2 prior minor collisions 1. cracked window no …
I am in Pennsylvania. Can a 30 hour week be called full time and make me ineligible for benefits? Not rated yet
Hi I live in Pennsylvania and took a job that only “guarantees” average of 30 hours a week. My employer, though, considers it “full time”. It will …
I work an average of 30 hours per week as a per diem now I have been downstaffed to 6 hours per week Not rated yet
Can I recieve partial unemployment? I would think you could .. Yes if you can establish that you have consistently been working and were told you …
can i be fired from a nursing job if the patients don’t like me Not rated yet
can i be fired from a nursing job if the patients don’t “like” me? Hi Ellie, Sure you can .. you can be fired from a nursing job if the patients …
I think I’m being harassed at work Not rated yet
I reported to upper managament that my co-worker is stealing my leads and also inactivated one showing that was his lead. Also he setup me up in a file …
What if I were given the opportunity to go on intermittent leave and I get sick and have to call in due to pregnancy before im able to turn in the paper work? Not rated yet
I have well over the amount of allowed call ins and tardies due to pregnancy, If I call in one more time or am tardy 3 more times (equaling one absence) …
I was denied unemployment but i feel that it wasnt right?? Not rated yet
My previous employer wrote me up bc of funerals and my grandmother being in the hospital and i thought this was unfair. I told them on a wednesday that …
Involuntary Separation due to Unsatisfactory Performance .. what are my chances on getting unemployment ? Not rated yet
I’m a phone banker and I worked for the company for almost 3 and a half years My 2009 review which my boss went over with me last April was really good …
Can you collect unemployment if you are fired due to absences and tardies and the absences and tardies are because you are pregnant? Not rated yet
Can you collect unemployment if you are fired due to absences and tardies and the absences and tardies are because you are pregnant? Yes, it is …
can you collect after 3 years taking care of someone who died Not rated yet
my mother was sick with cancer for more than 3 years i was the caretaker of her i lost my job as a nurse because the person went to hospice and …
JOBLESS Not rated yet
How can I win my appeal hearing now that I’ve helped my ex-employer win by being truthful? I admitted seeing a warning lettter that was generated to resolve worker vs customer issues. Not rated yet
My ex-employer was found to have cause to terminate me because I was at work and working when a rude customer interrupted me demanding my attention. I …
Question/rant about moving Not rated yet
So here is the thing, i have a decent job that pays the bills and all that junk and i have a woman who i am madly in love with that lives an hour away …
Can I get unemployment from the job that just fired me if I worked at a car wash last year till I found a better job and quit? Not rated yet
I know I will get unemployment from my former employer. I worked for him for 8 months and he fired me, I’m not going to go into it cause that’s not my …
Can I file for unemployment after taking a 3 month vacation – CA Not rated yet
Recently I was laid off from my job in California after 13 years of service. I decided to take a long deserved vacation for 3 months, can I still file …
Unemployment after denied Long Term Disability. Not rated yet
I have been out of work since August 2009 when I gave birth to my child. I was putting on a leave for mental disability shortly after in Oct and have been …
Can I get UC if my employer put me on LOA because of illness and has no position for me after I am well? Not rated yet
Can I get UC if my employer put me on LOA because of illness and has no position for me after I am well? Yes.
Fired in CA for what was a common workplace practice Not rated yet
I was fired from my employment in California (working for a Temp agency) for falsifying time sheets. While this may be technically accurate, I was completing …
I was collecting unemployment in CA, and took a temporary contract out of state. Can I reopen my CA claim? Not rated yet
I was resident in CA from Jan 2008 to June 2009, and was laid off in June 2009. I received CA unemployment and was half way through my first extension …
Receiving Unemployment/ moving to a different state Not rated yet
My question is: If I apply for California unemployemnt and start receiving my checks and then move to Georgia, do I need to re-apply in the state of GA …
Part Time Worker with a Part Time Schedule Not rated yet
I have worked for X company as a Part Time Employee for 10 months. For 5 months I worked 4 days, then at my request for the last 5 months just 3 days per …
no being put on the schedule Not rated yet
I work in fast food and the shift varies and changes weekly.. anywhere from 2-4 days a week.. however, I have not been scheduled to work in over a month …
Can I collect unemployment if I quit do to mental illness that caused me to quit my job? Not rated yet
I became very depressed a few months ago, and got to the point where I could barely function at work. I couldn’t perform my duties, so I quit after the …
I feel like the company I work for is causing me to have health problems. I’m so stressed out to the point where I cant sleep at night I dont really eat …
Can I file for unemployment if I was fired for violation of the company’s technology policy? Not rated yet
I was fired because I used the company email to respond to a thank you from an employee that was transferred from our office to another office. It was …
Question about UC extension, live in PA. Not rated yet
I was curious if you know how extended benefits work? I am currently unemployed, I was not “laid off”, I was terminated from my job, am currently collecting …
What are the chances of winning my appeal? Not rated yet
My previous employer denied my benefits due to ‘you did not meet the established job performance standards. I was fired for insubordination. I worked for …
can i collect unemployment Not rated yet
can i collect unemployment i have been at this private co (with a cvg in it)correctional facility, for 2 yrs. I’m now suspended without pay during a investigation …
Unemployment disqualification in arizona Not rated yet
I was disqualified for unemployment in the state of Arizona until 8/10/10 due to receiving a severance package. Does this mean that I have to start the …
direct deposit Not rated yet
I want to have my check direct deposited, however I don’t have an bank account. Can I have my check deposited into someone elses bank account Hi …
UI denied due to quitting a job, but the job had not even started yet! Not rated yet
I have been unemployed for 8 months, and have been receiving unemployment. Two months ago I was offered a temporary, full-time position, and accepted. …
Can I still apply for unemployment money if I quit my job because I moved to a different state but now I moved back to my old state and right now I don’t have a job? Not rated yet
Can I still apply for unemployment money if I quit my job because I moved to a different state but now I moved back to my old state and right now I don’t …
can i collect the remainder of my original claim for which there is a balance Not rated yet
I was collecting unemployment, and still had more money in my claim. I found a job and went back to work, I have since been laid off again, in a very short …
I have just worked 2 days at my new job in maryland and have been let go, not because of misconduct, but, they said i wasnt the right fit, can i still get unemployment? Not rated yet
I have just worked 2 days at my new job in maryland and have been let go, not because of misconduct, but, they said i wasnt the right fit, can i still …
Can I be denied unemployment if I have not actively looked for work? Not rated yet
Within the waiting period of receiving unemployment, I was unable to look for a job due to not having funds for transportation. I was waiting to receive …
Will I receive unemployment for “lack of production” from a sales position? Not rated yet
Well, I was given a Notice of Separation on my last day. The reason for separation on the form my manager wrote “lack of production.” It was a sales …
I was fired for a policy that was not documented anywhere in our Employee Handbook – I have since been denied unemployment for Section 4141.29(D)(2)(a), Ohio Revised Code. Not rated yet
On Sept. 6th 2009, I was cited for a nonmoving driving violation – intent to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. This occurred …
can i still get unemployment if I can no longer work weekends due to chidcare issues. Not rated yet
I have been working for a company where i am an auditor. We travel all over the state and the schedule varies. I can be working at 5 am one day and 11 …
Was fired, and denied unemployment, now the company needs me to testify Not rated yet
Long story short, I was fired four months after the company’s third party money handler stole. I was fired basically because I was the last one before …
If I am collecting unemployment benefits but working a commission only job, what happens when I receive a commission check? Not rated yet
If I am collecting unemployment benefits but working a commission only job, what happens when I receive a commission check? Hi Debbie, In relationship …
Would I still be eligable for benefits if I tell unemployment about a job I had then quit or don’t tell unemployment. Not rated yet
I’m currently recieving unemployment in illinois. I took a job that was less paying, and since it involved the selling of animals ” a little against my …
I have been waiting for my reconsideration decision for 11 weeks now. my case manager at unemployment told me a reconsideration decision was going to be …
May I collect unemployment if I have to quit my job to care for a sick parent? Not rated yet
May I collect unemployment if I have to quit my job to care for a sick parent? Usually not, because of the eligibility condition that you must be …
I have relocated about 150 miles after losing my job in the same state of Wisconsin. Now I have been called back to work 14 months later. Not rated yet
I lost my job in Feb. 2009. We could no longer afford the rent and cost of living in this city so we moved about 150 miles away, to a lesser cost of living …
Will my unemployment claim be denied automatically because I was fired? Not rated yet
I’m a dental hygienist in the state of California, and I worked with my last employer for 1 year. Our relationship started to decline over the past couple …
worried vets wife has question about effect of a military pension Not rated yet
My husband is a retired Navy veteran,he receives a small pension from the goverment.He has worked for a year and a half at a civilian plant and was just …
Employer no showed at appeal hearing, I won, he reopened, I lost Not rated yet
I quit and had to prove good cause. I was office manager for dental office 10 years. End of 2008, employer began acting out of character, showing up to …
Can I collect unemployment if my employer of 5 years now only has work 4 hours away Not rated yet
The employer cannot pay for any travel expenses and the only job is either 4 hours away or 8 hours away. Hi Terri, What kind of work do you do? …
Unemployment in two different states Not rated yet
I moved from Virginia to West Virginia 3 years ago. Two years ago I lost my job in WV and was unemployed for 7 months. While drawing unemployment from …
can I still collect? Not rated yet
I have been collecting pa unemployment benefits for 2.5 months. I accepted a job as a Sales manager at a car dealership. The hours were not as stated on …
can i be denied unemployment benefits after being fired for failing a drug test Not rated yet
can i be denied unemployment benefits after being fired for failing a drug test Dustin, Yes, you can, but the issue is state specific as to the …
Fired and given the excuse “not working out” Not rated yet
Hello, I worked at a law firm (yeah, good luck to me) in Fort Myers, Florida from July 13, 2009 up to March 8, 2010. I filed for unemployment benefits …
Unemployment benefits and disability Not rated yet
I had lost my job last year and received unemployment,i had applied for disability last Novemenber and was approved..I am looking for work with my disability …
Am I able to collect, if I voluntarily take a company buy-out, then get a temporary or seasonal job elsewhere? Not rated yet
I live in PA, worked for a company for 19 yrs, that has changed drastically for the worse, there is now a surplus, being a union job, the company will …
I quit my job @ family business father retired & son in office. Son abusive & substance abuser. Work conditions horrible & had to get out. Denied UI, & am appealing. Suggestions? Not rated yet
Family own. Father retire. Put in charge of co. Son,alcohol & drug addict. Had to drug test @ office. Was sent hostile emails – “deal with me” – felt threatened. …
Do I have to take a job that pays less than the one I am laidoff from Not rated yet
I was laidoff in July of 09.I made $13.00 an hour.I was just offered a job that pays $7.00 an hour but is is weather related work.If it rains one day I …
Can your unemployment benefits be denied if your company offers you a job requiring a 70 mile commute and you refuse to take it? Not rated yet
My job ended because the contract I was working on was canceled. I registered for unemployment. My company has since offered me a job that requires a …
Subject: Unemployment Residency Not rated yet
Scenario: Have been receiving Ohio unemployment for a month now and have the opportunity to pursue some job leads in Georgia. Would like to interview there …
MI Unemployment resigning question Not rated yet
I am a teacher in the state of Michigan. I was told I was going to get fired. They gave me the option to resign. They are stating they would not fight …
Answering Un/Employment Questions Not rated yet
My boss reached a point where they couldn’t work with me. Was offered severance and time to consider that or be put on a probation period. It was suggested …
I quit my job due to health reasons my Dr. advised me in NC. I moved to SC to be with my husand. Can I collect unemploymnet? Not rated yet
I have arithits in my right hip and unable to drive for long periods of time. My doctor advised me to quit after giving me shots for 2 years. Will I …
Re-applying for unemployment after denial Not rated yet
I was denied benefits for having quit my job with no good cause due to the fact that I did not take steps to preserve my employment prior to quitting. …
I was fired for making statement about another employee on my space. Not rated yet
My boss is fired me for making statement on my space, he printed the papaer up and took it to appeal hearing. But first he told unemployment that I put …
Why would I need to file a new unemployment claim in California when my unemployment status has never been interrupted? Not rated yet
I was laid off from my previous position on February 6, 2009 and have been continuously unemployed and receiving unemployment insurance benefits ever since …
What is the wait time to collect unemployment in a plant closure in the state of California. Not rated yet
The company that I work for has given all of the employees a 60 day notice that our plant will be closing as of July 31, 2010.We should be receiving notice …
can my boss harrass me about my weight and if I quit can I get unemployment? Not rated yet
Can I get my unemployment if I quit my job because I was harrassed at work about my weight? I did not receive a pay raise due to this and everyday I was …
does worker comp affect my unemployment benefits? Not rated yet
I was injured at my job,collected one compensation check so far. My job is closing Aril 23,2010. Will the worker comp checks affect unemployment benefits. …
Can I continue recieving unemployement if I just got a part time job 20-25 hour a week? Not rated yet
I live in Florida and receive $243.00 per week, and I got a part time job that offers only 20-25 hours per week. Would I be still eligible for unemployment …
employer says I refused an offer of work by calling me and leaving a message Not rated yet
after I was unemployed for about 10 days because there was not a truck to drive, employer says they called me and left messages on my voice mail. I never …
Moving to Wisconsin while collecting California Unemployment? Not rated yet
I may have to move to Wisconsin and live with my brother as I can no longer live on $450 a week unemployment and pay high rent? Can I still collect California …
teachers aide, part time employee, will not have position open for 2011 Not rated yet
hello- We live in Denver, Colorado. My wife was laid off from her sales job with a housing developer on 10/08. she was collecing UI and was actively …
Can a person collect temporary unemployement to care for an ill family member Not rated yet
My boyfriend lives and work in Pa. He has sole custody of his 6 yr old child, who has been hospitalized for two weeks now with a rare ( potentialy fatal) …
Would a paid INTERVIEW ONLY, through a staffing agency, be considered a temporary assignment? Not rated yet
I have been on unemployment since November 2009. I went to a staffing firm in December 2009 to help with my work search. (I had no idea they are such …
Live in NY and wish to form LLC Not rated yet
Hello i recently been accepted to receive unemployment benefits in new york state. I cannot find work so I’m thinking of opening my own business …
Are they stopPing Unemployment in Arizona next week? Not rated yet
I herd that we would not receive payments after the first of March? Until Congress made their decision. I am on my third extension and have had no luck …
Fired for under performance Not rated yet
I was fired after they tried to push me out and were asking me to give my 2wk notice. they state I didnt want to be there and that I said I was done with …
Quitting with good cause and receiving benefits Not rated yet
I had a work related injury almost two months ago and was placed on workman’s comp, due to it. I unfortunately allowed them to send me to whatever doctor’s, …
Is it possible to receive your pension and UB in Fl? Not rated yet
Is it possible to receive your pension (same employer for 26 yrs) and UB in Fl? My checks have been delayed while “they” investigate. Meanwhile I claim …
won 2 unemloyment appeals after i quit after 15 years employed now they called me back to work for 3 dollars less when i quit can i refuse with out losing benifits Not rated yet
thank you Not sure Tom. What I do know is that it’s possible they are now trying to create an issue of a refusal of work. Ever heard of an “informational …
I was fired from my job and denied my unemployment benefits. I am now waiting for my appeal date and want to know if I can win this. Not rated yet
I was fired on 2/3/2010. My employer had been going out of his way to get me to quit up until the day he fired me. He told me he was taking away my office …
What if I have a hearing? Not rated yet
Hi my name is Alexandra in December of 2009 i was denied benefits due to not “good cause” when quitting my job. In the beginning of January 2010 I had …
Can you collect unemployment if you have been indefinitely laid off? Not rated yet
if you are told that you have been indefinitely laid off can you collect unemployment. Hi, If by “laid off” you mean a “lack of work” .. yes .. …
Does insubordination, no matter how minor or inconsequential always result in no benefits Not rated yet
I was told to cut a check for a temp employee. No precedent had been set for this. The temp agency always cut the checks The temp agency said they were …
What does base period mean and quarters Not rated yet
I live in Texas. I have worked at my job from October 10 2009 until March 10 2010, which will be the date I am being laid off. I made 3000.00 a month …
will i qualify for unemployment due to my attendance Not rated yet
well ive been workin there for a year i been having attendance problems due to car problems but this winter i have no car problem now i just have weather …
I was working and collecting unemployment, can I get in trouble? Not rated yet
I was collecting unemployment pay for a year in AZ, then moved to CA for work. I worked for 3 months in CA and was still collecting from AZ for those 3 …
i am currently collecting unemployment i just got a job but its only sixty dollars a week can i still collect Not rated yet
I am Currently collecting unemployment in the amout of 694.00 every two weeks. i just got a job but it only pays 50.00 a week can i still collect my unemployment. …
Waiting for company to acknowledge seperation? Not rated yet
Hello I was let go from my job 23 days ago, I filed for UI. However I have not received anything as far as an approval of benefits. I called my UI (Pennsylvania) …
Can I collect unemployment after working abroad? Not rated yet
I have been collecting unemployment but found a temporary job overseas. It only lasts two months. Will I be able to reopen my claim again when I return? …
Can ex-military collect unemployment in any state? Not rated yet
I will be exiting the military with an honorable discharge in a few months and i was wondering if I can collect massachusetts unemployment because they …
Ohio Resident, worked in Pennsylvania and laid off by a Pennsylvania corporation. Not rated yet
I’m not sure which state I need to contact regarding unemployment benefits. My situation: I am an Ohio resident and was employed by a Pennsylvania …
Can I still collect my benefits after 2 1/2 years? Not rated yet
I exhausted my benefits in 4/2008 and applied for an extension. I continued to send the claim forms in until they didn’t send me anymore. The department …
I am about to be fired (found out from a co-worker)… Not rated yet
Hello. I am in the state of NY and I work part time (20 hours/week). When I was hired 2 years ago my boss said that she had 15-20 hours available for me …
how much compensation will i get Not rated yet
I live in Florida. I am a lifeguard/college student. the pool where I work will close for 2 months starting march 4th for renovations and I’ve been told …
If you open a business, will you immediately lose your unemployment compensation you are already receiving? Not rated yet
I have a client who is currently unemployed. Is there a way around from losing 100% of his unemployment compensation? Hi, What kind of business? …
I live in Arkansas, I want to know can I refile for unemployment even though I was turned down on an appeal? Not rated yet
I worked for a a company that owned rental property (apts) I ran a 240 unit property, which they have many more in other states. The company gave incentives …
Can you work 30 hrs aweek & still collect? Not rated yet
I live in Pa , this part-time job will pay $255.00 per week, i am only allowed to work up to $ 163.00, before I am docked. Thank you, Lin …
Is it within the employers rights to cut wages in a way that is less than minimum wage? Not rated yet
I’m an employee at * Dance Studio. Before this year I had a flat salary and made commission on all sales that I generated. The Studio has been sold to …
letter saying i had to pay the money back Not rated yet
i was getting unemployment for 3 or so months then it stopped because the employer said i lied while claiming in order to get benefits. i dont understand …
Part Time unemployment question Not rated yet
Can you apply for unemployment (California) if you only work 20 hours a week. I am looking for a full time job but am having trouble. I have worked this …
I was a 1099 employee for over a year and was let go recently; can I apply for UC benefits? Not rated yet
I worked for an hourly rate, and on the employer’s premises. I came in 2-3 days a week, sometimes more when needed; I submitted a weekly timesheet and …
can i collect unemployment if i am gauranteed i still have my job when i am released back to work in the state of georgia Not rated yet
I have been employed at the same place 4yrs. this upcoming May 2010. I was just in a accident where I injured my hand and the company i work for has no …
Quitting to move because employer changed pay structure Not rated yet
I took a job at the beginning of the recession it was hourly + commission + i was in a 90 day trial at the pay I was getting. – Right before 90 days …
Can unemployment be put on hold after It was allready approved,and you’ve been getting It 2 1/2 months because of an appeal Not rated yet
My husband was wrongfuly terminated from his job of 2 yrs. They approved his unemployment, which he has been on for 2 and 1/2 months now. Last week the …
If I have to move out of state because my fiance got a job, can I collect unemployment if I must leave my job? Not rated yet
I have worked at my job for a year and a half. Boss keeps saying we might go out of business and to look for a new job. My fiance got a job offer out …
if collecting unemployment benifits in north carolina and you move to pa can you stilll collect them Not rated yet
i just started collecting unemployment benefits in north carolina and im going to have to move to pa, can i still collect Hi, Yes, this should …
My position was eliminated and I was offered a another new postion Not rated yet
If I refuse the new position because of the new hours, I used to work 8AM-5PM, basically an office position and the new position I was offered is 3:30AM-12:30PM …
Can I recieve unemployment when losing my job over DWI? Not rated yet
If I lose my job on account of getting a DWI then will that disqualify me for unemployment? My job requires me to drive. I worked at a school and had to …
Unemployment extension in California Not rated yet
My unemployment claim initially started 2/6/09; however, I didn’t start collecting until 8/23/09. By the time my claim expired i still had $1350.00 left. …
Can I quit due to developing carpal tunnel Not rated yet
I have been with my current job for 2 years. Few months after I started my wrist pain began, went to see a doctor and he advised me to wear wrist splints. …
Will my weekly benefits be reduced by a profit sharing check Not rated yet
I recently got a one-time profit sharing check from the company that laid me off. I am going to report it. My question is, will my benefit payment for …
Why was i approved and now employer appealing it? Not rated yet
on 12-10-2009 i went to work as normal on time employer arrived around 11 stormed in asked any messages any one call any picks up i responded no its …
Can I apply for unemployment while being on suspension pending termination? Not rated yet
The reason is my performance; I didn’t have any suspension before just coaching. Supervisor took my punch card, employee ID, headset, he said that I have …
Am I entitled to my employment records? Not rated yet
I feel silly for asking this question, because I should have asked while employed. However, through all my work evaluations and write ups I was never …
I was fired from my job as a waiter because I had 3 different tables walk out without paying me (seperate occasions). Am I eligible for unemployment benefits? Not rated yet
My job is notorious for fighting to the death so that they wont have to pay unemployment benefits to their employees. I wanted to know if you have any …
Temporary Furloughs & Reduced Salary – A Valid Reason to Quit Job? Not rated yet
My company has been instituting 1 week per quarter unpaid time off furloughs. This obviously has reduced my salary significantly despite my being able …

In Illinois I was self-employed for all of 2007 and 2008. I then obtained insured work from November 09 Thorough Feb 2010 Not rated yet
My pay was 3000 a month for these 3.5 months. I was just fired today. Do I qualify for unemployment? If so how much? The base period isn’t working …
can you work while on unemplyoment in il Not rated yet
i was working while i was on umplyoment i was making about 750 a month i was told i could do this as long as i didnt go over 340 a week and i also thought …
Will I get unemployment if fired for absences? Not rated yet
Hello, I work for a company that goes by the point system. While I was pregnant I had something called Hyperemisis Gravidirum. I basically couldnt hold …
benefits denied due to suspended drivers license Not rated yet
license suspended for 30 days and benefits were denied even though driving was not part of my job Hi, Have you appealed?
Do I qaulify for New York unemployment – Childcare Issues Not rated yet
I would like to know if i would qualify for unemployment. I just put in my two weeks notice, because my employer was not working with me with my hours …
I lost my appeal and I have been unemployed for six months now. Can I get benefits now from the state of Oregon? Not rated yet
While I disagreed with the loss of my hearing, it has been six months now that I have been unemployed. Am I now eligible to receive benefits from the state …
came out of prison worked for ten months in colorado layed off am I elgible Not rated yet
worked for ten months after being released from prison and then was layed off am I elgible for unemployment benefits? Hi RJ, If you give me the …
Do you have to re file a claim at the end of the calander year? Not rated yet
I have been collecting unemployment since november and went to refile a couple of days ago and it said my claim year had ended? Do I have to refile a …
can someone resume collecting unemployment after taking a seasonal employment (MI)? Not rated yet
My wife was collecting unemployment, she obtained a seasonal full time job. That job has ended, can she collect the remaining weeks of Unemployment? …
Denied unemployment after working at a new job for a week before an unforseen injury. Not rated yet
My husband has been working a security job for a year and a half. He started a new job in his skilled trade as a carpenter and worked for 1 week before …
Can I still collect unemployment if I work abroad? Not rated yet
I’m currently collecting unemployment and have been offered a job abroad that pay $750 per month. The company will be including room and board. My questions …
can you file if your not getting 40 hours a week Not rated yet
my job is making me take days off with no pay because there isn’t enough work for a 40 hour week. Hi Victor, Yes, it is possible to collect partial …
Do you have to report physically each week to the unemployment office? Not rated yet
I am not yet unemployed but will be, and will probably spend some time of of state (NJ) looking for work. Must I report physically to an unemployment office? …
Husband being relocated from Pennsylvania to Florida – wife has to quit job. Can I collect unemployment for good cause? Not rated yet
My husband is being relocated to Florida. We currently live in Pennsylvania. The wife works full time, hourly position and will need to quit. Can she …
I was working 2 parttime jobs and got layed off one can i get unemployment Not rated yet
I was working two part time jobs and got layed off from one. Can I get unemployment benefits for being laid off from just one parttime job? …
Can I collect Unemployment if my husband finds job in another state Not rated yet
We have had 7 unemployment hardships in 3yrs. I have a job. My husband has not found a job. If he finds a job in another state, I will have to …
Unemployment compensation fraud – Where Do I report it? Not rated yet
where and how to bring attention to unemployment office regarding fake unemployment compensation through someone? i want to bring attention to office …
Is it safe to say I have been approved for UI? Not rated yet
I filed for UI over 3 weeks ago (Jan 7th), I received the paperwork to fill out, filled it out and sent it back 10 days ago. Now I haven’t received a letter …
Can Oregon deny my son unemployment? Not rated yet
He was working a graveyard shift working 60-70 hour weeks and got married and had a baby. He needed to find a day job to be home with his family. He was …
Good Cause Question- Firing/ Quitting Not rated yet
I have worked for a consulting firm for the last six years. This work has nearly been 100% travel Monday through Friday, (out of state, sometimes international). …
Unemployment extension and Contract work Not rated yet
I was laid off on 1/21/09 and currently on my second Federal Unemployment extension (ending in March 2010). My benefit year ended on 1/24/2010 and now …
Can I get unemployment if I didn’t clock out for lunch? Not rated yet
On a Friday I left work and forgot to clock out for lunch. When I got back to work I clocked out and waited my lunch time and clocked back in. When I came …
can i collect my nm unemployement if i move to nc Not rated yet
i have been collecting unemployement from nm but i am moving to nc so i was wanting to know if i would still be able to get my unemployement until i can …
Good Cause Question? Not rated yet
I worked in Collierville, TN for an employer who, shall I say had no business owning a business. I was part time 3 to 4 days a week. Never called in and …
can i still receive unemployment benifits if i was fired for being sick? Not rated yet
i was fired today because i have had a stomach virus for two days, i notified my employer when i got sick later that day my employer called and said i …
may i claim unemployment benifits if i’m paid with a 1099? Not rated yet
been working on an off shore fishing charter boat with the same captain for the past four years. i just got laid off due to lack of customers. do i qualify …
collecting unemployment Not rated yet
I live in Kentucky but work out of my home for a company in Florida. That company has paid unemployment in the state of kentucky on my behalf. Can I …
are companies allowed to give write-ups and suspension at the same time for same offense Not rated yet
was written up and was suspended on same day for the same offense. seems to me as if i was punished twice for same offense. had been with company for …
How california edd calculate unemloyment benefit amount after separation from military? Not rated yet
Do they count housing or other allowances as a Wages when edd calculate weekly benefit? Thanks I really don’t know. I do know room and board MIGHT …
I havent worked in 4 yrs due to social illness Not rated yet
I worked for my Uncle for 7 yrs being a finish carpenter and started to have problems with anziety and social problems. I quit and went to see a conselor …
Does your employer have to pay you for your accrued sick and vacation time, when you (the employee) seperate and give a 2 week notice before doing so, (resigning)? Not rated yet
I have been on my job for 5 years. I resigned because I am relocating to another state.(I now reside in south carolina, but am moving to new jersey in …
can i collect unemployment and a pension at the same time? Not rated yet
can i collect unemployment and a pension at the same time. I have already received and gone through my severance package. Hi, Ir depends on the …
if i’m on the board and part owner of a company but working for another company can i draw unemployment from that second company Not rated yet
I’m part owner of a small company.The company work has gone but i’m still on the board but working for another company. Can i now draw unemployment from …
What is the max you can earn per week in Tennessee before your unemployment benefits will be reduced dollar for dollar Not rated yet
How many dollars earned before deductions per week are allowed before a person is disqualified for any unemployment compensation in Tennessee. Hi …
Unemployment Extensions – Take Action Now!! Not rated yet
Unemployment Extensions – We haven’t heard much about them lately except I’ve been getting a lot of emails from people being told they can’t collect. …
Does human error in regards to my cash drawer coming up short fall under misconduct? Not rated yet
After a year and half with this company I was fired for “failure to collect the proper amount of money from a customer”. False . I was fired for having …
Can my husband quit and collect unemployment? Not rated yet
My husband and I live in Indiana. He works for the FBI and we have been waiting for a transfer opportunity to move back to my home state for 2.5 yrs now. …
can i receive unemployment after purchasing an apt complex and renting to tenants? Not rated yet
i live in california and was laid off from my job. before i was laid off i bought an apartment complex that i will be renting out to tenants. can i still …
to draw massachusetts unemployment,do you have to live or work in massachusetts to draw it? Not rated yet
To draw Massachusetts unemployment ,do you have to live in that state to get it? If you are asking whether in order to get the high paying WBA …
I relocated and want to claim unemployment Not rated yet
My wife & I had a new home built and we relocated when it was complete. We were planning on selling our previous home and due to the economy crash during …
Will I qualify for Ohio unemployment if my position was eliminated and I was offered a lower level job that is over 1.25 hours away? Not rated yet
I just found out today that my position has been eliminated (I was field management). I was given the option to continue with the company in one of the …
Can my husband collect unemployment if my job is relocated? Not rated yet
My husband and I currently live and work in Kansas. I work from my home office, but my employer is located in Oregon. If my employer is requiring that …
What to say in letter? What are chances I’ll continue to get unemployment? Not rated yet
I had intermittent fmla due to personal illness. My job was aware of this and told me they would work with me about my absences. Normally employess get …
what questions are ased during an interview? Not rated yet
i was recently let go from my job for lack of work performance. i have been at this company for 9yrs and have a good attendance and on time to work record. …
Should I just start filing for unemployment weekly again? Not rated yet
I was laid off for 10 mo. and got an extension 2 weeks later I got called back to work by the same employer for 10 weeks and got laid off again. …
I missed 3 days during my probation. Would this be considered “misconduct” by MD law and therefore, prevent me from qualifying for unemployment insurance? Not rated yet
I had three absences within my first three months of work, and was therefore terminated. My employer said that the hospital where I work can terminate …
If you are laid off for 8 weeks and then put back to work can you file for the lost time you had off? Not rated yet
I was laid off in november. They also at that time told me we would start back to work after the first of the year. It is now the 14th of january and …
Can I collect any type of unemployment after leaving a position in good standing in PA to move to TX for aging parents? Not rated yet
I left a very good paying position in PA in very good standing to move back to TX to help aging parents who are debilitating rapidly. I also moved for …
Unemployment after being laid off Not rated yet
I was recently laid off after 13 years of employment. I will be applying for unemployment really very soon. The question that I have is, I was recently …
If my job is reduced from 5 days to 4 days per week, can I apply for unemployment for the 5th day?? Not rated yet
If my job is reduced from 5 days to 4 days per week, can I apply for unemployment for the 5th day?? Well you can apply, but my guess .. minus what …
I would like to relocate. Not rated yet
I work 32hours a week and have four children and my wife to support. I use to work full time, but the company isn’t doing so well so my hours was cut. …
Can I refuse work if my pay has changed? Not rated yet
I am working for a Co. Prior to filing unemployment I was over seeing 2 properties at a specific amount. Owner offered me same position at a lesser rate …
If I did something bad…… Not rated yet
I used my company’s letter head as a receipt for services that they do, to file against my taxes. That was 2 years ago. Today I was fired. What would …
Notice of getting laid off in two months, what to do and how to prepare? Not rated yet
My company notified me last Friday, Jan 8th 2010, that as of March 31 2010, I would no longer be employed by them and that my service with them would be …
What is the time limit after leaving a job that once can apply for Unemployment? Not rated yet
I separated from my job the 31st of October 2008 due to family medical leave running out and I was still unable to return to work. I was not fired nor …
Voluntarily left or not? Not rated yet
I was laid off last January 2009; I started a temporary job that required me to stand on my feet for 80% of the day and my feet started hurting really …
Can I draw unemployment if I quit my job due to being accused of something I didnt do? Not rated yet
I am a assistant manager of a fast food company and Was accused of looking at emails on the managers computer which i did not do at the time she said i …
am i eligible? i have been collecting private disability insurance and am now returning to work Not rated yet
I live in Massachusetts. I was injured at home and required surgery. I have been collecting disability insurance since, (just under a year). My employer …
in the state of california, can you recieve unemployment insurance when you are fired from your job? Not rated yet
I worked for a company for 9 yrs. within the past year we have had new management. Within the past 6 months there was a big change at this company with …
I am wondering if i quit my job due drastic change will i be able to collect unemployment? Not rated yet
Hello I live in Maryland. I drive a truck working for a big company. My company has many accounts due to its size. I’ve been work on specific dedicated …
Do I qualify for unemployment. for UCX Benefits? Not rated yet
I’m voluntarily separating from the military due to pregnancy. Do I qualify. Hi, I’m not certain if you would or not. You need to check on UCX …
Can I file for unemployment compensation for failure to pay my salary? Not rated yet
I live in PA, which is an ‘at-will’ employment state. I have not left my job, yet, as I’ve been trying to ‘line my ducks up’ first. The most compelling …
Can you apply for unemployment before the date that you know you are going to be laif off? Not rated yet
I know which date I am going to be laid off but want to know if I can apply now for unemployment compensation starting the following day after my lay off? …
I was fired for “failure to comply with policies regarding internet usage during offfice hours”, can I still collect unemployment? Not rated yet
I was was recently fired for using the internet during business hours, which is done company wide. I’m a graphic designer and use the internet everyday …
I am being fired from a sales job for poor performance. Can I qualify for unemployment? Not rated yet
Worked for bank for 3 1/2 years and my performance has been good until 2009. I wouldn’t say I am the bottom but I have had up an down months for production. …
Employer not showing up at unemployment hearing. Not rated yet
I was terminated on 12/11/09, and was denied unemployment. I was discharged for: unauthorized use of company/personal information outside of business requirements …
How does unemployment discover you have become employed? Not rated yet
If someone is legally approved for unemployment, then becomes employed and does not inform unemployment and continues receiving benefits. How does unemployment …
I reported a worker’s compensation fraud that occured in my agency. Now employer is retaliating, can I quit and get unemployment benefits. Not rated yet
In october, 2009 I contacted the department of labor to report a worker’s compensation fraud scam in our agency. The special investigator contacted my …

Can my assistant apply for unemployment Not rated yet
She’s been working for me for 7 or 8 months. she work on the books. I pay all my taxes and her workers comp and liability and everything else, but she …
Can an employer fire me for having another job? Not rated yet
I am a personal trainer in WA who recently got a second job at another gym. When gym A found out I was working at gym B, they told me that I have to choose …
can I collect unemployment in Connecticut if my pension is over $3000 a month Not rated yet
Can I collect Connecticut unemployment? I was downsized in 2008 and found a factory job until March 2009. My pension is over $3000 a month or about $750 …
Can I continue to collect Florida benefits if I move to NY to look for work? Not rated yet
I am originally from NY but have been living in Florida for 7 years. In Feb 2009 I and many others lost our jobs due to office closure. I have been collecting …
I live in nj.I was collecting unemployment and took a job for a week doing the 10pm to 7 am shift it was not working and i did not reurn.what do i tell unemployment? Not rated yet
i have 2 kids at wife’s anxiety got alot worse due to the fact she was alone during these hours. she has been going to the doctor for years for …
under employement / less the 40 hour a week Not rated yet
My employer has cut my hour down to less then 24 hours per week, can I get / collect under employment to make up the balance of 40 hours a week? Hi …
Can I still apply for and receive unemployment benefits if I couldn’t return from FMLA? Not rated yet
I Never received a separation letter from my company and I was told I could not apply for unemployment because I left my job due to a family medical emergency. …
can i still get unemployment if i was fired for attendance Not rated yet
i may be getting fired to missing too much work even with doctor’s excuses. Hi Sharon, Doctor excuse for the last absence?
can i receive unemployment if i quit Not rated yet
I quit my job of 7 years due to poor management. I was a line cook for a corp. I was a great employee. I always did what was asked of me. I cleaned …
I was receiving unemployment and then found a job, Come to find out, I can not afford daycare for my 3 small kids. Can I get back on unemployment? Not rated yet
I was receiving unemployment and then found a job, Come to find out, I can not afford daycare for my 3 small kids. Can I get back on unemployment? …
I am moving to Nevada to get married…I already get unemployment in California Not rated yet
I have been receiving unemployment in California. My soon to be husband lives in Reno, Nevada.. I am moving there in February 2010 as we will be getting …
I was fired for willful misconduct Not rated yet
I worked for company for nearly 4 yrs. I was working an average of 80-100hrs per week, yes you read that correct. I sat on the couch and closed eyes for …
Can I take a distribution or draw from my LLC partnership while on unemployment? Not rated yet
I am a 50% owner/partner in an LLC, but was laid off from my fulltime job and am now collecting unemployment. Does an LLC distribution of profits cause …
Can this be misconduct to disqualfy me from unemployment Not rated yet
I was fired from my job because they said I falsified my application. I am a Certified Nurse for over 10yrs. My previous position was a Certified Nurse …
NYS-If my husband rents out our basement will I lose my unemployment benefit? Not rated yet
I’m currently collecting unemployment in NYS. If my husband rents out our basement, would that be considered “an activity that might bring in income”? …
Living in another country as US citizen laid off from US company Not rated yet
I was fired in Sept 08 (wrongfully) by a US company I already worked who relocated me to another country. For many reasons I decided to conduct my job …
If I am fired and I am in school can i draw unemployment? Not rated yet
I have a job in Kansas as a maintenance technician and after being there for one year I got a bad score on my yearly review. Other techs there and the …
Am I too young to get unemployment? What other kinds of assistance are available in Ohio? Not rated yet
I am 19 years old and was kicked out of my moms house over the summer due to false allegations of identity theft. I’ve been homeless for the past 7 months …
i was denied unemployment what should i do? i dont have any income Not rated yet
I was denied unemployment benefit. i was laid off i thought they said when u get fired u cant be qualified. i was not fired. im …
After one year of unemployment in texas I received a letter saying we cannot pay you. Then it said apply for benefits! Not rated yet
I’ve been on unemployment since dec 14 08 now on dec 14 09. I received letter saying no benefits. Why does it say this. Do I have to reapply? Answer …
Can I collect unemployment in Florida if my only mode of transportation breaks down? Not rated yet
I live in a county where there is no public transportation, and taking a cab would be too expensive. I live in Clay County florida, and work in Duval …
in pennsylvania if i am getting unemployment benefits and get hurt will i loose the benefits Not rated yet
can i continue to receive unemployment benefits if i get hurt? Hi, Are you able and available for work? That’s an eligibility requirement to collect …
how long do you have to work before applying for unemployment Not rated yet
I just got out of given birth to my 3rd daughter. I’ve been disabled and they took me out of work till the pregnancy is over, because of my hip. I …
Load off/new job Not rated yet
Ok the company I have worked for for the last 5+ years is going under so to speak. The owner has decided to sell the equipment to a competitor and close …
Am I eligible for benefits if I quit due to moving due to lack of income. Not rated yet
I was living in Oregon but quit my job because I couldn’t make ends meet. I moved to MA to live with my parents and work with my brother but that didn’t …
If I had a good reason to not accept a job due to no bus service for the hours scheduled can unemployment deny me benefits? Not rated yet
I recently went to orientation to Disneyland in California and then was presented a schedule that I could not get transportation with the bus system so …
I Have Information on selling on ebay or etsy & PayPal Taxes for NYState UI… Not rated yet
Thank you for your recent reply, it was appreciated. I called NY State UI office concerning selling on ebay, etsy etc. and what I was told was “as long …
Can I collect unemployment if I quit to move out of state to be closer to a parent who is ill? Not rated yet
I currently live in Texas. My father passed away recently and my mother has some health issues that require me to be closer to help care for her. She lives …
When do I report my earning to unemployment when I do not know my earning? Not rated yet
I recently started a job,which is as an independent contractor for an company. Upon hire, for the first 90 days which is the probational period no taxes …
appealing the refeers decision Not rated yet
i resigned from my job of 12yrs during my employ i incurred health problems,carpal tunnel arthritis,migraines,i suffered,and my company knew-the workload …
Do contract welders qualify for unemployment benefits?? Not rated yet
Do contract welders qualify for unemployment benefits?? Juan, Are you a subcontractor? I mean, are you a self-employed welder?
Temporary Assignment FL Not rated yet
Hello, and thank you for your time. I worked for a temp agency in FL, completing all the short term assignments I was offered. I was asked to work a one …
can i collect unemployment if i only worked 20 hrs a week? or for getting fired for giving someone my employ discount? Not rated yet
i was working in a fast food place and i just recently got fired for giving my friend my employee discount. ive never been written up before and they said …
Can I collect unemployment if I quit my job because of a distance issue? Not rated yet
I just quit my job in NJ about 2 weeks ago because I moved to CT at the beginning of the year and attempted to make the commute. My drive was about 60 …
Can you quit for being harrassed daily by a member of a club? Not rated yet
I am currently the manager of an HOA/Yacht Club at Carolina Beach, NC. I work independantly with a volunteer board of directors. The past 6 months I …
Un employed for 11 months with unemployment insurance, worked for a co. for 4 days and was let go who is reponsible for unemployment insurance? Not rated yet
Previoulsy I worked for a company for 12 years until being laid off. I live and worked in Illinois and I have been unemployed for 11 months. On Mon. of …
Can you receive partial unemployment benefits if you are working at a 40hr a week job but only getting about 15hrs a week? Not rated yet
Question about Partial unemployment benefits. My husbands employer is a 40 hour a week full time job, but he is only getting about 16 hours a week, …
Base period for military retiree… Not rated yet
Hi Max, I was wondering what you mean by “base period” in your reply to someone who was wondering if their military retirement pay would offset any …
Can I collect unemployment if I quit my job because I have no one to watch my child? Not rated yet
I have a 6 week old baby and there is no one to watch her and my boss told me that I either return on the next business day or I have to quit. Hi, …
if you get work out of state and you quit your job can you get your unemployment benefits back in your state? Not rated yet
I am working in mississsppi and got the job through my union local 481 in Indiana. I am away from my family and had to move to get it. I don’t like the …
can my employer threaten me to find new childcare? Not rated yet
i recently had a baby and was having trouble making it to a meeting on thursday mornings, my manager told me not to worry about going to the meetings and …
Can I be denied unemployment if I was terminated from my job becasue of hippa violation Not rated yet
I wanted to know if I can be denied unemployment if I was terminated from my job because a patient stated that I violated the hippa. Hi Denise, …
Voluntary quit if reduced from FT to PT? Not rated yet
I live in CA. At the beginning of November 2009 I received a letter from my boss stating that effective immediately he is removing my title as manager, …
Employer claims doctor’s notes were not provided, but they were. What do we do? Not rated yet
My sister’s unemployment was denied. The reason provided was poor performance and undocumented absenteeism. She left work early due to a medical emergency …
Massachusetts Disability Benefits Not rated yet
I had a hip replacement and quad bypass surgery. So company fired me. I have applied for disability benefits 3 months ago still pending. Can I apply for …
Fired for being late too many times in 2 years—–Mississippi Not rated yet
I was a salesman in computers department and the top salesman in TVs got fired. I was off for two days and when I came back to work all the mangers and …
Don’t unsubscribe me! Not rated yet
I don’t know where to write this!I accidently clicked on the link to unsubscribe. As long as you and I have been communicating, this should not come as …
Quitting due to a denial of a promotion? Not rated yet
I have been at my job for almost 5 yrs and for the last year have been promised the first opening in another department I was wanting to transfer into. …
fla-sell cars-pay plan changed and cannot sell used cars-losing over 1000 a month in income Not rated yet
also-hired 2 more salesman-when last month- all 6 of us could not make bonus-is this good cause to quit. Hi C Foe A change in pay structure may be …
I have a LLC farm,I was fired from my regular job and collecting benefits, if I have no profit and it’s reported on my taxes will I still be eligible for unemployement? Not rated yet
I own a small farm in indiana, it’s a llc I lost money with it. Is it going to be a problem with continuing to claim unemployment off of previous employer …
Would I qualify for partial unemployment with a 40% pay cut? Not rated yet
I live in Florida and am a full time employee. In July 2009 my Salary was reduced by about 40% due to financial issues with the company from about 58K …
We are selling our home in WA state, and moving to MO will I be able to collect unemployment? Not rated yet
My husband and I will be seeking employment in Missouri.I have worked with the same company in WA for 12 years w/benefits. Will I be able to collect unemployment …
Unemployment while on commision. Not rated yet
I am paid straight commission and business has been slow and I work In PA. I am paid bi-weekly and I am coming up on a few weeks that I may not have a …
Florida Not rated yet
I was employed to work 24 hours per week. After 9 months my hours were cut to 18 per week. 1 month later the office moved 50 miles away and my hours …
My husband was fired from his job in AZ and we are currently recieving unemployment. We are now moving to CA and I’m not sure how this works. Not rated yet
We just started receiving unemployment. AZ max per week is $265 and CA max is $500. My husband worked for 3 years for his employer and was fired without …
Can I get unemplyment if I quit because my employer stopped paying me Not rated yet
My employer stopped paying me consistantly in March of 2009 and by August 2009 I was past due 6 of my bi-weekly paychecks and was forced to look for employment …
I work in state of Arkansas and I got fired for doing the same job on the side can I still draw unemployment?? Not rated yet
I work on the boat docks The boss I have is a big liar and shister I have worked for the previous owner for 10 years and this guy bought the business …
Can I claim unemployment in the state my company is in even if i live in another state? Not rated yet
I live in AZ. My company is out of NY. I want to know if i can file for unemployment in NY as opposed to AZ or if i have to file in the state i am living. …
I live in Arkansas Not rated yet
I live in Arkansas, How would my unemployment benefits, be effected if I were to draw what I paid in from a retirement program in a lump sum, leaving interest …
emergency umemployment-Maine Not rated yet
I was out of work for about 8 months and had used up my regular unemployment, but I was still getting unemployment under the emergency unemployment. I …
Can I get New York Unemployment benefits if I am suspended from my job? Not rated yet
If I am suspended, from my job, without pay, am I eligible to receive benefits? Hi Christopher, I think you can figure it out if you read Section …
Can you draw unemployment benfits if you are on social security and have been let go Not rated yet
I’m presently in employment and will be let go in December. I’m seventy years old and drawing social security benefits. Can I draw unemployment benefits …
Florida Unemployment Benefits Stopped Without notice Not rated yet
I was sent an eligibility notice for Tier 2 benefits in October 2009. I received two payments and then the unemployment benefits stopped. I called unemployment …
I am living in Las Vegas, Nevada and my question is, am I allowed to get a copy of my termination paper onces being terminated? Not rated yet
Terminated for wrong reason and refused to give me a copy of my termination paper work. Hi Anonymous, There’s a procedure for almost everything:) …
Can I collect unemployment if my job is being relocated? Not rated yet
I live in Washington State. I was hired to and am currently working in a satelite office. My employer is closing the satelite office and has offered me …
retiring early to take care of my mother due to her health. Not rated yet
Due to my mother’s health, I’m retiring early to take care of her, I will be relocating to south carolina from michigan. Is there any assistance that …
Help, I have migraines and I need to quit my job and collect unemployment in Michigan Not rated yet
I work for general motors for about three years now my migraines are unbearable and my dr said i should quit i live in michigan can i get unemployment. …
The latest unemployment extension passed in November of 2009 Not rated yet
When are the funds coming for the tier 3 extensions Hi Jason, There really isn’t much out there to explain is there. And quite frankly I’m still …
Dependant Not rated yet
Can i put my mother as a dependent when i fill my unemployment application.I lived in Illinois. Hi Brenda, I didn’t know so I checked to see what …
can I collect unemployment in Michigan but live or look for work in another state Not rated yet
I am getting unemployment from Michigan but want to move to Florida. Can I do this legally? Hi Jane Doe, I would be very careful if you do this. …
My son lives in PA, he is 17 and works a man’s job. Will he be eligible for unemployment compensation? Not rated yet
Just wondering if they lay him off if he will be able to collect unemployment? Hi Vicki, I have never seen anything that says anyone of legal age …
Do I lose my (Illinois) unemployment benefits if I get married? Not rated yet
My future spouse works full time. I just qualified for the Illinois unemployment extension. Do my unemployment benefits get lessened or taken away if I …
Florida Unemployment And Part-Time Gig Not rated yet
Thanks for all the helpful advice on this website. Here’s my situation: I have been collecting unemployment in FL for a while. It would have ended …
In California, I was told I would get a guarantee of 30 hrs. a week, but now I am getting 16. Not rated yet
I was working for a company in sales full time and made the decision to go back to school. My District Manager offered me a part time position, no sells, …
What is the alowed time between last job and seeking beneifts?? Not rated yet
Hi there, Just a brief summary. I have been self employed since 1985. In 2004/2005 I took ill and was off work for over 20 months. I took a job in …
Can I quit my job in Pa and collect unemployment Not rated yet
I was working 35 hrs a week with 2-3 days off a week. I accepted assistant Manager position with the onderstanding I will need to work 45 hrs a week. However …
Are there benefits for taking care of an elderly parent Not rated yet
Hi, I have been unemployed since 2005 & since I could not find any work I have been taking care of a mother with alzheimers. I was wondering if there …
I’m getting unemployment from Tennessee and live in Illinois. im going to start work driving as a subcontractor will I get caught not reporting to Not rated yet
I’m getting unemployment from Tennessee and I live in Illinois. I’m going to start work as a subcontractor driving. Will I get caught not reporting what …
Resuming Unemployment After Quitting Unsuitable Work. Not rated yet
I have been on unemployment for about 10 months, I was laid off my job after 14 years, working in the staffing industry. I was offered a job in a medical …
Unemployment question for MA. when you also own a business Not rated yet
I work full time for a large corporation and also own a small business (LLC) with another person. 100% of my income comes from the corporation, however …
Fired for not meeting productivity requirements. Texas Unemployment Benefits Not rated yet
The reason I was provided when I was fired was that I was not meeting productivity requirements. I had been put on a step three months prior. I had improved …
I Live in IL and have been Unemployed since aug. 2005 Can I collect an unemployment extension now? Not rated yet
My company was in the process of closing the doors. They let us go in groups throughout a couple yrs. My group was let go aug. 2005. I did collect my …
Quitting due to domestic abuse. Not rated yet
I lost my job in February and began collecting unemployment. I was engaged at the time. After months of not finding work, I agreed to marry and move to …
I work for a US (Maryland) company in Afghanistan as a contractor. I just can’t handle the dirt I breathe anymore or the rotten living conditions. Can I quit and collect unemployment? Not rated yet
Thank you for your help. I’m having a difficult time with this…… I work for a very good company in Maryland, nice people great boss and I make about …
can extended UI benefits be cut off if called back for holiday work with full intention of being let go again? Not rated yet
Just wondering if my old employer has ulterior motives in calling me back after being let go 9 months ago. They want me for holiday work and will be …
i work construction i used to ride with my boss he got made and is making me drive he knows my car is broke down if he fires me can i collect Not rated yet
car broke down can i be fired for missing a couple days. Hi, Normally, failing to get to work because you have transportation problems is grounds …
New Jersey- Commission job Not rated yet
If I accept a commission only sales job, but won’t receive payment for 60-90 days, when do I have to stop receiving UEI benenfit payments? When I take …
Forced to relocate or position eliminated – How far is too far? Not rated yet
There’s a possibility that my position will be transitioned from Philadelphia, PA to New York. We’re being told that if this is the case, I’ll either …
California unemployment, California Worker Compensation claim and quitting my job due to medical reasons. Not rated yet
Hello, CA state: I have a shoulder and neck pain due to working on the computer for about 18 months now. I have been doing therapy via workers …
Ca-laid off then called back paid 1099-laid off again & now denied Not rated yet
Worked for a construction company for 20 plus years-laid off 1/08 due to lack of work. Hired back 5/08-7/09, wages 1099. Denied UI because did not meet …
Automated line said unemployment allowed, but it also said this does not mean unemployment benefits would be received. Not rated yet
When I called the automated unemployment line they said the status of my entire claim was allowed but that it did not mean that I would receive benefits. …
California – Unemployment if not able to physically do the job? Not rated yet
I’m currently employed as a security guard and the company just lost the site I’m working at and they told me they wanted to put me on a site I’m not physically …
Can I receive Unemployment if i was fired in the state of GA for Absenteeism Not rated yet
Hi, I was fired recently for Attendance…my boss advised me a month ago that if I called out one more day I would be terminated. I was tardy to work …
Living in Nevada and collecting CA unemployment Not rated yet
Can I continue to collect CA unemployment while working a 4 week temp job in Nevada? I’m on my first extension from California and would like to work a …
PA Not rated yet
I recently returned from maternity leave back in September. Since then, my kids have been sick alot. Out attendance policy separates lates/leave earlys …
Can I claim UI for work over 18 months ago? Not rated yet
I live in NY worked in NJ full time (through an agency from 2004 to august 2007) never got more work from agency, can I still file for benefits from that …
Can I collect UI if I quit due to intolerable circumstances. OR Not rated yet
My name is Amber and I work for a private ophthalmology practice and have been there for several years. I am an Optician and I sell and dispense eyewear. …
Michigan Not rated yet
I was collecting unemployment and got a new job that lasted 3 weeks then got laid off from that job. Can I go back to collecting unemployment? Yes, …
I’m uneployed in California. Not rated yet
My yearly claim expires on Dec 5, but there is still a balance in my account. With the federal extension, will I still be able to collect? Hi Jill, …
Sick Days – Wisconsin Unemployment Benefits when not able and available for work. Not rated yet
I got my unemployment, I have another job now, it’s not as good but I get some unemployment as well. with this my work search is waived. WHAT HAPPENS IF …
Florida Denies Vet Unemployment and a whole lot of other people Not rated yet
I am a 20 year retired vet who was laid off my job in September this year. After 6 weeks and several phone calls, Florida informed me I cannot collect …
I got fired for being 5 and 10 mins late over about 3 years Not rated yet
So basically I feel like I was illegally worked without sufficient time in between shifts. Even if that is legal does the fact that I’m a combat vet with …
can i continue to collect unemployment and go to school at the same time? Not rated yet
I’m from California and I have been looking for work but in recent months, have decided to go back to school. My question is can I go back to school while …
can i win a hearing in ny if my wife leaves me with a young child and no childcare? Not rated yet
My wife and i separated. She left me with my 20 month old baby with no child care. I felt forced to resign and relocate so family in NJ can provide …
PA Benefits if only able to work a part time job. Not rated yet
If I relocate to another part of the state of Missouri, will I be able to collect unemployment benefits while I am looking for a job? Not rated yet
I am currently employed at a job that is receiving less work. I have been cut down to 4 days a week in the past and it looks like it might happen again …
I am currently collecting unemployment insurance from NYS and I want to move to South Carolina to look for work, will I still be able to collect NYS unemployment? Not rated yet
I am currently collecting unemployment insurance from NYS and I want to move to South Carolina to look for work, will I still be able to collect NYS unemployment? …
Michigan & Oklahoma Not rated yet
In July of 2009 I quit my job to move to Fargo Oklahoma because my husband had accepted a job there. As of yet I have not been able to find a local job. …
My son has turned 18 yrs of age – state of illinois Not rated yet
My son has turned 18 yrs of age (state of illinois) and my next call in date is November 10, 2009. How should I answer question about Dependent status …
Denied UIB due to relocation due to marriage Not rated yet
I quit my job in Illinois to get married. My husband and I now live in Ohio. Due to distance and costs of maintaining two residences keeping my job was …
new york Unemployment Benefits- What should you do when your employer changes his story and now says you aren’t fired? Not rated yet
ok my boss had told me over the phone that I was fired. I went to talk to him today and once again he told me I was fired. The minute I stated I had …
How long does it take after your have been granted approval by the judge hearing to recieve payment Not rated yet
Hi, I had been working for a company in Sacramento, Ca an I was fired. I filed for unemployment. I was denied because I was in school. I filed for my …
Moving from New Jersey to Illinois for husbands grad school work, would I qualify for unemployment? Not rated yet
Hello, In January my husband and I will be moving from southern New Jersey to outside Chicago, IL as he is accepted to a 4 year graduate study program. …
FL Not rated yet
I have just given my two weeks notice. We have to move to N. FL., my husband’s mother is terminally ill. He was able to get transferred with his …
Can I file for unemployment benefits in Florida if I have not been formally fired from a job, but have not been given shifts to work from my present employer? Not rated yet
I’ve been working as a waiter/bartender at a country club, whose name i’ll keep confidential, for the past year and a half in Tampa, Florida. I’m guessing …
Can I collect unemployment in TN for quitting my job for my mother-in-laws health reasons? Not rated yet
My Mother-in-law lives in Florida and I live in TN. Her husband had cancer and she multiple medical problems. At the time I thought that I would have …
Will I be able to collect Unemployment benefits in CA, if I owe back taxes? Not rated yet
I have recently appealed a decision in CA and won my unemployment benefits. I was fired from my job May 30, 2009. Will I receive my benefits even if I …
Can i receive benefits if my spouse is relocating From Ky to Tn? Not rated yet
My husband is relocating to a job in Tennessee so our family is moving to Tn from Kentucky at the end of the month. I am currently a teacher here in KY …
Can I get unemployment insurance if I was fired for absences that were due to me having to take care of my mother? Not rated yet
My father passed away recently, and I took my bereavement days as well as some leave of absence days to recover and take care of my mother, who is a stroke …
how far can a company require an individual to travel to work in ohio, without paying perdium? Not rated yet
A company is requiring me to travel 2hrs. to work in Ohio. No gas expense, no riding partner. I informed company that I could not do this for long. …
If you are receiving unemployment in CA, is it necessary to report any temporary work you are doing if you have not been paid for the work yet? Not rated yet
I have included the previous question I posted earlier this week at the bottom of this page, along with the follow up question which is posted above. …
want to know if i have good cause for quiting Not rated yet
I ended work on a thurs night in Sacramento. My boss came in and said my job here is no longer needed due to business decisions,and company needs. She …
Can I collect unemployemnt after being fired for taking too long to test drive a vehicle? Not rated yet
I am a mechanic and had been working at the shop in question for 5 months following a relocation from another state. I left my job (of more than 8 years) …

Can I get fired for “unprofessional comments” made OUTSIDE the workplace? Not rated yet
I had a conversation with a coworker outside of work, it was on a Saturday during a class we had together. The class was not for work. Then the coworker …
Recieved Audit of notice, not intention to commit fraud Not rated yet
ILLINOIS~ Worked as a temp candidate. Didn’t report in the wages and now recieved a letter of audit. Know I am wrong for not reporting anything in. Now …
Retaliation? Talk to a lawyer. Not rated yet
No…there would not be a pay decrease when I move to CS. My pay has never changed (other than the $2 pay increase over the 3 year period). Hi, …
NJ– Can I quit my job if I’m being demoted? Not rated yet
I have worked for a telecommunications company for 3+years. I began at an entry level Customer Service position. After one year of employment I was offered …
Chances of appeal Not rated yet
Hello, I have been receiving unemployment for quite some time now, but was recently denied because of failure to turn in a work search. I did search …
From NYS. Do I have any recourse in the denial of unemployment benefits? Not rated yet
I was fired for violating the HIPPA law. Have been employed there for 36 years with good evals. I was wrong. There is nothing I can do to fix it. Employer …
CA: Fired for complaining to customer I delivered to Not rated yet
I was delivering pizza. I was fired for complaining to a drunk acting customer saying he was being insulting by calling me Pizza boy and seemed angry at …
I need help with question concerning an appeal that my former employer has against me in florida Not rated yet
I got fired in florida for some he said she said stuff saying that I droped the F bomb witch I never did so I claimed unemployment and recieved my first …
I did not turn in my work search record and they have said that I am now ineligible for benefits. If I turn it in, even if it is late, can I get them? Not rated yet
I am drawing unemployment in the state of Missouri. I have been drawing extended benefits and am required to send in my work search record. My husband …
Am I eligible for unemployment if I am a 1099 employee? Not rated yet
I was terminated in Ohio and the reason given was for poor job perfomance/unable to perform required work. Not rated yet
I was hired in Jan. 2006 as a data entry biller. While I had never been a typist full time I felt I would be able to perform the job satisfactorily. The …
Concerned for employees Not rated yet
An employee that works for my fathers’ company is getting ready to be layed off and although this is her primary job and support, she teaches a class for …
Texas Not rated yet
I have a termination letter stating the reason they fired me is that the owner heard I no longer had the desire to work for him anymore. Well my ex employer …
Michigan to North Carolina relocation. Am I eligible for unemployment? Not rated yet
My husband has been transferred to North Carolina from Southeast Michigan. Our house will be gone in December and I must now quit my michigan job and follow …
Live in GA but work and paid for company out of FL Not rated yet
I went out under fmla aug 6 2009 for a suregery related to right knee pain and swelling which in turn caused limping taking medication and the use of wrap …
Unemployment for Military? Not rated yet
Hello, I served 8 yrs in the U.S. Ntavy in the state of Virginia. I got an honorable discharge. Am I eligible for unemployment benefits. Hi, I …
texas Not rated yet
I quit my job in January because my father passed away and my mother has dementia. Due to the fact that my mother’s doctor has a not so good staff, I …
Can I get UI Benfits if fired due to my fault but employer failed to provide incident report in Missouri? Not rated yet
I was a truck driver for a while and I originally quit due to some health reasons concerning my wife. A month later, things got better and I was able …
Dont understand denial Not rated yet
Im in Ks, and believe I qualify under 2 statutes- The first, my boss violated the confidentiality agreement and told everyone in a meeting what I earned. …
Can I collect unemployment in Michigan and work part time? Not rated yet
I am currently collecting unemployment in Michigan and need to know if I can get a part time job and still collect because I cannot pay my bills solely …
Can i receive unemployment while i am opening a business? Not rated yet
I am receiving unemployment and after searching for a decent paying job and finding nothing i have decided to open up my own consignment store. can I still …
What is the length of time I have to file a claim for unemploymnet in Florida? Not rated yet
I last worked for an income tax preparation office from January until April of 2008. I have not been able to find work since then. I was not aware that …
which state do I collect unemployment from? Not rated yet
my husband got a job in Fla and we transferred here, but I am trying to transfer from my job at wal-mart in Ohio to Fla, but they are not hiring in fla, …
Unemployment benefits while on short term disability. Not rated yet
I have an illness and may have to go to New York for treatment. I will be able o get my std for 6 months ( my doctor has all my information) but I was …
Can I file for recieve partial unemployement Not rated yet
I am employed at a small family owned store. When hired I was working about 30 hours a week, occasionally I did get 40 hours. Once my child started school …
My boss died and his family closed the business, can I collect unemployment? I am in Georgia. Not rated yet
I am asking can I collect because I was turned down because he did not turn any taxes in on me as an employee, what can I do to prove I worked there? …
florida Not rated yet
can i collect unemployment if fired from a job,worked there for 2 months, i was told i was confused doing my job, and they had to let me go? If that’s …
i was let go of and told by employer he hired someone else and that he would call me only for very small jobs is this laid off or fired? Not rated yet
i went to work on Oct 7 and the owner met me at the door and he said i was being let go of he said that he hired someone else but that he would call me …
My employee lives in Missouri and will work in Georgia? Do I pay Georgia unemployment rates or Missouri? Where will he file for unemployment, Georgia or Missouri? Not rated yet
I am an employer and have hired someone who lives in Missouri but will be working in Georgia. Do I pay the Georgia unemployment rates or Missouri unemployment …
I got laid off @ my job, can I collect umemployment if I moved to Georgia? Not rated yet
I got laid off @ my job, I work there for 7 years. i want to moved to Georgia all my family are there but can I still collect unemployment. Hi Stephania, …
Bethesda Maryland Can I file for unemployment Not rated yet
Hi, I recently left my job as a store manager for Safeway, I decided I wanted to return to school and find work closer to where I live. I took up a …
getting fired for taking an unpaid sick day Not rated yet
My husband is a truck driver. They keep him out every single weekday and he’s lucky if he get’s home even on saturday. He keeps telling them he has to …
Can I collect unemployment if my spouse was relocated for their job and I am unable to find a job in the state of Florida Not rated yet
Can I collect unemployment if my spouse was relocated for their job and I am unable to find a job in the state of Florida Hi Sean, Did you relocate …
how many weeks do I need to work at my job to recieve unemployment from them Not rated yet
massachusetts unemployment I have worked for 16 weeks is that enough weeks to file unemployment. Hi Marsha, Sixteen weeks total, or sixteen weeks …
can i quit for being told on more than 1 occasion that “A man is just better at what you do than a women”? (Sexual harassment) Not rated yet
I have been told on several occasions, by the owner of the company **name deleted** of *name deleted** BBQ, that a man is just better at my job than a …
Laid off but now not sure what the reasons were… Not rated yet
I was a sales executive for a private, family-owned company for 6 mos. During that time, I did not receive any sales quotas/numbers nor did I have any …
I need to know if I had a good cause to quit my job. Not rated yet
I had recently quit my job 09/2009, The company took over by a new owner, and I was under a lot of stress, the manager will always tell us day by day …
In California Can I be fired for missing work for a 2nd job? and if i’m fired can i collect unemployment? Not rated yet
I am part time and in the summer we got over 40 hrs per week. but as late September came, they cut my hours down to 25 a week. i have a 2nd job that provides …
What should I do about a work place bully who is effecting my health? Not rated yet
I am looking for a new job because of a work place bully who undermines everything I do. However, in front of management she twists the facts and I come …
Florida employer forcing me to return to full-time work after being part-time Not rated yet
I currently work 3 days a week (24 hours) and have family take care of my two young children while at work. I have been with the company 12 1/2 years. …
moving to canada from nj Not rated yet
I’m thinking of moving to Canada to follow my girlfriend … I’m getting unemployment benefits right now. Can I still collect while settling in and looking …
Would I qualify for unemployment benefits? Not rated yet
My fiance and I lived in separate North Carolina cities, about 90 miles from each other. I recently found out about his ongoing infidelity. The utter …
NY Not-For-Profit Firing unemployment paperwork question Not rated yet
I left a job in property management for the opportunity to work for a 32 employee not-for-profit I had routinely volunteered for. I was hired as Office …
Can I claim unemployment if i am fired inside 90 days in Florida Not rated yet
I was working for a company for almost 2 years and was laid off due to the economy and the slow down. I have been out of work for almost 2 months now. …
I was “separated ” from my company for being a “distraction” to other workers in a negative way Not rated yet
I have had this position for almost 3 years, during that time, tragedy hit 3 x fast, first my brother 41 years old died accidentally, 8 months later my …
I live in Indiana. Can he fire me and contest my unemployment? Not rated yet
I started receiving unemployment a month after I got terminated. When I started I didn’t sign an employee handbook there was not one. The week before …
Collect while waiting for Social Security Disability Insurance? Not rated yet
Hi, I am currently receiving unemployment benefits in Indiana. I am considering applying for permanent disability. Because of a bad back I can no longer …
Forced to move after husband laid off but denied unemployment–can I win appeal? Not rated yet
Good day: I resigned from my post at a job in Nevada (corporate legal) after my husband was let go from his job and began receiving a lot of interest …
Texas Unemployment Benefits Not rated yet
I left my job in Texas 3 years and 5 months ago. I worked there for over 13 years. Have never filed for unemployment. Moved to Arkansas to be near my elderly …
can i get unemployment in wisconsin if fired Not rated yet
i was on my 90 day probationary and got fired for 3 times calling in. i went to hospital each time couldn’t walk foot was all swollen. can i be denied …
UI benefits and no-compete (Kansas) Not rated yet
I worked for a local wholesaler for 15 months. Its a very small local-owned company. 25 employees. I have a history in this business and applied for the …
Pennsylvania & California Not rated yet
I left my job in Pennsylvania to move to California to be with my fiancee to be married soon. I have tried to collect from PA and was denied, then I tried …
Pensylvania unemployment VQ disqualifications. How they are satisfied. Not rated yet
My wife was laid off at her company and collected unemployment for a few months before finding a new job. She started the new job and stopped unemployment …
Can I quit because I have symptoms of MS .. and collect unemployment ? Not rated yet
I have ms symptoms and no diagnosis. I work full time and may need to quit due to ms symptoms. Can I collect unemployment until I may one day hopefully …
I currently collect unemployment in NC. Can I still continue to collect NC unemployment if I move to PA? Hi, I just answered a similar question …
Unemployment Benefits Extensions Not rated yet
I have been drawing unemployment since dec. 2008. It was extended one time, will I get another extension and how do I apply? Hi Agnes, I do not …
Can you still claim benefits in florida if you have to move to michigan? Not rated yet
I have been approved for fl unemployment but might have to move back to michigan, can i still collect fl unemployment while looking for work in michigan? …
I am in Indiana and I am confused about getting unemployment if I quit. Not rated yet
I work for three partners at a CPA firm (there are also nine other employees). One partner is a bully and has picked on me for quite some time. Two weeks …
Fired for attendance due to illness Not rated yet
I was hospitalized, and out of work for about 6 weeks. I just recently started this job a few months prior. I didn’t qualify for fmla or any leave other …
should i fill in “additional info” on Pennsylvania unemploy app? Not rated yet
Hello, newbie here so I apologize if my question seems elementary. I am in the process of filling out PAs online unemployment application and would …
Hi my name is jack wise, can I get California Benefits while retired? Not rated yet
I was layed off on mon.,in order to continue my health benifits I am forced to retire from the ca. state univ. where I worked. Will I be able to receive …
can i quit my job to move 3 hours away. Not rated yet
i live in wisconsin in eau claire to be exact i have been at my job for 6 months. i want to move to madison to be closer to family, and get a better job …
I was hurt while I was working (Work Comp.) Not rated yet
I was getting work comp, but now its over a year old and now i’M GETTING MY UNEMPLOYMENT CHECKS NOW–they offer a pay out of A COUPLE OF THOUSAND BUT IT …
when will canada`s ei. 20 wks of extention start Not rated yet
When will canada`s ei 20 wk`s extention begin? Hi, Not a clue, but I did bother to to go the the Canada Unemployment website. They call it “Employment …
I am stressed at home and at work. Will I be eligible for Benefits? Not rated yet
I am very stressed at work and at home. My family situation is very difficult and I am unable to focus at work. Since work is stressful and home I am …
Being laid off but working a 90 day trial? (Is that new job good for you?) Not rated yet
I live in Michigan. Was laid off in early August but receiving severance thru end of October 2009. Was offered a 90 day trial position & getting paid for …
When UB is suspended in upstate NY how long after a new appt can I get it back? Not rated yet
I had an emergency family matter in Idaho, I took a flight out and when I got back one week later I had three important pieces of mail, a ub meeting then …
Can I collect unemployment if i quit my job to due sexual harrassment and retaliation? Not rated yet
I have been sexually harrassed at my workplace for almost 2 years. I filed a complaint against my supervisor a little bit more than a year ago and just …
can i get unemployment when fired from job with doctors note? Not rated yet
I live in pa. I fell outside my house and broke my shoulder. I had to have surgery and a plate put in. My doctor wrote a note for 4 weeks saying no work. …
California – I got fired for misconduct. Can I collect unemployment? Not rated yet
I was caught and subsequently admitted to stealing money from my place of employment. Can I receive unemployment? No way, No how!!
Can I get unemployment benefits in Illinois if I quit my job with good cause? Not rated yet
I was just notified by my boss that my hours will be reduced next week. I have been with my company for two years. I currently work full time, 30 hours …
California/ Will i recieve a check without getting the bi- weeklyclaims form to mail back. Not rated yet
my last check was issued without a form to mail back in, although I did already send one in for weeks I have not been paid, but they sent me a check for …
Do you have to follow through with a two week notice? Not rated yet
I live in PA. I gave two weeks written notice that I was quitting my job to my employer, to accept a better and higher paying job. She stated that I could …
Job says I quit , I say layed off, can I get my unemployment Not rated yet
My Employer says I left, After I went many times for being bullied to Supervisor and then when Supervisor found out I went to HR, I was told that I was …
I live in texas and it has been over the 6 weeks since I filed my appeal and I havent heard anything from them, is it taking longer scince so many people are on unemployment Not rated yet
I was denied unemployment in Texas and filed my appeal on August 24. I havent gotten a letter or any thing back from them, so that I can do my phone interview, …
LOUISIANA Partial unemployment Benefits Not rated yet
I’m presently working right now. I’m working (4) 10 hour days. I was looking at taking a partime job for 8 hours on fridays at another co. If i would get …
I recieve unemployment right now , I need outpatient surgery Not rated yet
I receive unemployment right now in PA., I need outpatient surgery and can’t afford it. I either pay for it myself or get some sort of assistance. Will …
New Hampshire | Fired for losing drivers license ( first offense DWI) Not rated yet
I live in NH and will lose my job when my license is suspended for DWI. Driving from location to location is part of my job. So can I collect unemployment …
Work question about getting unemployment when you quit. Not rated yet
I have been a full time employee for a company for 4.5 years never been absent and never any write ups or any issues concerning my job, and the area manager …
how should i list this on the form to ensure i receive benefits?? Not rated yet
i was under investigation at my job in which my employer expressed to me that the investigation was taking too long and that they needed to fill my position. …
if I am on Social security and still working and get laid off can I collect unemployment benefits in california Not rated yet
I think I’m being discriminated against due to my age. I’ve been at the same company for more than 25years. I’m 72 and have continued to work full time …
Disqualified preparing for appeal hearing Quit to follow spouse. Not rated yet
I was disqualified for unemployment because I quit my job in Arkansas to move to Mississippi with my wife because she was accepted to graduate school. …
When to file for unemployment in New York State Not rated yet
I lost my full time, permanent job of five years, effective October 1, 2009. I have picked up a contract position effective through the end of November, …
Surgery and collecting unemployment. Not rated yet
I live in Illinois. I am currently collecting unemployment benefits. I need to have neck surgery. Can I still collect benefits? Hi Mark, You …
I work in Wa state and live in Oregon my commute is very long can I quit and claim UI benefits? Not rated yet
My commute may become longer if my spouses employer changes his courier route and we have to move a further distance away. My current commute is 45 miles. …
can i collect unemployment after being fired during a provisionary period? Not rated yet
Can I collect unemployment if I was in a provisionary status? I was fired after 3 weeks of work because I was not able to do the job I was hired to do. …
Canada Unemployment Benefits – when you quit. Not rated yet
I and spouse are wanting me to move to his town. It is impossible for me to get to my existing job. My adult daughter lives with me along with my granddaughter. …
News about Obama’s stimulus package’s effect on Unemployment laws. Those who need to quit a job to move should pay close attention. Not rated yet
Hi, this is Chris .. the webmaster around here and I have presented a lot of bad news to people who have quit to move, asked if they could receive …
Receiving unemployment benefits while in a nursing home – Is it unemployment fraud? Not rated yet
I had been receiving unemployment compensation since Dec 2008. I was admitted to the hospital in June of this year and then transferred to a nursing home …
Quitting to follow a spouse in South Carolina Not rated yet
I resigned. I told my employer that I was moving out of state due to my husband’s job being a transfer. They denied my claim. Now I’m trying to fight …
Quit with good cause in Massachusetts? Not rated yet
I work for a company that has cut our department from 3 people to 2 people and then cut pay by 15% for some and 5% for others. I think they are planning …
Am I eligible for unemployment if my husband is transferred from Minnesota to Georgia? Not rated yet
My husband’s job is being moved from Minnesota to Georgia. I will need to quit my job in Minnesota. Will I be eligible for unemployment? Hi, …
If you are employed but there is no work for you can you collect benefits in florida? Not rated yet
I’m still employed with my employer but there is no work right now can you collect unemployment in the state of florida? Hi, I guess I’d need you …
If I was self employed in CA. since 2004 and then accepted a job for four months and was then laid off am I eligible for benefits? Not rated yet
I was gainfully self employed as a contractor in California for the last five years but accepted a position offered by a company on 6/1/09 and was then …
MI – Am I still eligible for unemployment benefits if I quit a temp job before my severance payments end? Also, which employer is considered my last employer? Not rated yet
I was involuntarily terminated from my employer in February 2009. This company gave me a severance package payable through the end of August 2009. Per …
can you sell crafts to make money if on unemployment Not rated yet
I am currently unemployed and would like to know if I could sell some of my crafts without upsetting unemployment. Hi, That’s a good question. …
Can I collect beneifits in California? fired for excessive tardiness? Not rated yet
Been at my job almost six years. He totally hates me because I am the one that brings up health issues in the workplace (working with electronics and solder …
I was denied unemployment in Florida for relocating due to domestic abuse. Help on writing a apeeal? Not rated yet
I am a victim of domestic violence and relocated to another state to stay safe; actually to save my own life. On many occassions I requested a conference …
Quitting for multiple reasons in Michigan. Offer of work agreements Not rated yet
When I was interviewing for the job I was told I would be trained at multiple locations and then be transferred closer to my home within 4-5 months. It …
Will someone eventually lose ability to collect unemployment if working part-time for extended period? Not rated yet
My wife has been working for a company for the last 6 years in Florida. She has been making $18/hour ($720/week) up until a few months ago. She has been …
I quit due to shift changes as well as a slight paycut,i recieved a determination letter that gave me a benefit amount, Next? Not rated yet
Well i was working my previous job for a little over 2 years,the prior 2 months before my quit i was only working about 6 hours a day due to lack of work.Eventually …
just passed new extended unemployment benefits when does it start Not rated yet
i live in Florida I have some money left on my unemployment account will i get the extended benefits that just passed in congress 9/22/09 when i exhauted …
Sexual harassment in Florida Not rated yet
Hello, I am an employee in Florida that has been dealing with sexual harrasment for the past year. In recent months the harrasment has gotten out …
Can they deny my UI for misconduct if my employer says that I used the a different truck without permission ? Not rated yet
I worked for an equipment rental service at the time, but here’s the situation. I was going to use my company truck for my weekend deliveries but it …
I was suspended from my job because I was arrested outside of work. I am innocent.. What should i do? I have no money and know in the back of my mind I’ll be fired . Not rated yet
I got suspended at my job because of my action outside of work. I got arrested. Depending on whats happens in court I could be fired. I know I’m …
I got Fired because of coworker stealing (Florida) This is about preparation for filing a claim. Not rated yet
Well this past Wesnesday Sep 16 2009 I was working the graveyard shift well I work for a Hotel and I just do cleaning and attending the customers.Well …
Is Pampered Chef commission reported as earnings? Not rated yet
I am getting UI in Texas right now. I just started selling Pampered Chef products and get a small commission on what I sell at home party shows. …
Can I get denied unemployment in MA ? read on this is good Not rated yet
I have been with the company 4 yrs never had complaints and very rarely called out. Recently I had two customer complaints and was fired. A few weeks …
I was denied benefits “because I broke a reasonable employer rule”. Not rated yet
I plan to appeal. The question I have is– because I am the one appealing, am I the one that has the burden of proof of showing this was not misconduct, …
Can i still receive my unemployment benefits from california if i move to another state and are actively looking for work? Not rated yet
I live in california and just started getting unemployment. Can I move to another state and still receive my benefits in california while i actively …
Will I be able to collect Michigan unemployment benefits because I quit one job to take another job and then quit after a week? Not rated yet
I worked for a employer for 18 months or so, I resigned this postion and took another job at another agency, I worked at the new job for 1 week before …
Located in Florida Not rated yet
I have been receiving max ($275 + $25) unemployment benefits since June 2009. 1)I have been offered a part time job making approx $250 per week. Am I required …
Should I appeal my unemployment denial? Not rated yet
I was discharged from my job due to “lack of sales” in the state of Ohio. I was a sales person for a print company. My sales were poor, there is no question …
if i go back to my job because they call me back and they laid me off again can i stiil collect unemployment Not rated yet
if i go back to the job i was laid off and they laid me off again can I stiil collect unemployment. Answer: Hi Jose, Yes you should still be …
Can I file unemployment if im fired because I can’t have the time I need off for a home church Not rated yet
I asked for 3 hours a week off for a home church im going to on friday nights (im just out of highschool starting college) and my boss refuses to give …
How much information do you need to state in your appeal letter? Not rated yet
I am getting different information. I have read that you need to just ask for an appeal hearing, ” I disagree with your decision. I wish to appeal. thank …
I am receiving unemployment. If I leave the United States, will I get unemployment benefits while I am away? Not rated yet
Last year, I had a surgery in my country. I have a doctor appointment soon for a check out. Right now I am receiving unemployment. If I leave the United …
how long do I need to work in colorado to be eligible for unemployment Not rated yet
I just received word 4 days ago that I may be getting laid off from my work. I’ve been there since April 2009 how much time is required to work at the …
can i get unemploment if i quit Not rated yet
I might have to quit my job because i stay about 40 miles from my job and I just lost my car and have no other means of transportatoin Anthony, …
Employer not contesting unemployment in CA, but still need to speak to the UI office Not rated yet
Hello, I was previously employed for 5 years with a company. Last year, I was transferred into a division that I had previously requested not to be transferred …
Can I recieve unempolyment benefits from kentucky if i have moved to texas Not rated yet
I had to relocate to texas in may and I am having a hard time finding work so I wanted to know if I can recieve benefits if I am from kentucky?? …
How does cashing out a pension or 401k effect your eligibility for unemployment benefits? Not rated yet
I live in Ohio and the company I work for is on a firing binge because of an unattainable sales quota. After working for 8 years I have a nice 401k …
How long do you have to file a claim after being fired in Georgia? Not rated yet
I did file in November of 2007 and received benefits for 3 weeks. Then I started receiving Workman’s Comp so I stopped with UI. Now I no longer get WC …
California notic of unemployment award vs. the non-monetary determination. Not rated yet
Can I quit my job to follow my husband to another state Not rated yet
My husband is leaving az to move to oregon for better job. The company i work for does not do bussiness in oregon. I am a driving sales rep my company …
Can I collect if fired for mishandling of company money? Not rated yet
I am employed as a manager at retail non-for-profit. I have trouble balancing stores money at end of the day. I try. But have trouble organizing …
In the state of VA if I am recieving partial unemployment but am not getting any work can my employer hold my vacation pay? Or does he have to pay it to me? Not rated yet
In the state of VA if I am recieving partial unemployment but am not getting any work can my employer hold my vacation pay? Or does he have to pay it to …
Florida – Fired for using a giftcard… Not rated yet
Hi there, I was an assistant manager for a retail store in the state of Florida. I was fired for using a gift card that was in my mailbox ($20) that …
washington state.. good cause question to receive unemployment Not rated yet
When I started with my current company over 2 years ago. I received salary pay agreed by myself and my employer. In the last six months without notice …
In California I was hired for certain hours and now the employer is changing the hours. Not rated yet
In the state of California I was hired for certain hours. Informed them when hired I was not available on Sundays due to religious reasons and can …
I’m going in debt if i keep this job. Not rated yet
I live in WV.. My wife and I work for the same Co. She hurt her back at work and now is on light duty. We work the same hours and now they want me to …
Termination from a Temporary Employment Firm – NH Not rated yet
I was terminated from a temporary staffing agency last year. This firm knew that I was looking for more permanent employment in a more proximate geographic …
florida Not rated yet
i was working part time and i was let go due to reaching 12 points in attendance, can i qualify for unemployment benefits? Hi Jose, Probably not. …
Hostile boss, demoted, denied transer, in middle of my 2 weeks am i eligible? Not rated yet
I live in illinois. I have a very hostile boss who uses intimidation as his method of running the store, i was one of 2 assistant managers. Very recently …
I live in Texas but my paycheck comes from Louisiana Not rated yet
which state do I file for unemployment in? Hi, Which state do you actually work in?
can you get fired from a retail company on phone for them wrongfully accusing you of abusing you employee discount when you first started employement 2years ago Not rated yet
I am an employee of a big time retail store and was fired today over the phone, yesterday i was at work and was told to come to the office i was told to …
I live in Florida. Can I collect temporary unemployment due to health problems with my infant? Not rated yet
My name is Tanya and I am currently not working. My infant has multiple health issues which requires me to go to frequent doctors visits. She has had 2 …
Colorado-Forced resignation after asking for a schedule alteration Not rated yet
I work in corporate retail, a large department store. I have been working what they call a “30-flex schedule” for roughly 16 months, I have been working …
pool builder in florida with thirty years of experience Not rated yet
in florida i have worked for a company for four to five months. I have been told by the boss for the last two weeks that we don’t have any work. Today …
I think I will be fired for performance issues Not rated yet
I was told by an coworker today that our boss mentioned that I was going to be fired on Monday August 31st. I am assuming it is because of non-performance …
Michigan and Nebraska Not rated yet
I live in Michigan and I was umemployed and drawing unemployment, I took a job offer on the road working in Nebraska and am staying in a hotel. Back in …
Being laid-off and working for part-time now, can I still collect unemployment benefit? Not rated yet
I was laid-off and working on part-time now, can I still collect NYS unemployment benefit? Hi, Yes, you would still be entitled to partial benefits …
can i file for public assistance if am receiving unemployment Not rated yet
i just filed for unemployment in new york and i wanted to apply for public assistance will i get it? Hi Sarah, I don’t know. It seems contradictory …
Supposed HIPPA Violation in Pennsylvania Not rated yet
I worked at a doctors office where my future ex-sister-in-law was a patient. So I would not have to be around when she came in for her appointments I looked …
Unemployment in Indiana Not rated yet
My husband worked for a company where he had to manage product inventory. He took off 5 days to be at the hospital with me while we had our first child. …
Im called into a meeting at the unemploymet office after quitting my job in il Not rated yet
I recently quit my job for the prospect of a new one, Unfortunately, that fell through so I filed for Unemployment. Today I received a letter for a meeting …
California Jobs Too far from home? Should you turn them down? Not rated yet
My place of work was closed down, my employer wants to give me a position 50+ MILES FROM MY HOME, do I have to accept or am I eligible for unemployment …
Should I Contest Date of Termination? Not rated yet
On a Wed I was told by my supervisor I would be put on a three day unpaid suspension effective the following Monday (I guess they needed me to work until …
Can I draw unemployment compensation in the State of WA, when I retire from the military in AUG 2010 Not rated yet
I am retiring from the military in AUG 2010 after completing 30 years of service. My retirement is not by choice, but by imposed rules that do not allow …
Am i eligible for unemployment if i get fired for being convicted of a felony that has nothing to do with my job?-NY Not rated yet
I was recently arrested for a felony charge in nys. I am going through the court process right now and still have my job. I was told by my job that …
My full-time hours were cut to less then part-time. Can I receive unemployment if I quit? Not rated yet
I was working full-time at a company for 7 years. Recently due to the economic meltdown of CA my hours we’re cut to 4 days a week. A month later down …
California EDD Section 1256 – terminated for misconduct Not rated yet
I had worked as a courier driver for 11 months. I was terminated on 2/2/09. That day,it took the company 7 hours to advise me that I was being terminated …
can i collect unemployment because the employer created a hostile work envionment because he thought i stole something due to the fact i am on state parole? Not rated yet
My boss accused of me of stealing something and after answering questions from the police all day and they could not come up with any evidence at all …
can i get unemployment if fired for schedule conflicts in iowa Not rated yet
I told my former supervisor a month and a half in advance that in august i had to change my schedule due to my daughter starting school but my former …
how many years can i go back to file unemployment now that I’m no longer getting Workman Comp Insurance benefits Not rated yet
my last job was three years ago i had an accident was drawing workman comp since can i reapply for unmployment if i can work? Hi Anonymous, …
I quit my job for another position which fell through, can i collect unemployment ,il Not rated yet
Basically I’m probably that one percent who was a half of point from ” pointing ” out of work for bad attendance. Having a large family I knew I had to …
CA Unemployment Employer claiming I quit a year and a half later! Not rated yet
I got unemployed Feb ’08 and have been DESPERATE to find a job. I’ve been really unlucky and the only field that I can get into is straight commission …
Arkansas Not rated yet
If you have draw about three months of unemployment go back to work for one month and lay off again can you draw unemployment again. Hi, Yes you …
ohio. why was I denied for a week when filing for my extension? Not rated yet
Have been receiving unemployment. It ran out so filed for the extension. Was granted the extension but was denied the first week Hi William, I have …
I HAD MY IN-PERSON UNEMPLOYMENT APPEAL HEARING (See a video of an Ohio Unemployment hearing. Not rated yet
I watched a movie yesterday regarding being prepared for your unemployment hearing (pretty informative). I was extremely prepared I had a witness …
Can I look for work in another state while on unemployment? Not rated yet
…would I just tell my current state where I was going, and contact my future state’s unemployment office, and then keep the same job search log …
Can I collect umemployment after being on workmens comp for 4 months then go back to work for a month then our company shuts down. Not rated yet
I have been working for NUMMI in Fremont CA for 15 years and never had to use disability, workmens comp,or anything else since i’ve been there. I was injured …
In which State do I need to file for unemployment benefits? Not rated yet
I live in New Jersey but worked in New York for 35 years. I was recently laid off. Do I file for Unemployment benefits in New Jersey or New York? …
I have been out of work for almost a year can I still file for unemployment in FLORIDA? Not rated yet
Been looking for a job and sending out seems like million of resumes but no job yet. need money to pay bills Hi, You can, but you might not have …
my employer is requiring all employees to take 40 hrs. mandatory time off without pay… can i file for unemployment for this week? Florida Not rated yet
my employer is requiring all employees to take 40 hrs. mandatory time off without pay… can i file for unemployment for this week? Florida Hi Rey, …
In the state of Illinois if at an appeal hearing my former employer is not denying my unemployment benefits can the unemployment office still denie my benefits? Not rated yet
I was a leasing agent at my previous place of work and i was involved in a car accident which proved to be no fault of my own which left me without a vehicle …
Is California out of money to pay unemployment benefits extensions? Not rated yet
This question needs some responses from those receiving extensions. Hi – I have been receiving benefits from California and I am on my last extension. …
When filing for unemployment will they know if u have another job besides the one you were fired from if you don’t tell them? – Unemployment Fraud Not rated yet
A friend of mine has to file for unemployment just so that she can show her landlord that she got fired from her job. She has gotten another job in the …
Can I quit my job to care for my children if my babysitter has become terminally ill? Wisconsin Not rated yet
A couple months ago my babysitter found out she has cancer and isn’t able to care for my children anymore. We have found alternative care which is not …
In fl i have an opportunity to work part time. The money partime is less than my unemployment benefit. Am I able to still claim to make up the difference? Not rated yet
In fl i have an opportunity to work part time. The money partime is less than my unemployment benefit. Am I able to still claim to make up the difference? …
Florida Not rated yet
To determine what to enter for my gross pay, what should I enter if I had a base salary plus commission? Hi, Did the employer pay taxes on the commission? …
Can i be fired while out on fmla? Not rated yet
I live in virginia. I called in sick(fmla)again on Nov 12 2008. My manager told me that she got my message. She stated to me that my supervisor and regional …
State: Texas . Any difference in speed of getting benefits filing by internet vs. phone? Not rated yet
Just wondering if you had any observations if phone or internet filing made a difference in the speed of getting a decision on benefits? TY Hi, …
do i qualify for benefits? New York Not rated yet
I worked for the Islip School District as both a Substitute teacher and an Instructional Aide; for the last school year. My Position was part-time, averaging …
how do i know if i have an overpayment of benefits in pennsylvania Not rated yet
Ohio – accept work offered? Not rated yet
Laid off indefinately 5/29 called back to work week of 7/6 called back to work week of 7/13 asked if I wanted to work week of 7/20 in South Carolina …
Cutting hours in Florida Not rated yet
We are an employer. We are wondering if we cut an employees hours down by lets say one day, can they collect unemployment for that day? In other words, …
if i worked in florida, do i need to file in florida? Not rated yet
i worked in florida and i have recently moved to maryland. do i file in florida or maryland? Hi, Whether you file in Florida or Maryland .. it …
If I move from kentucky to georgia can I still collect my unemployment insurance? Not rated yet
I am currently collecting Unemployment insurance in Kentucky, We are wanting to move to Georgia can I still collect my Unemployment if I move? And if …
can i collect unemployment illinois Not rated yet
i work full time at during days. and commission based calls towing at night. these 2 jobs are a must for my lifestyle or bills or what i have. im divorced …
California Forced to Either resign from teaching job or be non re-elected. Not rated yet
I was forced to resign from a teaching job or I would end up being non re-elected. Non re-elect looks bad on a job application, so I resigned because …
Am I eligible for benefits? I live in California. Not rated yet
I have a full-time position but am currently working 20-25 hours a week if I’m lucky. This trend of decreased hours has continued since the beginning …
How do I transfer my already existing benefits Not rated yet
In Feb. I was laid off of work. I started recieving my benefits. Circumstances have complicated things and I need to move back home to Missouri. I …
Do I qualify for unemployment after 116 days of working at a job that I was forced to resign? (Understanding the importance of the “Base Period” Not rated yet
I worked for a company for 116 days in Florida (or 130 days as I gave two weeks notice but was not required to work those days out. I am being paid for …
do i have to accept a differant position with my employer, wisconsin Not rated yet
I have worked for this company for 15 years and was recently laid off, they can’t tell me when I will return. I was hired as a welder and after a year …
Vocational Training while recieving unemployment in Florida Not rated yet
I was laid off in March, 2009 and applied for Veterans Vocational Rehabilitaion. I was approved for training and am scheduled to start in early August. …
Unemployed teacher with a government job- FLORIDA Not rated yet
Hello! I’ve been reading these questions and your responses…’s great! I have two questions for you if you can please help. 1) I am employed in …
can i collect unemployment if i quit a job due to stress, PA Not rated yet
I was recently on temporary unemployment with no date of return because the company I worked for restructured. About 3 wks later they called me and offered …
Not earning income due to lack of sales, wisconsin Not rated yet
I am a resident of Wisconsin. My current sales position is arrangement is on a full commission basis with my employer. Therfore, no sales no income. Due …
What is “good cause” f or refusing work in Illinois? Not rated yet
I am an unemployed attorney. I was offered a temp job about 50 miles away. My car is not running and I would need to drive about 20 minutes to get to …
Can I get unemployment if I was let go during my probation period? Not rated yet
I signed a contract before getting hired in CA re a probation period which was for 2 weeks. I was let go when the probation period had ended because he …
For state of NM – since I’m not eligible for FMLA, I’m being released due to needing maternity leave Not rated yet
I am due with a child in November and HR told me yesterday that I will be released from my job at that time because I’m not eligible for FMLA. Can I …
Florida- How many weeks can I get unemployment? Not rated yet
Have worked in the same job for the past 9 years in a full time position. Just an estimate of how long I can collect unemployment due to a layoff. …
are parttime workers in the state of missiouri eligible for unemployment Not rated yet
just searching for a employed partime workers rights if they were fired after being employed for two years with the same employer. Hi Renee, Part-time …
i am 35 weeks pregnant, my job ended not from my own fault and i was denied unemployment benefits in new jersey.what can i do Not rated yet
my job was for the school year only. it ended and i applied for unemployment. i told the lady i was pregnant and now i’m being denied of my benefits. …
Can I move to Wisconsin(from Minnesota)while on unemployment? Not rated yet
Hi! You have been helping my friend and I navigate through this unemployment maze and we appreciate your advice! I have been on unemployment now for …
can a person get fired for refusing to work out of town or out of state? Not rated yet
i have a job coming up soon that will require me to stay out of town for a number of weeks. i work construction. this is the first time he has asked us …
Can you receive unemployment if you quits because there are rodents in your place? Illinois Not rated yet
I work for a state facility and there are rodents in the building. the only thing they have done is put down mouse traps and that’s not working. I have …
in california how many times can i reaply for unemployment? Not rated yet
been unemployeed since june 08. still no luck finding a job. its 7-7-09 and my benifits i believe have ended. so my question is can i reapply? Hi …
Unemployment Benefits Alabama Not rated yet
Fired because of dishonesty and negligence. That is what my termination paper says. I have no idea where that come from. I’ve tried to talk with the manager …
how long do u collect unemployment Not rated yet
my paper say i get my benefits until september and i see on the computer i only have 810.00 left to collect. this is something i dont understand. …
Florida unemployment for health reasons? Not rated yet
I have had a Work AT Home telecommute part-time position since 11/2007. I have made so far since last pay ck: $6,04.23. I have been only lost 2 full days …
If I start my own business will I lose my unemployment benefits? – Florida Not rated yet
I have been collecting unemployment since february due to closure of a business and am seriously considering entrepreneurship. Once I incorporate …
California, out on FMLA and my 12 weeks are almost over Not rated yet
So I had my hand worked on and took FMLA for 12 weeks. I need to be out for 16 weeks. My 12 weeks are up in a few days. Work has already told me that if …
Can i collect if i quit after 1 day? I have been laid off for 3 mths??? Not rated yet
Ok, so i have been laid off for 3mths and collecting and i finally found a job. Way less pay but only worked 1 day, if i quit can i still collect? The …
unemployment in az if recently ? Not rated yet
I just retired from the military on 30 june 2009 am i eligible for unemployment benefits in Arizona and will the amount be affected by my retirement pay? …
how long do you have to file for unemployment after you get your seperation notice Not rated yet
i was fired and i want to know if i can get benifits Hi Amanda, You should file right away, but as long as you have qualifying wages remaining …
Florida – Can I collect Unemployment if laid off ALONG with my military retirement? Not rated yet
Retired from US Navy 2002 (20 years) working full-time until June 2009 (laid off) Hello:) The resource with the answer for this question .. …
What if my funds run out before my claim expires in California? Not rated yet
The stub on my husband’s unemployment checks references a expiration date of his claim, which is December 2009. It also references a remaining dollar …
moving from new york to new jersey – Can I still collect unemployment? Not rated yet
moving from new york to new jersey can i stil collect. Hi I suppose so if you change your address.
Ohio Unemployment – Fired for being rude to co-workers Not rated yet
I’ve been told that I can be fired not once, but twice because of the way people see me. I don’t talk much but when I do I’m to the point. Sunday …
Calif Was on workers comp 1& 1/2 years. Denied unemployment Not rated yet
EDD says I have no wages in the prior year period to qualify because I did not file as soon as I got hurt. Why would I? I expected to go back to work, …
California Unemployment – Going back to work. Not rated yet
I am presently on unemployment. I have an opportunity to work for my last employer for a one month term. How will that affect my unemployment? I have …
I’m in New Jersey, and was denied unemployment twice and need help on my second appeal letter. Not rated yet
I was fired for misconduct due to my job by supposedly showing up late. I appealed and just recently had the appeals interview and was denied again. They …
I was on a year contract with my job and they did not renew the contract. I worked for the State of Florida, Can I receive unemployment? Not rated yet
I was hired July 1, 2008 with the State of Florida on a one year contract. The contract has expired and they did not renew the contract. I am now out of …
Can collect unemployment for not prioritizing/ Missouri Not rated yet
I was working as an Office Manager in a Family Medicine practice. I worked there for 1 1/2 years. I have never felt comfortable and has always felt that …
IL – Can I quit job and qualify for benefits to return to school? Not rated yet
Returning to school. No. Illinois disqualifies for quitting work to attend school unles it is trade act training, which would probably be the same …
maryland – can I collect unemployment if I was laid off from one of my part-time jobs? Not rated yet
I was working 2 part time jobs, just got laid off from 1 of them, can I collect unemployment to make up the difference? Hi Anonymous, I’m sorry …
Can i file for unemployment in california i been working for 6 months? (This is about having enough wages in a base period to qualify) Not rated yet
i started working at this company with a temp agency since december 08 and got hired in with the company in march 09 can i file for unemployment? there …
In Oklahoma is there any waiting period after filing for an extension Not rated yet
Is there a waiting period in Oklahoma after you have filed your extension. Does it keep coming ever week or do you have to have another no pay week like …
Am I eligible to receive unemployment from Delaware if I am taking 1-2 classes online or in the evening? Not rated yet
Am I eligible to receive unemployment from Delaware if I am taking 1-2 classes online or in the evening? Hi Anonymous, I use the Nonmonetary …

Does La have the EB program Not rated yet
Do you know if louisiana has the extented benefits where you can draw for 13 more weeks after you used all your year benefits? Thank you so much, Mary …
minnesota, how can I win my appeal Not rated yet
I have been corresponding with you all along and you have been very helpful! and I got a letter saying I was denied unemployment so I applied for an appeal …
Did I loose unemployment benefits by accepting freelance work? Not rated yet
I have been collecting unemployment but have had the opportunity to pick up a freelance project while I continue to look for full time employment. The …
Will I lose my Missouri unemployment benefits if I quit my job? Not rated yet
My company is closing this sales office. The owner wants me to take a $3.00 to $4.00 per hour CUT in pay, take the business to my home and work from there. …
i gave a two week notice at my job because of medical reasons can i get unemployment Not rated yet
i have a colostomy which prevents me from any heavy lifting and standing for any length of time. Hi Jennell, Please see the NY decision index. …
Is making too many errors willingful misconduct. Pennsylvania Not rated yet
I am on corrective action and my supervisor is still finding errors. If I am fired is this consider willful misconduct. Hi Anonymous, You didn’t …
What grounds should I persue to win appeal? Not rated yet
Employer closed 500 stores and I was told that there were no openings for me (I’m in Florida). I worked though the last day with my manager. She knew …
Am I still eligible for unemployment benefits in New York if I go back to school part time, while continuing to look for work? Not rated yet
I was laid off in January and want to explore a program by taking classes part time at a local university. Will this block me from continuing to collect …
Can I collect benefits if I have to move due to my lover’s military duty? (Florida) Not rated yet
In one of your earlier questions, you were asked if it is possible to collect unemployment benefits if you quit a job, and your response was “NO, unless …
Illinois State Law Not rated yet
If the Nonprofit gets cutbacks due to state funding and decides to let an employee go, can that employee receive unemployment? Hi Lauren, Yes. …
can I collect unemployment in PA after experiencing anxiety/panic due to work Not rated yet
Was ill-they couldn’t find out what was wrong-went to ER-given 3 day suspension due to missing work-started experiencing panic/anxiety attacks-needed to …
Can I collect unemployment if I quit due to medical reasons where my work place was making it worse? Not rated yet
I suffer from a medical condition that I have had for quite some time now but never knew it and wasn’t diagnosed until just recently. I have been at my …
California Not rated yet
Need information on how to collect PARTIAL unemployment so I can forward on to my techs! Hi Sue, It’s easy enough. Just have them file a claim …
Hostile and Corrupted Work Environment, MI Not rated yet
I am writing to find out if I can quit and be able to collect ui benefits. Here is my story. I accepted a position with a small company not quite 3 …
Florida Can I get unemployment if I work a part time job also and lose fulltime employment Not rated yet
I am going to lose my full time job july 1st. I work on call for another company that can give me a 40 hour week for 3 weeks afterward. They are a …
Florida Not rated yet
I work for a company that is requiring every salaried employee to take 2 weeks (non consecutive weeks) of time off without pay (called a furlough) to help …
Can I still collect New York unemployment if I won my unemployment hearing and quit the job I got in the meantime? Not rated yet
An insubordination question from NY Not rated yet
I’m expecting to get fired soon. I saw my new boss fire the only other employee at the tiny non-profit where I work. Later she said she had wanted to fire …
I work a few hours every week or so do I need to declare this money and do I list it in the other area of the form? Not rated yet
If I work for someone other than my previous employer and I only work an hour or so every week or so, is there a limit to how much you can earn without …
can i gt umemployment if i quit my jobs in Kansas Not rated yet
i have ailing parents out of state. i need to move closer to them to help care for them. i can’t move unless i’m able to collect unemployment till i …
Kansas. If we have a checking account we pay our bills through, how do we get the money in the account to write checks to pay them? Not rated yet
My daughter is on unemployment and says that the only way you get it is on a debit card. She has to go purchase something and get money out each time. …
If I move from Kansas City, Mo to Wichita, Ks, will I be able to collect UI? Not rated yet
Hello, my husband and I are relocating to Wichita, KS to be close to our family, and to find work for me, will I still be able to collect Unemployment …
If I had to quit job in New York Not rated yet
I worked for a restaurant, and during last 3 months of employment there were difficult working conditions. It is not built for high-volume business, and …
If I move from Pennsylvania to California, can I still collect PA unemployment compensation? c Not rated yet
I am moving to CA from PA, Can I still collect PA unemployment? I submit claims online and have direct deposit of payments. Hi Anonymous, Yes, …
Can I continue to collect benefits after moving from Illinois to Montana? Not rated yet
Can I continue to collect benefits after moving from Illinois to Montana? What do I need do? Yes, you should be able to continue to collect unemployment. …
Joliet,Illinois.I work two part -time jobs and was laid off on one. Do I still qualify for unemployement? Not rated yet
I was currently working two part time jobs. USPS and Oil change facility. Recently I was reduced to 10 hours at the lube facility and was told by owner …
What are the rules regarding starting school while receiving unemployment in Calfiornia? Not rated yet
My husband was laid off from the automotive industry and began receiving unemployment benefits. We live in California. Considering the current status …
Moving from Florida to North Carolina Not rated yet
My job in Florida is being outsourced in the not too distant future. When that happens, I am considering moving to North Carolina. If I remained in Florida, …
Can I collect unemployment in California if my employer says he offered me a different job when he didn’t Not rated yet
Hello, June 16, 2009 I was hired full time by XXXXXX Foods LLC in California to build an import food business for nuts and dried fruit …
do I need a lawyer to go to a unemployment hearing? Not rated yet
I had worked for a company 8 years my mother became ill I asked for different hours temp ( I even had a drs note saying she needed daytime help ect) went …
Can unemployment benifits be transferred from one state (Mass) to anothe (FL)r? Not rated yet
If a person is collecting in one state and is willing to move to another state to pursue job search can the benefits follow? I’m speaking leaving Mass …
In Indiana can I collect unemployment if I am derawing my pension from the Carpenters union Not rated yet
I am still actively seeking work and am still able to work through the union but right now there aren’t any jobs available. I live in Indiana. Hi …
I was laid off after 2 1/2 months from a job and was on unemployment before that from another job, who will my new claim be against? MI Not rated yet
I was previously laid off in a mass layoff with my previous employer with no chance of being recalled due to the economy. I collected one unemployment …
MICHIGAN – I want to start school while I’m off work. Will my benefit amount change? Not rated yet
I want to take some online college courses to help me better myself. What I am unsure of is will my amount of money decrease? I’m not sure if I will …
Unemployment denied, KY Not rated yet
I was employed for 5 1/2 years as a mortgage broker with the same company. My income steadly decreased due to the economy. The company only paid commission …
Quitting job due to safety concerns. Not rated yet
I am 6 months pregnant and I manage a group home with troubled teenagers who have the potential of becoming violent. My position is stressful and my doctor …
my unemployment just ran out from my last job out of state, cam i collect it from my previous employer in michigan Not rated yet
i worked for magna international in michigan was layed off in 2006 and never collected unemployment, got a job in north carlonia in 2007 was layed off …
Florida – job anxiety, constant travel Not rated yet
Hello and thank you for this service! I was hired a year ago for a work from home “southeast” position with a large company. Instead, travel throughout …
I was disqualified for unemployment benefits due to misconduct in NC? What are my next steps? Not rated yet
I had some paperwork in a satchel beside my desk all the time while I worked. Everyone knew it was there and I put all paperwork there daily. It was paperwork …
Can my benefits be taken away in Florida if former employer comes back with irrelevant claims after the fact of my termination? Not rated yet
I was recently terminated and am receiving ue benefits. I was notified that my former employer is appealing (not surprised). On the day the hearing was …
If I received vacation pay will I still be getting unemployment money? (A link to the resource for a state by state answer to this question) Not rated yet
For the next week when I file my claim for unemployment of how I received vacation pay from my work will I still be getting unemployment money also until …
Florida – I think I may have become inactive – how do I reactivate my Florida unemployment claim? Do I need to fill out all the paperwork again? Not rated yet
I was laid off of my job in Florida after 3 years in late February. I filed a claim, was approved and was still in the “waiting” period, when I found …
work and full time school – florida Not rated yet
I have worked in a dialysis clinic for over 4 years. I got in the nursing program (full-time generic in Miami-Dade College) beginning of this year. I’m …
I live in Miami, Florida. After new part-time temp job ends, can I go back to collect from my original claim if I haven’t collected all I was granted? Not rated yet
After being laid off four months ago I’ve been hired as a part-time employee but I was told they need me only in a temporary basis. When the temporary …
they put a hold on my benefits til a person can check things out, I got a letter Sat. saying to go on line today and claim my weeks but Not rated yet
It said my benefits had been susspended. Is that because they are investigating something I claimed. Hi Todd, Probably. If things have been going …
How Can I Win an UE appeal (Re-determination) Ohio Not rated yet
This is what I received from ODJFS UI office: The employer discharged the claimant for violating a company rule. Evidence supports negligence or willful …
Can I quit a job after a week? Massachusetts Not rated yet
I worked at a job for five years and the non profit closed the center due to the economy. They said we would all get unemployment and they wouldn’t deny …
Am I entitled to NYS unemployment when I move to Fla. after getting laid off? Not rated yet
Worked for NYS company for 5+ years and was laid off. I want to pursue a career in the Florida Golf industry and want to collect my unemployment insurance. …
In Florida, can I quit due to verbal abuse and unrealistic policy changes after having a baby? Not rated yet
I have worked for my employer for 3 years very small company with only the boss and two employees. I have only been late once by 15 min and let them know …
can i collect umemployment in ny if i have childcare issues Not rated yet
I live in ny and have a 2 year old daughter i work as a front desk reception and also seem to think i am also an office assistant to all my employees …
Can an employer have you sign a separation agreement not to file for unemployment? Not rated yet
At the time of my separation, my administrator verbally and in writing, agreed to severance pay for 8 days and was agreeable to pay for 2 months of COBRA …
I filed an unemployment appeal and won my appeal, but now they have sent a letter stating I owe money. Not rated yet
I filed an appeal and had the hearing and received a letter stating that I had won the appeal, but now a week after receiving the decision, i recwive a …
Can i be denied my unemployment because i found a job after i was denied and had to file for an appeal? Oklahoma City Not rated yet
Well after waiting a month and a half before my date was given to me i excepted a job making $6.85 a hr not enough to pay any of my bills.I called in to …
My husband received a severance package from best buy in California Not rated yet
and he also has a job at night djing but best buy was his primary job and got payed probably double than in his night job. would he still be eligible for …
Can you work a few hrs on unemployment in NC? – This is a North Carolina Partial Unemployment question. Not rated yet
We found out today that my husband is going to be laid off from his job of 16 yrs. at the end of the month. He does have another job that he works …
Offered resignation in lieu of layoff – Florida Not rated yet
My wife works for a city agency and recently they have announced serious cut backs due to budget constraints. Unfortunately she is among the 100+ people …
collecting unemployment in Florida and living in different state Not rated yet
Transferred to FL 3 years ago. Company is now closing and I want to move back to N J. Can I collect my FL unemployment while I am in NJ? Hi Dar, …
Receiving California unemployment benefits while out of the state. Not rated yet
Is it possible to maintain unemployment if you are not in the state that is issueing the benefits? For instance, if you are on unemployment and need to …
Can I get employment if I quit my job? Not rated yet
Been at my job 5 yrs at $8.50 new part time employment been there a month and making $8.50 an hour as well. I asked for a raise and was told by my employer …
Do I lose my benefits when I begin attending school part time? – California Not rated yet
There is a question on my bi-weekly claim form asking if I started attending any school or training. Will this end my benefits once I start taking part …
If I leave my job for a new one but for some reason lose the new job, can I still collect unemployment? Not rated yet
I’ve been at a company for six years in NY. I am very unhappy there and have recently been offered a new job. With the economy the way it is I worry …
Unemployment benefit for fired for ‘violating safety rule’, Illinois Not rated yet
I am a professional engineer, with a stellar record working for this company for 15 years. I get along with everyone and have been receiving good performance …
If I quit my job to attend school full time, can I collect unemployment? Not rated yet
I would like to attend nursing school full-time and my job hours do not fit my school schedule. Can I quit and collect unemployment? Hi Future Nurse:) …
Mass. unemployment benefit reduction Not rated yet
I just filed for the extension of my unemployment, and was notified yesterday that my benefits have been cut in half based on what I earned in the “lag …
can you continue to draw after 26 weeks in alabama Not rated yet
i have not been able to find a job and want to know if i can after the first 26 weeks have run out and what is a phone number i call to find out There’s …
Employer has 2 locations – Florida Not rated yet
I was hired to work in the second location, 10 miles from my house as “site manager”. Sales are off, customers are few, and he wants to close this second …
If I win my Appeal, how long dose it take to recieve funds Not rated yet
If I win my Appeal, and I claimed my weeks during the appeal process, how long dose it take to receive my unemployment checks once I win ? I can’t find …
why have i not received my check yet new york Not rated yet
my check was due today where is it How the hell should I know.
Florida. When fired and hired back as a ‘consultant’, might it jeopardize my ability or amount of unemployment benefits? Not rated yet
I’ve been employed for 2 years in Florida with this company. Their office is in Boston but I work in Florida managing one of their buildings. The …
How many days do i have to claim unemployment after being laid off. Fl Not rated yet
I was laid off at my job and was told they would re hire me in a couple of weeks. So at the time I had some money put a side, so I didn’t claim. Now its …
Can I collect unemployment in Pennsylvania if laid off from a part-time job while receiving social securtiy ( The resource cited provides the information for any state.) Not rated yet
If I am collecting social security and get laid off from a part time job, am I eligible for unemployment compensation? Hi Anonymous, Yes, you are …
I reside in Mississippi and am being harassed at work and retaliated agains for lodging a complaint with HR. Not rated yet
I previously took a job with a company 1 hour and 45 minutes from my home. I was harassed by an employee who has since been terminated. Presently …
can I collect benefits for workplace violence–Florida Not rated yet
I work for a supermarket in St.Petersburg-the assistant manager and I got in a disagreenent and I got upset and threw the sandwich I had ih my hand at …
State of Maryland; I have an appeal on Tuesday I want some tips for my defense. Not rated yet
The reason of leaving my jobs was as follows: “Dear Sir or Madam: This letter is to appeal your determination of unemployment insurance done by specialist …
I Receive a Government Pension And Want to Know if I’m eligible to Collect Unemployment Without a Reduction of Benefits Not rated yet
I retired from the Postal Service in 2002 and, receive a pension based on my 34 years of service. Two weeks after retiring I took a job teaching public …
Does receiving unemployment benefits affect me? Texas Not rated yet
I was just wondering if filing an unemployment claim would affect any records: credit, future job opportunities, taxes, etc. Hi Anonymous, I think …
Can I collect Nevada unemployment if I move to Canada? Not rated yet
I m going to Canada to find work I will not have medical insurance there can I still apply for unemployment in the US . Hi, That’s a good question …
I need to write a brief for new york supreme court for my denied unemployment benefits Not rated yet
my unemployment was denied; my employer stated misconduct, which is untrue. Claims were made that I cursed in front of a customer(untrue) Anyway, I am …
Can I Receive Social Security and Unemployment Insurance Not rated yet
ontana laid off and able to start receiving social security benefits for I am 63 will i still be able to collect unemployment for ei will still be looking …
what is the maxium amout you can collect for unemployment in the state of florida Not rated yet
What is the most amount of unemployment you can collect in a week Hi Maria, The maximum Florida weekly benefit amount is $275. The minimum wages …
Florida unemployment while attending college?? Not rated yet
I was laid off from my job due to a RIF and have filed for unemployment. However, I am planning to move and continue my education (graduate school) …
I am currently deployed to Iraq. I live in ohio, i wont have a job when i return and am looking for unemployment until i find one. Not rated yet
I am coming back off of a deployment and am wondering what my options were. I heard that you can get unemployment while going to school, im suppose to …
What are my chances of collecting in Oregon ?? Not rated yet
I was let-go by my employer in Oregon; that’s just a nice way to say fired. The week was a normal weekly shift in the field fri-tuesdayMonday …
Getting laid off at fulltime job but still have parttime job can I still get unemployment Not rated yet
I am getting laid off temporary from full time job, I have a part time job can I still get unemployment or do I need to quit my part time job. How much …
I was fired what are my chances for unemployment/MI Not rated yet
Hi, My name is Ryan I am 34….I have been working at a hospital in Detroit for 12 years and was terminated due to a charting error…..the time I charted …
MI: Can I resume unemployment benefits after completing a temporary self-employed position? Not rated yet
I currently have an accepted claim in MI, but I accepted a TEMPORARY self employed position. Will I have trouble resuming my unemployment benefit payment … question is can i still get my benifits if i quit within a week from my second employer? Not rated yet
hello. here’s my problem. in january of 2009 i was wrongfully discharged from my former employer. there reason was i willingly instigated misconduct …
State of California, Refusing to Sign on for New Job Title. Not rated yet
I currently work in a youth facility as a “Counselor” and the new administration is asking us to begin performing cleaning duties in the housing area. …
I quit my job as a bartender in NY and moved back home to Arkansas to finish college. Can I receive unemployment benefits? Not rated yet
I lived in NY for almost 10 years. I worked at T.G.I. Friday’s as a bartender for almost 8. I recently moved back home to Arkansas to finish school and …
Can I get unemployment benefits if I quit in CA (flw-up) Not rated yet
I submitted a question earlier (started job 18 months ago, no sales quota, then was tasked with a quota – which I will not meet). Anyway… In my previous …
Can I collect unemployment if I quit rather than be fired in California? Not rated yet
18 months ago I began work with my current employer. When I was hired, I was hired as a business development strategist with NO expectation of sales quotas, …
I Quit my job because of personal attacks on my weight . Not rated yet
Hello, I personally quit my job because I was tired of being made fun of and the owner being abusive in his statements towards me regarding my weight, …
Can I file for unemployment if I quit because I have conjestive heart failure and artery disease and pulmonary disease in the state of georgia Not rated yet
I have CHF;COPD and CAD. These are all diseases pertaining to the heart. I had to quit because I was always so tired and stressed at work. The doctor …
Can I get unemployement if I quit my job in CA – H Not rated yet
I have emails to prove my bosses wife’s dislike for me. She is blatantly rude and I feel has crossed the line emailing things such as: If I had time …
denied due to misconduct for forgery (Maryland) Not rated yet
I was denied because my employer fired me because while trying to file for social services benifits due to being out for maternity leave. I had typed up …
Quit my job due to medical reasons..possible verbal abuse reasons >> State of Georgia Not rated yet
I have worked in the Pest Control Industry for 4 years. So I have applied Pesticides, crawled under houses, and performed the tasks now for a while. …
How long does it take to get a decision after an appeal hearing in Ca. ? Not rated yet
I filed for unemployment Jan. 2009 and had an appeal hearing, how long does it take to get the decision? Hi Debra, From my experience .. usually …
I submitted my own partial unemployment form without notifying my employer (CA). Not rated yet
My hours were reduced from 40 hours/week to 20 a few months ago. I am eligible for the full $450 CA payment if I had no job, but while working 20 hours …
Hours vary from week to week, should I keep partial unemployment? (CA) Not rated yet
I have been on partial unemployment since my hours were reduced a few months ago. I have now started working full-time again with the same company, but …
Can I claim unemployment while receiving severance package? I got laid off and put in a payroll for 6 weeks and not sure if I can go ahead and claim my …
I want to quit because my employer owes me unpaid commissions. Not rated yet
I work for a company that owes me commissions for previous sales. They are overdue in paying me by about 6 months. I want to quit so I can look for …
If my appeal goes in my favor, how long before a check is issued to me? Not rated yet
My appeald hearing was today and nothing definate was said but there were comments made the seem to be in my favor. If I win the appeal how long does it …
I am being laid off in California but getting a severance package. Can I get unemployment benefits? Not rated yet
I may have a choice between taking a lump sum or continuing to receive regular paychecks. Would taking the lump sum allow me to get unemployment benefits …
Can I collect unemployment if my company goes out of business? FL Not rated yet
I have my own business (corp) and I am the only employee – I pay into Federal and State Unemployment. I am paid for sales I generate for other companies …
florida Not rated yet
I recently worked as a Sub contractor for a company which was doing work for State… The new budget has cut funding and I am now out of any employment.. …
Recent surgery delays search for employment. Can I get an extention of funds? Not rated yet
Due to the slow pace of insurance carrier I had to wait 4 months before I could have a major surgery done. I am currently unemployed and my priority is …
time card manipulation – A discussion about pinpointing what you need to focus on at an unemployment hearing. Not rated yet
My boss informed me that he believed I was manipulating my time card to be paid for extra hours I did not work. The truth of the matter was that …
Fired for misconduct at a Home Care Agency-Washington State Not rated yet
O.K. I was fired from a home care agency, then I filed for unemployment and was denied. I just faxed the letter of appeal to the telecenter. I sent …
I was told my position was gone and when I come back I might have to work nights. If, I do not accept the position will I have qualify for unemployment? Not rated yet
My doctor put me on light duty. I asked my job for light duty(I work in housekeeping). I was told they only have light duty for comp cases and I would …
If I collect R.R.Retirement and work a seasonal job can i collect unemplyment? Pa. Not rated yet
I receive R.R. Retirement and work partime as a bus driver. Do i qualify for unemployment for the months I’m layed off? Hi Daryl, I had to go looking …
Unemployment Benefit when you quit to take care of health issues. Not rated yet
hi, i have a cousin that wants to know (she is 400lbs) if she has been experiencing difficulty in her job, she gets it done, but she has swollen …
tennessee i just got my unemployement paper marked lack of work in the same day they called back to come back to work if i refuse to go back can i still draw my unemployeement? Not rated yet

Tips for Survival Not rated yet
You may already be doing this… but shop at The Dollar Store or Dollar General for soap powders, tooth-paste , laundry detergent and paper towels. For …
Florida Not rated yet
I took a medical leave of absence from my school bus job to care for a mentally retarded family member who was denied SSI and needs nursing home care . …
Illinois. I’ve been on unemployment a short period of time. Do I have to accept the first job offered to me. Not rated yet
I made 16.75 hr. What if I am offered a minimum wage job with poor benefits? Can I say no and wait on other offers. Hi Anonymous, Here is the link …
How long will unemployment benefits last? – California Not rated yet
I had a full time teaching job in California at the same school for two years and got layed off due to state budget cuts. My teaching contract ends on …
Can I collect unemployment or disability benifits if my doctor takes me off work for 2 weeks? Alabama. Not rated yet
I have a high-risk pregnancy which means the baby could die. So my doctor took me off work for 2 weeks to try to avoid emergency surgery. During this time …
Quitting and starting college or training program in Arkansas Not rated yet
I have moved to a different town and have requested numerous times for my schedule to be changed to meet my new requirements because my husband had to …

Quit job in Spring, Tx Not rated yet
I was working with a dental office as a office manager for 16 years, the commute became unbarable as well as costly. I interviewed 3 miles from home and …
Would this be “Good Cause” in North Dakota? Not rated yet
I was hired at the end of February as a licensed practical nurse for an organization that operates several group homes for the developmentally disabled. …
can i apply for unemployement benefi if i have to leave work for a pregnancy in the state of florida ? Not rated yet
if by any chance i have a bad pregnancy and my doctor tells me that i have to remain at my house in under to prevent a miscarriage therefore unable to …
In Michigan can I collect unemployment if I leave my job temporarily for further training for my job? Not rated yet
In order for me to finish my degree, I need to do an internship. I have to take that time off of work but I am doing it for my job. Hi anonymous, …
How much of this should I put in my appeal ?and can I win my appeal?CA Not rated yet
I did work Room service for a hotel in San Diego. I was fired for poor work performance. I worked for the hotel for one year and did the very best job …
My husbands job is treating him like a slave!!!! Not rated yet
I was wanting to see if my husband could get unemployment if he quits his job? My husband has been trying to move up and to make more money and they will …
New York – I walked out of my clerical job and was denied benefits. Not rated yet
I have appealed and want to know if I will be successful. I read an e-mail that was sent to my coworker from my supervisor.I don’t know if it matters …
I quit because of the blood that made me vomit – Iowa Not rated yet
i worked at my job almost two years and now they changed things and i see the hog dying in my face and i stop and vomit so much so i quit, can i get unemployment …
Can a North Carolina unemployment claim be re-established if I take a job and it doesn’t work out? Not rated yet
I am now receiving unemployment benefits in NC. I am thinking about applying for a position that is available in my area. I believe that I have a really …
do i need to get it in writing that I was fired? California Not rated yet
I have a horrible and long story, but the bottom line is my boss wanted me to resign and I said I wouldn’t due to missing out on unemployment. Then she …
If i take a job in commission only job can i still collect unemployment until I get a commission. . . State of Florida Not rated yet
I am currently collecting unemployment and am looking at changing into a Real Estate career path. The only problem is its commission only and the average …
can my daughter recieve unemployment if she quits /ohio Not rated yet
Her car is broke down and its going to cost her a lot to fix it, she has been borrowing someone else’s car for a month now and they have to have it back …
well i was late a couple of times because of family issues with court and jail and moving to a new apartment. so two weeks ago my boss said to me i am …
Can I receive unemployment if I no longer have childcare? Not rated yet
A few weeks ago my Father became ill and needs care 24/7. My Mother now has to be with him all the time. My Husband works for Homeland Security, works …
Can I qualifiy for unemployment if I have a part time job? OHIO Not rated yet
We are getting ready to be laid off from our company in Ohio. I also have to work a part time job of about 18 hours a week. Am I still eligible for …
I live in PA and have been forced to take a 30% pay cut. Can I quit and collect unemployment? Not rated yet
The company is cutting wages. some only 10%. those of us that are team leaders are getting cut the most. I only made $13.20 an hour and now am forced to …
If I had to close out a mandated county retirement account do I have to report this to Texas unemployment as income? Not rated yet
I was working until Jan 1, 2009 with a private firm when I was laid off. I have met unemployment requirements and have been receiving benefits. To date …
Oregon – I quit my job and was denied benifits because I was suspended for violation of company’s call in policy. Not rated yet
OK, here I go. Like so many other posts on this website, my boss the operations manager at the company I worked for was on a permanent power trip. I worked …
I was recently on unemployment in IL after Circuit City closed its doors. I accepted another job and after less than two weeks, I am contemplating my decision to accept this job. Not rated yet
I accepted a Store Manager Job with **Co. name deleted** in Harrisburg, IL. The store manager there is being let go by this employer after 7 years of …
I don’t know.why I was esocrted off the church property where I worked by a police officer, but can I collect unemployment if I worked for a church? Not rated yet
Don’t know why on 4/23/09 I worked at a church working as a childcare worker and on the date above at 1:54pm after i got home a message was left on answer …
Can I get unemployment in california if I get laid off or quit because they want to lower my pay rate? Not rated yet
I am in california and my job is going to lower my pay by $3 an hour soon. If I do not accept this and get laid off or quit I don’t know how it will work …
can i collect if i was fired for absenteeism? Pa. Not rated yet
I recently was fired from my job for calling off work twice in 15 days. On both occasions I used the proper call off procedures. Also both occasions were …
My employer says I resigned, but they went out of business and I was left without a job and they denied my unemployment. How can I win the appeal in the state of California? Not rated yet
I had a family emergency and had to go home to Hawaii to assist with this. I brought this to my General Manager’s attention. I was thinking of taking a …
can i draw unemployment if my plant shuts down for a week? Not rated yet
If a company shuts down for 1 week an there is no possible work is the company able to deny unemployment for that week? they are trying to make us use …
Can my unemployment stop because I have my real estate license active with a broker? Not rated yet
I have been claiming unemployment as I have not made any wages with my broker or anyone else. I have not had any clients actively looking to buy a home. …
I am collect unemployment, work part time and go to school full time? Not rated yet
I was laid off this month. I will be receiving $404 a week from UI. I was starting the process to go back to school before I was laid off. I would like …
i’m only getting 1800 dollars of euc in arizona, why? Not rated yet
only got 2300 oringally for unemployment,so does that mean i get less of a extention than giving on the standard euc that i read for arizona? Hi …
ohio unemployement – If I get laid off who pays for the unemployment benefits. Not rated yet
The company that i had work for was sold. I would like to know if i work for the new company and get laid off who would i get unemployment under? …
Lost Job in Michigan Not rated yet
Well I was working with a lawn fertilizing company and ended up quitting before they laid everyone off for the winter. I quit due to lack of structure …
i worked temporaly for a temp service and now the job is over do i have to refile in illinois Not rated yet
i worked for a temp agency for a week n half and the job is done there is no more work so when i file for unemployment and report my wages am i gonna have …
can you collect unemployment when you are on fmla in florida Not rated yet
I will be out for 6 weeks due to surgery and will be on FMLA. Can I collect unemployment during this time? Hi Tammie, No. You must be able and …
Florida and quitting Not rated yet
In Florida I took a job at a convenience store as Asst Mgr. After working there 3 days my Mother’s illnes (she is 86 years old) forced me to quit. I …
Indiana- Company issues all employees letters stating that due to “severe economic downturn” they are offering early retirement and buyout options Not rated yet
My company is a large auto manufacturing plant. It is also UAW, so all call back right are done on seniority once you are laid off. I worked there just …
If you are laid off in New York State and your spouse gets a job in Texas and you want to move with them, where do you apply for unemployment benefits, New York State or Texas? Not rated yet
In August 2008, I secured a full-time teaching position, Assistant Professor, at Syracuse University, Syracuse New York. In April, I was informed that …
Will refusing to quit school result in denial of benefits? maryland Not rated yet
I was asked the question if I found a job would I be willing to quit my schooling. My answer was no, I explained to the worker that I would first try …
I was laid off 2 months ago in washington state. Now my employer wants me to work 16 hrs a week. If I refuse can this effect my unemployment benefits? Not rated yet
my old employer who laid me off from full time employment, wants me to work for 16 a week for 3 weeks. do I have to do it.? And if not will it affect …
I wasn’t fired and didn’t quit so why am I denied benefits? Minnesota Not rated yet
6-9 months ago, I spoke with my Manager about possibly pursuing other careers outside the company and expanding my sales/project management to other industries. …
I live in Florida but I work in Louisiana. Which state should I file unemployment? Not rated yet
I make my living as a merchant marine. In the gulf of mexico, working for the oil fields. I draw a pay check from a Louisiana based company, but I live …
How do I collect my unemployment if i move to a different state? Not rated yet
My job is ending and i can collect unemployment. but if i move to a different state what do I do about getting my unemployment benefits I live in fl and …
Can you still own a bussiness and collect unemployment,Ohio Not rated yet
Can you still own a business and collect unemployment? Due to the economic down turn can I lay my self off and collect any benefits? Hi Bob, Nope. …
can i apply for unemployment If I was a business owner – Florida Not rated yet
collecting unemployment benefits and social security Not rated yet
I have friend that was laid off from his job, he is collecting unemployment benefits, but he also decided to retire and is collecting social security. …
NY Can a company declare a company wide one day a week layoff, insist the employees file for unemployment and insist that they continue to work five days a week full time? Not rated yet
Corporation declares a one day a week company wide lay off, no written notification. Company tells employees that they are to file for unemployment …
Can I quit my job? Not rated yet
My work place is so stressful that I developed vertigo in December, it was subside for awhile and management fired another co-worker whom is over 50 years …
Unemployment eligibility, california company, employee located in Oregon and workplace harassment is the issue. Not rated yet
I endured an incident of verbal abuse from my boss in front of my colleagues which went against the company handbook not to mention causing me great …
I live in New Jersey and I’m employed as a property manager. The property has a servere problem with bed bugs. Will I be denied unemployment benefits is I quit because of it? Not rated yet
I have been employed for over 27 years and for the last few years I have been having problems with my boss. I feel she regards me as an annoyance. The …
arkansas, if i have worked in arkansas can i move to Colorado to find work and get ui and if so, whose rules will apply to my claim? Not rated yet
I moved FROM Colorado to Arkansas in 2004, but I started working in AR in 2006 to current. If I file and get approved for ui in colorado, will Colorado …
why have i been denied texas unemployment? Not rated yet
i have cancer and i had to take a 6 months off of work,because of my treatment. Hi Marvin, My guess, without knowing the exact reasoning provided …
Hi I live in CA, My question is this? What sections do i use to appeal Section 1256? Not rated yet
Thank you for your help? My girlfriend was found ineligible, for benefits, the edd based the decision on Section 1256. The employer stated that …
I accidently clicked no I didn’t look for a job, will I still receive my weekly benefits.(Indiana) Not rated yet
As I was filing for my weekly benefits, I accidently clicked and submitted that I didn’t look for a job during the week I was applying for. Will I continue …
OHIO -Employer Appealing initial award (det. code 2.1731503-1) do I have to pay back if I lose? Not rated yet
My employment with Pacific Sunwear was terminated on 1/27/09 under policy violation. I worked for 2 years with the company as a store manager and had …
if i quit my job in New york because I’m picked on can i collect unemployment Not rated yet
well the problem is some days work is fine then other days im working and people bring stuff out put it right in my way so it is hard to get myu job done …
Can a salaried employee in the state of MI collect patial unemployement? Not rated yet
I work 40 hours in a work week and I am on Salary. I am paid every other week. I am now only working one week every two weeks. Can I collect unemployment …
Can you quit your job in nc if you are a commission sales person and there is little buisness? Not rated yet
Business is so bad that my pay is half of what it used to be. The owner will not let us go , so we are forced to hang in and make hardly anything or quit. …
California – work sharing program – what if I’m permanently laid off, what will happen to my unemployment benefits. Not rated yet
My hours and pay have been reduced by half due to a general slowdown in our business. My employer has qualified as a Work Sharing Employer. I want to …
Kentucky. Company close with layoff and 3 month consult Not rated yet
The company that I have worked for full time for the last 9 years is being desolved. A new startup company has agreed to pay me as a consultant for the …
I work in Wisconsin, but live in Illinois. Can I quit and collect unemployment because of commute and only working part time now? Not rated yet
I am a gutter installer. We had a shop in Beloit Wisconsin which is 10 minutes from my house- the company closed that shop and i was asked to communte …
I am a part-time employee in miami fl. I want to know whether i am eligible if i quit or am fired even though i only work 24 hours a week, making about $330. Not rated yet
i have been working for this company for three years. also, my supervisor is mentally abusive and my coworkers and i suspect that she is also using drugs(cocaine) …
can i collect unemployment benefits while still employed. chicago illinois Not rated yet
my employer has cut my hours and days of work if i only work 1 week a month am i eligible Hi Anonymous, Yes. Apply for and collect partial …
can I quit my job after my can I collect unemployement in new jersey if I quit my job Not rated yet
A month ago I was offered another job elsewhere for 4 dollars more an hour my boss told me they would match it so I decided to stay. Two weeks ago I received …
Poor performance..and let go from my job. Employer said they did not protest my unemployment claim. This is great … right? Not rated yet
I was dismissed from a job after 10 months for poor performance. Never written up or warned just dismissed. I filed unemployment benefits. I called and …
Work in DE; Live in PA – Able to quit and collect unemployment due to workplace harassment and employer retaliation. Not rated yet
The workplace is becoming intolerable. I am treated with disrespect and dishonesty by management. My manager has gone as far as to make dishonest …
I was hired as a full time overnight person, company does not have work available for me and wants to make me part time till something becomes available, I live in Florida. Not rated yet
I work as a security officer in the state of Florida. My company just lost the contract at the location I was working at. The company informed me that …
Can I get unemployment if I quit my jobg to go back to school? – new york city Not rated yet
if i quit my job cause i want to go back to school can i get unemployment. Hi Marisol, The US Department of Labor publishes a chartbook which addresses …
Always problems with payroll and commissions due. Florida – Labor Law Not rated yet
I have been employed for 17 months with a company that always makes you wait for your commission money. During this period they write you a check …
can I quit and still get unemployment (alabama) Not rated yet
Can I quit and Still Get Unemployment If my boss waits to call me two hours or an hour before she wants me to be at work. Instead of telling me the day …
How long do you have to work in order to collect unemployment? Montreal, Quebec Not rated yet
I started working Feb 9/09 and was laid off March 24/09 due to not enough work. Hi Gina, Wow!! I do get some visitors from Canada, but they usually …
I’m a contract worker being overworked and have also had my pay cut by 6 percent. Do I have good cause to quit in Michigan? Not rated yet
Hi, I took a position through a contract firm originally to help clean up and assist in a department. Since then, I have taken over two different …